No changes so far. But in my testing, it didn't work the very first time, though I was unable to reproduce that bug later - please give me some feedback, if this happens to you as well. I might also enforce setting the doImmediateRespawn gamerule to true - but I decided not to do that for now, as this would result in a different respawning behavior: this plugin waits for 4 gameticks before triggering respawn, while doImmediateRespawn is... well... immediate.
One minor change: a tiny delay of 4 gameticks (0.2 seconds @ 20 TPS) has been added between death and automatic respawn, to be sure that all deaths are being counted when using command blocks / scoreboard objectives.
Other than that, this version has mainly just been re-compiled with 1.13.2 to ensure full compatibility.