Added: Feature for op players to edit/remove all SandBots (lunarsandbots.bypass) Added: Feature that makes SandBots vulnerable to explosions (enable disable in config) Added: Feature that make enemies able to steal sandbots with or without fee's applied (disable/enable in config)
You can look the changes on the last 10 lines no need to delete the config you can add the last lines or delete the config and let the plugin regenerates the config for you make sure to keep a buckup of your config before you delete it in order to copy paste the settings
# SandBot Remove item #
bot-remove-button-name: "&c&lRemove"
- "&7Click to remove the bot."
bot-remove-button-texture: "3ed1aba73f639f4bc42bd48196c715197be2712c3b962c97ebf9e9ed8efa025"
# Remove Profile Items #
bot-confirm-button-name: "&2&lConfirm"
- "&7Click here to remove the bot."
bot-confirm-button-texture: "a92e31ffb59c90ab08fc9dc1fe26802035a3a47c42fee63423bcdb4262ecb9b6"
bot-cancel-button-name: "&c&lCancel"
- "&7Click here to cancel the process."
bot-cancel-button-texture: "beb588b21a6f98ad1ff4e085c552dcb050efc9cab427f46048f18fc803475f7"
# SandBot Messages #
insufficient-balance-bot: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7SandBot has no balance to return."
insufficient-balance-player: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You dont have balance."
remove-canceled: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7Remove canceled successfully."
remove-succeed: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7SandBot removed successfully."
cash-back: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You have received &6%amount%$&7."
no-faction: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You are not in any faction."
no-claim: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You can place Sandbots only in your factions claimed teritories."
faction-bot-full: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You cant place more than 2 bots in your faction. Type &5/f sandbots &7to locate your faction bots."
no-perm: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Insufficient permission!"
not-bot-owner: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Only bot owner %botowner% and faction admins can remove the bot!."
bot-close-to-each-other: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Cant place sandbots close to each other you need to go %distance% more blocks away"
not-your-faction-bots: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You cant edit other factions sandbots"
f-disband: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You got %amount% sandbots due to faction disband!"
f-unclaim: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You got %amount% sandbots due to faction unclaim land!"
# SandBot Use Item #
bot-spawn-item-name: "&5&lLunar Sandbot"
bot-spawn-item-material: monster_egg
- "&8&m#---------------------------------------#"
- "&2&lDescription"
- "&7Place this bot down to spawn a sandbot."
- ""
- "&2&lInformation"
- "&7After placing down the bot, you are able to"
- "&7place Lapis blocks on a radius of 10x5x10 and"
- "&7the bot will start placing sand under them."
- "&7You can also use &5/f sandbots &7to check how"
- "&7many bots your faction has enabled since"
- "&7the limit is 2 at a time."
- "&8&m#---------------------------------------#"
- ""
- "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7Right-Click to place."
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-item: ARROW
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-name: "&2&lNext Page &e(%page%/%maxPage%)"
- "&7Click here to move on the next page!"
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-slot: 24
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-item: ARROW
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-name: "&2&lPrevious Page &e(%page%/%maxPage%)"
- "&7Click here to move on the previous page!"
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-slot: 20
# Command Settings #
command-usage: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7Usage: &5/sandbot give &d<player> <amount>"
command-amount-error: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Please use numerical values."
command-player-error: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Cant find player."
command-reload: "&8&l[&5&l!&8&l] &7Plugin config and data reloaded successfully!"
command-succeed: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You successfully gave &5%player% &ex%amount% &7sandbot item."
Optimzie Faction hooks
Fixed: sandbotData regeneration problem after /sandbot reload
Added: Support for all items as sandbot material (e.g: creeper_spawn_egg)
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-item: ARROW
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-name: "&2&lNext Page &e(%page%/%maxPage%)"
- "&7Click here to move on the next page!"
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-slot: 24
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-item: ARROW
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-name: "&2&lPrevious Page &e(%page%/%maxPage%)"
- "&7Click here to move on the previous page!"
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-slot: 20
# SandBot Remove item #
bot-remove-button-name: "&c&lRemove"
- "&7Click to remove the bot."
bot-remove-button-texture: "3ed1aba73f639f4bc42bd48196c715197be2712c3b962c97ebf9e9ed8efa025"
# Remove Profile Items #
bot-confirm-button-name: "&2&lConfirm"
- "&7Click here to remove the bot."
bot-confirm-button-texture: "a92e31ffb59c90ab08fc9dc1fe26802035a3a47c42fee63423bcdb4262ecb9b6"
bot-cancel-button-name: "&c&lCancel"
- "&7Click here to cancel the process."
bot-cancel-button-texture: "beb588b21a6f98ad1ff4e085c552dcb050efc9cab427f46048f18fc803475f7"
# SandBot Messages #
insufficient-balance-bot: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7SandBot has no balance to return."
insufficient-balance-player: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You dont have balance."
remove-canceled: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7Remove canceled successfully."
remove-succeed: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7SandBot removed successfully."
cash-back: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You have received &6%amount%$&7."
no-faction: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You are not in any faction."
no-claim: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You can place Sandbots only in your factions claimed teritories."
faction-bot-full: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You cant place more than 2 bots in your faction. Type &5/f sandbots &7to locate your faction bots."
no-perm: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Insufficient permission!"
not-bot-owner: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Only bot owner %botowner% and faction admins can remove the bot!."
bot-close-to-each-other: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Cant place sandbots close to each other you need to go %distance% more blocks away"
not-your-faction-bots: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You cant edit other factions sandbots"
f-disband: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You got %amount% sandbots due to faction disband!"
f-unclaim: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You got %amount% sandbots due to faction unclaim land!"
# SandBot Use Item #
bot-spawn-item-name: "&5&lLunar Sandbot"
bot-spawn-item-material: monster_egg
- "&8&m#---------------------------------------#"
- "&2&lDescription"
- "&7Place this bot down to spawn a sandbot."
- ""
- "&2&lInformation"
- "&7After placing down the bot, you are able to"
- "&7place Lapis blocks on a radius of 10x5x10 and"
- "&7the bot will start placing sand under them."
- "&7You can also use &5/f sandbots &7to check how"
- "&7many bots your faction has enabled since"
- "&7the limit is 2 at a time."
- "&8&m#---------------------------------------#"
- ""
- "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7Right-Click to place."
# SandBot Fill Settings #
bot-custom-name: "&8&l[&b&l!&8&l] &a%faction% &7SandBot"
bot-fill-radius: 10
target-block: lapis_block
fall-speed: 1
sand-spawn-speed: 5 #In ticks 20ticks = 1 Second
sand-cost: 10
money-to-add: 1000
#You can set this number whatever you want but only 7 sandbots will be displayed in /f sandbots for now! will be updated in next version
faction-bot-limit: 2
# Sandbot Animations #
bot-animate-hand: true
bot-animate-armor: true
#SandBots Armor Colors. Bot will spawn with disabled colors!
bot-enabled-red: 25
bot-enabled-green: 120
bot-enabled-blue: 50
#Disabled Colors
bot-disabled-red: 186
bot-disabled-green: 0
bot-disabled-blue: 0