# SandBot Remove item #
bot-remove-button-name: "&c&lRemove"
- "&7Click to remove the bot."
bot-remove-button-texture: "3ed1aba73f639f4bc42bd48196c715197be2712c3b962c97ebf9e9ed8efa025"
# Remove Profile Items #
bot-confirm-button-name: "&2&lConfirm"
- "&7Click here to remove the bot."
bot-confirm-button-texture: "a92e31ffb59c90ab08fc9dc1fe26802035a3a47c42fee63423bcdb4262ecb9b6"
bot-cancel-button-name: "&c&lCancel"
- "&7Click here to cancel the process."
bot-cancel-button-texture: "beb588b21a6f98ad1ff4e085c552dcb050efc9cab427f46048f18fc803475f7"
# SandBot Messages #
insufficient-balance-bot: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7SandBot has no balance to return."
insufficient-balance-player: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You dont have balance."
remove-canceled: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7Remove canceled successfully."
remove-succeed: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7SandBot removed successfully."
cash-back: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You have received &6%amount%$&7."
no-faction: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You are not in any faction."
no-claim: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You can place Sandbots only in your factions claimed teritories."
faction-bot-full: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You cant place more than 2 bots in your faction. Type &5/f sandbots &7to locate your faction bots."
no-perm: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Insufficient permission!"
not-bot-owner: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Only bot owner %botowner% and faction admins can remove the bot!."
bot-close-to-each-other: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7Cant place sandbots close to each other you need to go %distance% more blocks away"
not-your-faction-bots: "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &7You cant edit other factions sandbots"
f-disband: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You got %amount% sandbots due to faction disband!"
f-unclaim: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7You got %amount% sandbots due to faction unclaim land!"
# SandBot Use Item #
bot-spawn-item-name: "&5&lLunar Sandbot"
bot-spawn-item-material: monster_egg
- "&8&m#---------------------------------------#"
- "&2&lDescription"
- "&7Place this bot down to spawn a sandbot."
- ""
- "&2&lInformation"
- "&7After placing down the bot, you are able to"
- "&7place Lapis blocks on a radius of 10x5x10 and"
- "&7the bot will start placing sand under them."
- "&7You can also use &5/f sandbots &7to check how"
- "&7many bots your faction has enabled since"
- "&7the limit is 2 at a time."
- "&8&m#---------------------------------------#"
- ""
- "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &7Right-Click to place."
# SandBot Fill Settings #
bot-custom-name: "&8&l[&b&l!&8&l] &a%faction% &7SandBot"
bot-fill-radius: 10
target-block: lapis_block
fall-speed: 1
sand-spawn-speed: 5 #In ticks 20ticks = 1 Second
sand-cost: 10
money-to-add: 1000
#You can set this number whatever you want but only 7 sandbots will be displayed in /f sandbots for now! will be updated in next version
faction-bot-limit: 2
# Sandbot Animations #
bot-animate-hand: true
bot-animate-armor: true
#SandBots Armor Colors. Bot will spawn with disabled colors!
bot-enabled-red: 25
bot-enabled-green: 120
bot-enabled-blue: 50
#Disabled Colors
bot-disabled-red: 186
bot-disabled-green: 0
bot-disabled-blue: 0