The plugin has been revamped as LootConomy! Check out the Overview tab for updated plugin description.
[New]Skills! No more confusing 'jobs', it's all skills now! [New]Skill Ranks! A new, more flexible, system to create attractive and dynamic progression for your players.
[Added]CoinsEngine support. Highly recommended if your server features custom currencies! [Added]ExcellentEnchants support. Supports auto currency pickup for Telekinesis and Nimble enchantments. [Added] New placeholders for PlaceholderAPI. [Added] Config option: 'Ignore_Block_Fertilize'. [Added] LevelUp commands option for skill ranks! [Added] Per-currency multipliers for skill ranks. [Added] XP multipliers for skill ranks. [Added] Config options to set objective's Display Name and Icon! No more hardcoded names & items in objectives GUI. [Added] Command Flag 'silent (-s)' to some of plugin commands. [Added] Command '/lootconomy top' to view the most levels of each skill.
[Changed] Daily limits options moved out from objectives to skill's configs. [Changed] All boosters now can have only one instance per each skill (1 global, 1 personal and 1 rank, up to 3 boosters per skill). No more duplicated / messed boosters. [Changed] Simplified XP rank formula to 'XP_Factor' value.
[Removed] Leaderboards feature has been removed. It's better to use ajLeaderboards or LeaderHeads instead.
[Dev] Improved all plugin custom events. See wiki for details & API usage.
[Fixed] A bug, where in some messages booster type was 'null'. [Fixed] A bug, where Bamboo can be used for infinite money earnings. [Fixed] Various bugs & mistakes in all plugin aspects.