If you use an older server version there is no need to update. This is for 1.21.4 only.
Updated to 1.21.4.
Added Animal Tempt Mechanic that causes temptable animals (such as cows, sheep, pigs etc) to walk to the dispenser, if it's triggered with one of their food items.
- Fix inconsistent attack knockback calculation
- Fix attack speed calculation only resetting when the dispenser attacks something.
- Fix missing metrics for entity interact mechanic
- Fix possible class cast exception
This version adds a new Entity Interact Mechanic to the plugin. Subsequently, it deprecates Animal Breed Mechanic as Entity Interact Mechanic replaces it.
- Fix startup issue failing to replace the fake players item cooldown map.
- Fix inaccuracy with attribute modifier calculations.
This version requires a config regeneration.
Also improves equipment dispense handling for 1.21.3
- Fix ItemUseMechanic drinking bottles/eating food.
- Fix ItemUseMechanic placing blocks in some conditions
For 1.20, 1.19 and 1.18 use the previous version.
- Fix possible recipe matching bug in auto-craft mechanic.
- Fix tick freeze not working with block break mechanic
- Refactored fakeplayer package out of util, as it doesn't really belong there at this point.
- Added eggs to disabled item behaviors as due to how PlayerEggThrowEvent works it makes it possible to remove the entity. Meaning un-canceling the event may not be reliable.
- Made TaskTicker non-static.
- Fixed seeds not being able to breed chickens
- Fixed some config settings not reloading properly
- Fix warning when looking up texture for dispenser-block player.
- Improve shutdown error handling
Fix bug where the plugin would try to add an already removed instance of a fake player to the world
Fix armor not being dispensed onto players/entities.
Add torchflower seeds to AnimalBreedMechanic for Sniffers and torchflowers for bees.
Give fake player invisibility to hide it from plugins like dynmap.
Fix armor items not being equipped by players/mobs when dispensed onto them.
Update to 1.20.4 & improvements to packet handling.
Fixed block break mechanic not working on interactable blocks
This update is for 1.20.2, it will not work on 1.20.1.
This update changes configuration format so it will regenerate the config.
- Fixed fake player counting towards sleeping players
- Fixed ItemUseMechanic using spawn-eggs on far away air blocks
Fixed NoSuchMethodError in 1.20 after spigot update (build must be used with spigot 3822+ or paper-63+)
Fixed mining speed disparity with low hardness blocks
Fixed ItemUseMechanic dropping items when it shouldn't
Optimized AutoCraftMachanic
Fixed mining speed disparity for low hardness blocks
- Fix eggs thrown by dispensers being blocked by land claim plugins
- Don't allow things to change the game mode of the Dispenser-Block fake player.
- Updated to 1.20
- Created 1.19.2 legacy version
No functionality changes.
Minor update with some bugfixes.
- Fix autocraft mechanic not updating neighboring comparators properly for double chests.
- Fix potential NPE
- Pre-merge result items before spawning to reduce cpu overhead
- Update deprecated paper events
Fixed fake player counting towards non-sleeping players
This update contain a new mechanic, Auto Craft Mechanic (see README.md) various fixes and improvements and is now updated to 1.19.4 (with 1.18.2 port, see attached artifacts)
- Updated to 1.19.4 (with 1.18.2 legacy port, see attached artifacts)
- Added Auto Craft Mechanic
- Fixed interact range being longer than it should be
- Improved drop item behavior for mechanics to mirror that of droppers/dispensers
- Items expelled by Item Use Mechanic will now drop through solid blocks in front of the dispenser
- Various performance improvements
- Item Use Mechanic won't shear beehives by default (delegating to vanilla due to different item spawn locations breaking some farms)
- Fixed snow layers not dropping items when broken by Tool Break Block Mechanic
- Fixed water bottles not turning dirt into mud at close range
- Fixed disparity with sweeping edge ramp up
An updated video will be coming soon demonstrating all of the new mechanics.
This is a minor default config update.
The previous version had a configuration that prevented water buckets from being dispensed unless they had something to dispense into.
For existing users simply set item use
mechanic.prevent vanilla behavior for to an empty list.
Either that or you could download this version and regenerate your config.
Hi all, another update for you.
- Added "disabled entities" option to weapon attack mechanic
- Added "respect item attack speed" option for weapon attack mechanic
- Added "sneak when using on" option for item use mechanic
- Added "prevent vanilla behavior for" for item use mechanic
- Added "fake player events" option to general, allowing plugins to handle events generated by the fake player
- Added ability to use tags (ie #minecraft:mineable/pickaxe) for all config fields
- Fixed possible issue if plugin is unloaded, block state changes and plugin is loaded again for tool break block mechanic
- Improved efficiency of API
- Altered default config values
Due to the configuration changes, it is STRONGLY recommended that you regenerate your configuration.
Sorry about this, but I posted the wrong download link in releases. Please re-download it.
This update reverts the change made to water buckets as it breaks some vanilla contraptions and has other related issues and inconsistencies (sorry)
In the last update a bug was introduces where ItemUseMechanic would not place buckets in front of the dispenser even when there are no blocks to place it against/interact with.
It also carries various improvements to dispense events/api and optimizations.
This update contains mainly bugfixes and performance improvements with one advanced config addition.
- Add a no-op on failure option (default false) for break block mechanic fixing item use mechanic consuming the action and causing the tool break block mechanic to break.
- item use mechanic will no longer drop buckets that are full/empty if the target block cannot be filled/emptied
- Fix fire aspect being applied even if the damage event was cancelled for weapon attack mechanic
- Internal redesign of the fake player used for interacting such as by moving it to the world spawnpoint instead of 0,32000,0 (preventing sync chunk loads*)
- Better internal error/exception handling
Have fun.
Updated to 1.19.3
No other changes.
Merry Christmas.
Sorry for the double update.
Main fixes:
- weapon attack mechanic - prioritize the closest entity first rather than random
- weapon attack mechanic - use correct knockback offsets
- weapon attack mechanic - do not sweep non-living entities
- weapon attack mechanic - better event handling
- weapon attack mechanic - do not attack non-attackable entities (such as items)
- weapon attack mechanic - add list of disabled weapons
- block break mechanic - add list of disabled tools
- block break mechanic - add list of disabled blocks
- interact mechanic - add interact range modifier
- mark fake player as a non-real player (paper)
- prevent fake player from getting bad omen (among other effects)
- use getSlot rather than ordinal for EventPriority
This hotfix fixes a bug where event priority wouldn't be enforced for superclasses of the listener.
Meaning that some plugins might be able to cancel interact events of the fake player.
Fixes an Item Use Mechanic dupe bug for some specific items
Fixed incompatibility with Bukkit/Spigot.
Improved reload handling.
This update adds an Item Use Mechanic that will use an item as if you clicked it!
This update fixes blocks (such as ores) not dropping exp when mined and improves placement orientation of blocks (allowing double slab placement)
- Fix block breakers not dropping exp from blocks (such as ores)
- Improve orientation of blocks when placed, allowing for double slab placement etc. Blocks will be placed in the direction of the dispenser
- Fix small delay before a block breaker activates. It will now activate the moment it is powered rather than one tick later.
This update fixes an error where placing a slab onto another slab of the same type causes a StackOveflow
Update to 1.19.1, Animal Breed Mechanic and Block-breaker tool auto-feed
Hello everyone.
- Add animal breed mechanic that breeds animals in front of the dispenser.
- Add block-breaker tool auto-feed where if a tool breaks the next tool is used rather than requiring the dispenser to be re-activated.
- BlockBreakMechanic will now switch to the next valid tool when one breaks or is dropped.
- Optimizations and improvements
This update rewrites much of Weapon Attack Mechanics' damage handling as well as improves it's sound by playing Attack sounds when the dispenser attacks entities.
It also includes some performance improvements, optimizations and minor bugfixes.
Fix non-sword weapons attacking every entity in front of the dispenser
This update supports 1.19 spigot & paper as well as some config additions.
- Added support for disabling placement of specific blocks
- Fixed bug where WeaponAttackMechanic would get advancements for killing things :^)
- Issue on spigot where ToolBreakBlockMechanic would fail to restart after chunks were reloaded.
Have fun!
1.1.0 update
+ Added config.yml
+ Reload command /mdmreload
+ Sweeping edge setting for Weapon Mechanic
+ Speed multiplier setting for Break Mechanic
+ Ability to enable and disable mechanics
+ Tool durability handling options
! Fixed phantom block break progress
! Fixed block breaker clicking after a block update when its last tool broke
- Cleaned up code
Hello all, this update fixes a few minor bugs and incompatibilities.
- Fixed WeaponAttackMechanic not displaying warning particles when it fails to hit something.
- Fixed other plugins' handling the damage from WeaponAttackMechanic and cancelling it.
Fix BeeNests not dropping with Bees in them when SilkTouched