Placeholder requirements, reroll command, MMOItems support, more conf and an absurd number of fixes!
Hello everyone, welcome to the 2.2.4!
8 months and over 4200 downloads after the last update, I'm back!
This is a colossal update. Please read the entire contents carefully.
To update the plugin, we really recommend that you completely reset your config.yml to get clean files. But if you don't want to do that, the plugin have an auto-update feature. It is at your own risk.
The Wiki is normally up to date.
If anything is unclear, please feel free to let us know.
If you have any problem, don't hesitate to report it on our Discord or in the discussions section.
If you want to support my work, you can make a
donation or simply leave a review on the plugin page!
- Added support for placeholders in messages in the messages.yml file.
- Added support for all plugin placeholders in quest descriptions (%drawIn%, %achieved%...). The use_placeholders: true option is required.
- Added use_custom_furnace_results option, to be enabled if the furnace can give items with a particular custom model data.
- Added support for all custom recipes (and custom items as results) in CRAFT quests.
- Added the ability to specify several entity names for CUSTOM_MOBS quests.
- Added an error for incorrect potion type in quest configuration.
- Added support for items from MMOItems for quests and the interface, in the same form as previous integrations (e.g. required_item: "mmoitems:<category>:<id>").
- Added the disable_logs option in the configuration file.
- Added the %status% placeholder, that you can use in the quest description. It will return the achieved message if the quest is completed, or the progress message if not.
- Added the disable_status option in player_interface, to disable the automatically displayed messages below the quest.
- Added the use_oraxen option, which works in the same way as use_itemsadder.
- Added the ability to specify a prefix/suffix in deactivated worlds in the configuration file. For example, if you enter ?_survival all worlds ending in _survival will be deactivated.
- Added support for COINS_ENGINE in category rewards and the global reward.
- Added time comparators for PLACEHOLDER quests.
See: types/placeholder-quest#compare-durations
- Added support for AutoUltimateRestart, which was causing quests not to be saved when the server was shut down.
- Added placeholder %odailyquests_name_<index>%, which returns the name of the player's active quest.
- Added the QuestProgressEvent to the API. This event is called each time a quest progresses.
- Added the reroll command, which replaces a player's quest with another.
- For admins: /dqa reroll <player> <index>, requires the odailyquests.admin permission.
- For players: /dq reroll <index>, requires the odailyquests.reroll permission.
The corresponding messages will be added automatically.
- Added the /dqa add total <player> <amount> command.
The corresponding messages will be added automatically.
- Fixed FARMING quests not progressing due to antiglitch.
- Fixed errors when the player disconnects immediately after logging in, while their quests are still loading.
- Fixed BREAK quests not working with blocks from ItemsAdder.
- Fixed an NPE on the items required for a quest.
- Fixed disable_spawners_progression option not working if WildStacker was used.
- Fixed an error when placing blocks while the antiglitch is enabled.
- Fixed a data backup problem when the server is shut down.
- Fixed an error related to the last snapshot that caused the plugin to crash on each reload.
- Correction of amounts and oven types not taken into account for the use_custom_furnace_results option.
- Crops are now taken into account in BREAK quests when antiglitch is activated.
- Changed the antiglitch so that it blocks progress for all players if another player performs the action. For example, if a player places/drops a block, another player will not see his quest progress if they break/pickup it.
- Fixed an error when a player clones a book on a crafting table.
- Preventing the completion of a GET quest if the player has items required in his left hand, and adding the associated line to the message file.
- Fixed the negative time remaining issue for timestamp 2 mode. When the time runs out, the quests will be renewed:
- when the player joins the server
- when the player progresses a quest he had before (this one won't progress and will be replaced)
- when the player opens his interface
- if they have an activated placeholder that turns negative
- Fixed PLAYER_DEATH quests that could not execute commands on completion.
- Added a 1ms delay before giving a quest reward, to correct "Player not found" errors.
- Fixed VILLAGER_TRADE quests that did not work when no required item was specified.
- Added support for TORCHFLOWER, PITCHER_PLANT and GLOW_BERRIES for quest type FARMING.
- Added smithing table support for CRAFT quests.
- Fixed duplication glitch on CRAFT quests.
- Fixed HEX colours not being displayed on ACTIONBAR messages.