If the players inventory is full and "lootcrate-claim-enabled" is true, the key will go to the claim menu. If it is not full, it will go to the players inventory. (Thanks to WhiteColors_)
Rather than the player directly receiving the key from /lootcrate give, the key will now go into a custom inventory for the player to claim when ready.
This mostly helps with full inventory issues.
New Command
/lootcrate claim
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug where rewards in GUI display did not show proper information
Fixed bug where players werent receiving keys due to full inventories
More bug fixes
What's Next?
The next plan is to add importing crates from other plugins to make switching plugins easier
Also to add sorting options to the crates
Caution: There WILL be bugs. Please ask for support via Discord or on GitHub. There are also new configuration options so please use the newest version of the config on the home page.
Due to HolographicDisplays being super buggy and very unreliable, this plugin was dropped in order to make the transition to a more reliable alternative
Used to be able to look at the contents of a crate without actually having to click on it.
Add Command Hints
Added a little hint in the isDisplay portion of the /lootcrate add command to show players that "isDisplay" should only be set to true if you want it to be a command only reward.
Can now modify almost anything gui related via config (except /lootcrate gui)
Can now modify animation duration
Can now modify animation items
Please remember to either delete the old config file or add additional options to be able to configure
Also be wary of bugs, im sure theres plenty! Please either PM me about them or report it on GitHub!
Code (YAML):
#+-------------------------------------+ #| | #| LootCrate | #| A_Brave_Panda | #| | #+-------------------------------------+ # # #+------------------------------+ #| | #| Options | #| | #+------------------------------+ # # Description # option: "value" # value type - example/definition options: #Should the commands on each item be dispatched the amount of times the item is recieved, or once? dispatch-command-item-time: false
# boolean - true/false
#Should people with op or required permission recieve login notifications about a new update for the plugin admin-update-notification: true
# boolean - true/false
# Message Key # < > = Mandatory, must use at least one option # [ ] = Mandatory, must enter some custom input # ( ) = Optional, may or may not enter some input # { } = Placeholder
# Description # message: "value" # {placeholder} - definition messages: #Prefix of every message prefix: "&e&lLOOTCRATE &r"
#Chance, as displayed when you view a crate chance: "&6&lChance: &e{item_chance}%" # {item_chance} - Chance of winning of the item being displayed
#When the command sender doesn't have the required permission command-no-permission: "&cYou have no permission to do this."
#When a player tries to interact with a lootcrate they dont have the permission to lootcrate-interact-no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to interact with &e{crate_name}&c."
#When player attempts to open crate, but have a full inventory inventory-full: "&cYour inventory is full!" # {crate_name} - Name of crate
#Sent to console if command requires player must-be-player: "&cYou must be a player to do this."
#Sent to player if command requires console must-be-console: "&cYou must be the console to do this."
#Sent to player if command requires them to hold an item must-be-holding-item: "&cYou must be holding an item in your main hand!"
#Sent to player when attempting to place a lootkey cannot-place-lootkey: "&cYou cannot place a Loot Key."
#Sent to player if crate items total chance doesn't equal 100% lootcrate-chance-not-100: "&4Error: &cThe items in the LootCrate &e{crate_name} &conly total &e{crate_total_chance}&c." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {crate_total_chance} - Total of all crate item chances
#Usage for /lootcrate lootcrate-command-basic-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate <create | delete | key | set | add | remove | give | items | list | reload>"
#Sent when lootcate cannot be found lootcrate-not-found: "&cThe LootCrate with the id &e#{crate_id}&c was not found." # {crate_id} - Id of crate
#Sent when lootcrate has no key or it cannot be found key-not-found: "&cThe key for the LootCrate &e{crate_name}&c was not found." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate
#Sent when player cannot be found player-not-found: "&cCould not find player &e{player_name}&c." # {player_name} - Name of player
#Sent when item in lootcrate cannot be found lootcrate-item-not-found: "&cThe item &e#{item_id} &cin LootCrate with the id &e#{crate_id}&c was not found." # {item_id} - Id of item # {crate_id} - Id of crate
#Sent when specified enchantment could not be found enchantment-not-found: "&cCould not find enchantment &e{enchantment_name}&c." # {enchantment_name} - Name of enchantment
#Usage for command lootcrate-command-create-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate create [name]"
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-create-success: "&fCreated a LootCrate with the name &e{crate_name}&f. &fReference ID: &e#{crate_id}" # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate
#Sent to whoever create a crate loocrate-command-create-permissions: "&6To allow players to use this crate, give them the permission &flootcrate.interact.{crate_id}&6 or &flootcrate.interact.*&6." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate
#Usage for command lootcrate-command-delete-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate delete [crate id]"
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-delete-success: "&fDeleted the LootCrate with the name &e{crate_name}&f." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate
#Usage for command lootcrate-command-key-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate key [crate id] [glowing]"
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-key-success: "&fAdded a key to the LootCrate with the name &e{crate_name}&f." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate
#Sebt as error when min is greater than max amount lootcrate-command-add-minmax: "&cThe minimum amount must be smaller or equal to the max amount"
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-add-success: "&fAdded &e{item_type}&f to the LootCrate with the name &e{crate_name}&f. The item's id is &e#{item_id}&f." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {item_id} - Id of item # {item_type} - Type of item # {item_name} - Name of item
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-remove-success: "&fRemoved item &e#{item_id}&f from the LootCrate with the name &e{crate_name}&f." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {item_id} - Id of item
#Usage for command lootcrate-command-items-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate items [crate id]"
#Format of lootcrate items when being listed to player lootcrate-command-items-format: "&7#{item_id}&f | Type: &e{item_type}&f | Name: &e{item_name}&f | MinAmount: &e{item_min_amount}&f | MaxAmount: &e{item_max_amount}&f | Chance: &e{item_chance}&f | Commands: &e{item_commands}&f" # {item_id} - Id of item # {item_type} - Type of item # {item_name} - Name of item # {item_min_amount} - Min amount of item # {item_max_amount} - Max amount of item # {item_chance} - Chance of item # {item_commands} - Amount of commands of item
#Usage for command lootcrate-command-list-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate list"
#Format of lootcrates when being listed to player lootcrate-command-list-format: "&7#{crate_id}&f | Name: &e{crate_name}&f | Item Count: &e{crate_item_count}&f | Key Type: &e{crate_key_type}&f" # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_item_count} - Count of items in crates # {crate_key_type} - Type of material key is
#Usage for command lootcrate-command-set-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate set [crate id]"
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-set-success: "&fSet &e{X}, {Y}, {Z} &fas a location for the LootCrate &e{crate_name}&f." # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {X} - X cord of position # {Y} - Y cord of position # {Z} - Z cord of position
#Sent when a crate already exists at this location lootcrate-command-set-failure: "&cA crate already exists at this location!" # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {X} - X cord of position # {Y} - Y cord of position # {Z} - Z cord of position
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-set-remove-success: "&fRemoved &e{X}, {Y}, {Z} &fas a LootCrate location." # {X} - X cord of position # {Y} - Y cord of position # {Z} - Z cord of position
#Usage for command lootcrate-command-give-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate give [player name] [crate id] (amount)"
#Sent on completion of command to receiver of key lootcrate-command-give-success-to-receiver: "&fYou have received the key for the LootCrate &e{crate_name}&f." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {sender_name} - Name of whoever sent the key
#Sent on completion of command to sender of key lootcrate-command-give-success-to-sender: "&fYou have sent the key for the LootCrate &e{crate_name}&f to &e{player_name}&f." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {player_name} - Name of whoever received the key
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-command-success: "&fYou have added a command to Item &e#{item_id} for the LootCrate &e{crate_name}&f." # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {item_id} - Id of item # {item_type} - Type of item # {item_name} - Name of item
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-displaychances-success: "&fYou have updated &e{crate_name}&f's option to display chances to: &e{value}&f" # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate # {value} - Value entered (true/false)
#Usage for command lootcrate-command-version-usage: "&cUsage: /lootcrate version"
#Sent on completion of command lootcrate-command-reload-success: "&aPlugin has been reloaded."
#Format of message from message command message-command-format: "&f{message}" # {message} - Message to be sent
#Usage for command message-command-usage: "&cUsage: /message {player} {message}"
#Sebt when player is opening a loot crate lootcrate-open: "&aOpening LootCrate &e{crate_name}" # {crate_name} - Name of crate
#Used when icorrect key is used to open a crate lootcrate-wrong-key: "&cThis is the wrong key to open the LootCrate &e{crate_name}" # {crate_name} - Name of crate # {crate_id} - Id of crate
#Used when player is viewing crate lootcrate-view-close-item: "&cClose"
#Used when player is viewing crate lootcrate-view-blocker-item: "&k-"
#Used when player is viewing crate lootcrate-view-next-item: "&6Next"
#Used when player is viewing crate lootcrate-view-prev-item: "&6Prev"
Annoyed how you cant see all the items in a full crate? Well be annoyed no longer! I have added a page system to the plugin which allows you to swap through your items!
Warning: Beware of possible bugs! Please report them to the GitHub page!
Be aware, there will be bugs... please leave them on Github
Give Command
Added "all" option for the give command
Gives all players the selected key
This is an amazing milestone to reach! Thank you all for the love and support. Its my honor to be able to develop for such a kind community. Thank you all!
There is a new file format system. The plugin should automatically convert to the new system. If not, please PM me with your crates file, a log of your console, and I will assist you.