Added: Support for SupremeFactions
Added: AutoSave Method for sandbot's data
Added: Unlimited Faction sandbots support
Improved SandSpawn speeds
You can now have unlimited sandbots per faction!
Config changed you must delete your old config or change the following lines
Code (Text):
# SandBot sandbots Gui Settings #
sandbots-gui-title: "&5&lAvailable Sandbots"
sandbots-gui-glass-fill: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-item: ARROW
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-name: "&2&lNext Page &e(%page%/%maxPage%)"
- "&7Click here to move on the next page!"
sandbots-faction-gui-next-page-slot: 24
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-item: ARROW
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-name: "&2&lPrevious Page &e(%page%/%maxPage%)"
- "&7Click here to move on the previous page!"
sandbots-faction-gui-previous-page-slot: 20