- Visual bug displaying expired boosters with negative durations.
- Wrong default settings for glow and sweet berries causing them not dropping any money.
- A bug where, mobs don't drop money since v2.1.0
- Objective Categories. Now you can create your own categories for money objectives to make objectives GUI more flexible and user-friendly.
- Support for even more currency plugins (thanks to EconomyBridge).
- Reworked event system. Improved code and performance.
- LootConomy requires Java 21 or higher now.
PLUGIN REQUIRES nightcore v2.7.0 OR NEWER!
Updated CoinsEngine integration.
- Updated to the latest nightcore.
- Updated CoinsEngine integration.
- Updated ExcellentEnchants integration.
- Missing default objectives for 'bamboo' and 'sugar cane' blocks.
- Minor money drop bug related to 'tall' crops (bamboo, sugar cane, etc.)
- PlayerPoints currency support.
- Per currency setting to round dropped money to integers.
- Broken config boosters.
- Loading errors on 1.19.
Fixed a bug where full inventory bypass not worked.
Fixed plugin loading on version 1.20.1 and below.
LootConomy no more handles skills and leveling. If you still need that, take a look at ExcellentJobs plugin instead.
Dependency changed to nightcore v2.6.1. You need to install it.
A lot of features were recoded, fixed many bugs, made improvements.
- Bypass limit & xp permission now can be used on per-skill basis (see wiki for permission node).
- ExcellentEnchants compatibility
You must update NexEngine to install this update.
- Engine update.
- Currency setting 'Instant_Pickup' to directly transfer funds to player's accounts when dropped.
[Added] Config option to create dedicated 'skills' command.
[Misc] Improved a few default messages.
[Fixed] Removed duplicated comments in skill settings.yml.
[Fixed] A bug, where LevelUp commands never worked.
[Fixed] A bug, where global booster never worked.
Please update to the latest NexEngine v2.2.11 (DOWNLOAD)
There is no more hard version dependence in the Engine, so this plugin should be compatible with new versions without extra updates.
WARNING: Some messages with custom options (type, prefix, sound) or JSON components may become "broken" due to using the updated Engine format / parser. Please, correct your messages using this page.
[Fixed] A bug, where players can execute level up commands again after reset their skill progress.
The plugin has been revamped as LootConomy!
Check out the Overview tab for updated plugin description.
[New] Skills! No more confusing 'jobs', it's all skills now!
[New] Skill Ranks! A new, more flexible, system to create attractive and dynamic progression for your players.
[Added] CoinsEngine support. Highly recommended if your server features custom currencies!
[Added] ExcellentEnchants support. Supports auto currency pickup for Telekinesis and Nimble enchantments.
[Added] New placeholders for PlaceholderAPI.
[Added] Config option: 'Ignore_Block_Fertilize'.
[Added] LevelUp commands option for skill ranks!
[Added] Per-currency multipliers for skill ranks.
[Added] XP multipliers for skill ranks.
[Added] Config options to set objective's Display Name and Icon! No more hardcoded names & items in objectives GUI.
[Added] Command Flag 'silent (-s)' to some of plugin commands.
[Added] Command '/lootconomy top' to view the most levels of each skill.
[Changed] Daily limits options moved out from objectives to skill's configs.
[Changed] All boosters now can have only one instance per each skill (1 global, 1 personal and 1 rank, up to 3 boosters per skill). No more duplicated / messed boosters.
[Changed] Simplified XP rank formula to 'XP_Factor' value.
[Removed] Leaderboards feature has been removed. It's better to use ajLeaderboards or LeaderHeads instead.
[Dev] Improved all plugin custom events. See wiki for details & API usage.
[Fixed] A bug, where in some messages booster type was 'null'.
[Fixed] A bug, where Bamboo can be used for infinite money earnings.
[Fixed] Various bugs & mistakes in all plugin aspects.
Fixed a bug, where money from blocks can be dropped due to fast place/break.
!!! Update NexEngine (DOWNLOAD) to v2.2.6 !!!
- Improved Database stability and performance.
- Improved User Data handling.
- Added 'Table_Prefix' option for the 'Database' section in 'config.yml'.
- Permissions are now registering internally.
[Fixed] A bug, where sign stats are not updated properly sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where 'leaderboards.yml' config reset changes made during the runtime on plugin disable/reload.
Updated to the latest NexEngine v2.2.4
[Added] Support for sweet berries to gain money.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Fixed] Console error on player death penalty for zero amount of money.
1.19 Support & Updated to the latest NexEngine v2.2
Fixed possible lags/freezes & improved player block tracker.
[Fixed] A bug, where global boosters created with a command still been active even if expired.
Removed debug users from leaderboards
[New] Job States. Now you can set your jobs as Primary, Secondary and Inactive.
[New] Multiple options for the 'booster' command. It has two sub-commands: 'personal' and 'global'. Now you can set the booster id/name to update or remove certain player/global boosters if needed.
[Added] Config options: 'Boosters.Update_Interval', 'Boosters.Notify.On_Join', 'Boosters.Notify.Interval'.
[Added] Config option to prevent money drop from blocks created by block generators (such as cobblestone, obsidian, etc).
[Added] 'Enabled' job config option. Allows you to easy enable/disable jobs from being loaded.
[Added] An ability for players to reset job progress in Jobs menu and by using the reset command.
[Added] Permissions for each plugin command.
[Added] Support for DecentHolograms for Leaderboards.
[Improved] Now you can specify multiple jobs for the 'booster' commands.
[Improved] Now you can specify all online players using '*' in the 'booster' commands.
[Improved] Now players can receive/lose exp for job objectives even if no money is dropped.
[Improved] Now job objective limits are scalable depends on the job level. You can use math expressions to expand them. See config comments for details.
[Improved] Commands 'addexp' and 'setexp' were replaced by 'exp' comamand with 'add', 'take' and 'set' sub-commands.
[Improved] Commands 'addlevel' and 'setlevel' were replaced by 'level' comamand with 'add', 'take' and 'set' sub-commands.
[Changed] Now you can have multiple jobs with the same job type and objectives. They all will drop money items depends on its settings. Before only one job was used to drop money item. For example, having two jobs both with BLOCK_BREAK type and STONE objective, but with different currencies will result in drop two different money items from STONE block at the same time.
[Changed] Placeholder '%moneyhunters_leader...%' now has two params at the end: 'name' and 'score'.
[Fixed] A bug, where amount of exp/money from boosters was calculated incorrectly.
[Fixed] A bug, where player not lose exp from objective if money amount was also negative.
[Fixed] A bug, where movement vector of money item was incorrect on fishing sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where it drops item with zero money sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where caught entity gives money even if fish hook was not in open water.
[Fixed] A bug, where user objective limit not decreased for negative exp/money amount.
[Fixed] A bug, where mobs spawned by prohibited SpawnReasons drops money if they were tansformed into other entity type.
[Fixed] Few bugs in the leveling system especially for negative exp values.
[Fixed] Auto boosters now displays the correct timeleft value instead of infinity symbol.
[Fixed] Various minor bugs, errors and mistakes.
[Fixed] Code refactor and optimization.
Fixed boosters and money from player placed blocks.
NexEngine compatibility fixes
[Engine] Updated to the latest NexEngine.
[Removed] Spigot 1.15 support.
Fixed GamePoints intergration
Updated to the latest Engine.
Please, reset '' and 'gui.objectives.yml' configs.
[New] Support for multiple currencies! Now you can specify different currency for each job! List of supported plugins is on plugin overview. Let me know if you like to have a compatibility with some plugins.
[Fixed] A few more minor bugs fixed.
This update is mainly improves plugin design, performance, fixes a lot of bugs and provides better API.
[New] 'addexp' and 'addlevel' subcommands now supports negative values.
[Added] Min. and Max. exp values for job money objectives.
[Added] 'info' subcommand that displays detailed info about specified job.
[Removed] 'boosters' subcommand. Now displayed in 'info' subcommand.
[Fixed] Performance improvements.
[Fixed] Many small bugs and issues.
[Fixed] Huge code refactor and optimization.
1.17 Support. Bugs, lags and errors are included.
Updated to the latest Engine
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed a possible duplication glitch by using falling blocks.
New Additions:
▸ Added a config option to give money directly to player's balance.
▸ Added new placeholders to display leader stats.
▸ Added new sub-commands: setexp, setlevel, reset.
Async data load now, fixed .zip compression.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed a bug, where zero money items could be dropped.
▸ Fixed Engine color codes handler.
Fixed Engine command permissions.
New Additions:
▸ Updated to the new NexEngine.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed lags on user data creation.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed Sugar Cane & Bamboo money issues.
▸ Fixed database block cache option.
▸ Fixed velocity of money items in fishing.
▸ Minor more fixes.