Each MythicMob can be automatically added to the mobs.yml when it is first hit by the capsule. Settings for the MythicMob can then be changed. All 'egg' values here are ignored.
When using permissions, each MythicMob needs to be individually added to the player's permission group with mobstoeggs.catch.mythicmobname. i.e. mobstoeggs.catch.skeletalknight.
When a mythic mob is caught, the spawn egg will be added directly to the player's inventory.
Fixed the positioning of the throw particles so they no longer appear inside the ground.
Fixed the positioning of the throw sound to be more inline with the player's head.
Added support for changing the throw and catch particle speed.
Added the option to define the throw particle x,y,z offset (default is 0.5 each).
Fixed the default catch particles appearing to explode outward too much (default particle speed is now set at 0.2).
Fixed support for Enderman catching when throwing the capsule at them.
Updated the plugin update checker.
Fixed the issue with the throw method not automatically updating the capsule projectile-type unless the server is restarted (this will now update when the config.yml is updated).
Fixed the issue with off-hand punched capsules removing 2 capsules from the player instead of 1.
Disabled baby chickens spawning from eggs only when the capsule (as an Egg) is thrown, has a name or lore, and enable-chicken-egg-hatching: false. Normal chicken eggs will now spawn baby chickens.
Removed the old v1.5.5_5 and below config backup system. If you are still on one of these old plugin versions for some reason, please load v1.7.7 before using v1.7.8+ to backup old config files.
Kotlin internal library updated to v1.9.22 (This will auto download on your first server start with this plugin version).
Changed all entity data-tags to be booleans (true/false) instead of a list (it's recommended to reset your mobs.yml file).
Fixed capsule-item crafting recipe not working on server start.
Fixed issues with villagers duplicating when they had no profession.
Wandering trader offers are saved.
Removed the auto-adding dispenser catch method that was unused.
Fixed the typo in the salmon catch/spawner use permission check.
Fixed WorldGuard region checking (now works as intended).
Fixed Player entity being added to the mobs.yml.
Added a whole bunch of new data-tags for mobs.
Chest inventory carrying mobs like mules, donkeys, llamas now have their inventory saved.
Added the option 'remove-all-spawn-egg-data' to remove the hidden persistent data added to spawn eggs (this will make all spawn eggs vanilla spawn eggs, but some features of MTE will no longer work).
Removed pre-set spawn egg displaynames that were left on some mob eggs.
Fixed spawner changing always checking for permissions, even with "use-permissions: false".
Fixed issue that allowed entities to be caught inside WorldGuard regions (other claiming regions too) where the mob should not be hurt.
Added "send-catch-fail-generic-message" option to the config.yml for those who don't want the "catch-fail-generic" message to be sent everytime the catch fails due to failed catch-chance.
Fixed the capsule item not working when lore was added.
Fixed spawners not changing when using a mte spawn egg on them (still fixing mob spawning from egg when using containers/spawners).
Fixed mobs with items in their main hand from not saving the item (i.e. Skeletons with bows now saves the bow. You need to add the data tag "iteminmainhand" to the mobs.yml file or reset the mobs.yml file).
Fixed chicken egg hatching overriding other plugins which previously cancel it.
Please note that v1.6.7 will not work for versions lower than 1.19 and will not be updated to support lower versions at this stage.
Fixed the issue with spawn egg data not applying to mobs when spawned.
Fixed custom spawn eggs not spawning mobs.
Spawner changing has subsequently broken and will be fixed later.
Opening container blocks while holding a MobsToEggs spawn egg will once again spawn the mob instead of opening the container. This will also be fixed later.
MobsToEggs v1.6 has been re-created from scratch to improve on all the previous issues older plugin versions contained.
If you are upgrading from v1.5.5_5 or lower, you will need to configure the plugin again! If you participated in the 1.5.6_DEV versions, please regenerate your config files.
It is important to note that v1.6 is completly different to any previous version and runs using new config and language files. All previous config files will be moved to a new folder for you to reference.
The plugin still functions the same as before with throwing projectiles to catch a mob.
Players will now need to be given the permissions for catching mobs.
Improved config files and removed confusing values.
Plugin now runs using Kotlin (The Kotlin library will be downloaded when the plugin first runs).
The whole plugin has been re-created from scratch with better support for future features.
CustomModelData supported for spawn eggs and capsule.
WorldGuard regions and per world catching restrictions.
Mobs data (i.e. sheep color) can be saved to the spawn egg.
Punch catch method added (hit mobs to catch).
More particle and sound effect options.
Custom mob spawn eggs (can use any item).
Support for boss mobs, golems, giants.
ISSUES TO NOTE: (for future updates)
Spawners can't be changed by mob spawn eggs with data stored on them.
Mobs with inventories/trade systems will not have their inventories saved (villager trades are not currently saved).
Tamed mob catching is available to allow, but there are issues with keeping the mob owner when spawned again with the egg.
The global spawner permission has changed to
mobstoeggs.spawner.* instead of
mobstoeggs.spawners. Please update this permission in your permission plugin.
Fixed custom named mobs from charging a cost even when disabled in the config.
You can now customize the message when a player is given a mob capsule.
Some new console error messages.
Code cleanup.
Code (YAML):
# config.yml cost-type: ITEM
# To set the item cost use "global-cost: ITEM_NAME-#" where ITEM_NAME is the item name and the # is the amount of that item. global-cost: DIAMOND-20
# If you have "use-global-values: false" you need to set the "price:" value to ITEM_NAME-# in your mobs.yml file # mobs.yml THEMOBNME:
enabled: true
price: DIAMOND-20
catch-chance: 30
change-spawner: true
Added support to stop mobs being caught inside regions protecting mobs from damage.
Added customization to the catching effect.
Added the ability to disable catching of mobs with custom names.
Removed old config updater.
Added language support for French and Spanish.
messages.yml has changed to the respective language file defined in the config.yml (default is English) please rename messages.yml to en.yml before updating, or copy all values into the en.yml file.
Thanks to Zegameus and Elriclespiques for translating the language files, if you want to help translate please head to the Sugarfyi Discord
You can now stop players from changing spawners with eggs using the config value allow-spawner-changing.
Messages have been moved from the config.yml to their own language file.
Removed version checker as it is no longer needed.
Catching mobs no longer cycles through a list of possible mob names to find a spawn egg, instead it finds the egg based on the mob being hit (massive performance boost for your server).
(The config.yml file has changed! Please either delete it and let the plugin generate a new one, or delete all message values)
Alternatively you may let the plugin generate the lang-en.yml file and copy any changed message values over, then remove from config.yml
Want to translate the plugin? Save a copy of the lang-en.yml file and translate the values, then send the translated file to our discord and I'll add it to the plugin!
No longer tries to find a spawn egg for an item frame when hit by an egg.
Fixed permissions when setting use-permission to true, mobstoeggs.catch.* now allows all mobs to be caught.
A reminder to report any bugs you find to the Discord Server (http://discord.sugar.fyi) or if you just want to have a chat about Mobs To Eggs you are more than welcome to join. We take suggestions here too and are currently looking for Server helpers to help players with questions!
Removed all unnecessary code and shrunk it down to an easier to manage size (The plugin still behaves the same as before, just no clunky code).
You can now catch an Enderman by holding an egg and punching it (This works as an alternative since Endermen teleport away when an egg is thrown at them).
Replaced the &c with &7 for the Enderman under MobList (Either change manually or let the plugin generate a new config).