[+] Support for all 1.21.X blocks
[+] Mine blocks can now go down to 0.01% (from 0.1% being the smallest percentage allowed)
[+] Timed resets can now go down to 10 seconds (from 30 seconds)
[+] Fixed some bugs with some items in the GUI's not showing up correctly
[+] Majority of the PrisonMines command, such as setting mine timers, reset percentages, etc can now be done in the console
[+] Fixed an issue with very small mines not resetting
[+] Fixed an issue with errors spamming upon server shutdown
[+] Added tab completion to commands
[+] Fixed a bunch of items not appearing in Mine Inventories
@Zer0xh for helping me test
[+] Added PlayerBreakBlockInMineEvent - Called when you guessed it, a player breaks a block in a mine
[+] Fixes a bug with CHERRY_LOG's not working within the Mines
[+] Added the ability to convert from the X-Prison plugin
[+] Added support for Oraxen
Add to
hooks.yml if you intend to use
Code (Text):
UseOraxen: true #Hook into the Oraxen custom blocks
@Bunny_Magic for helping test
[+] Adds support for 1.20 + 1.20 Blocks in mines

[+] Players can now be trapped within the mine upon reset, if there is no spawn location set for the mine and the option to teleport players to the surface is set to false
[+] Fixes a client lag issue when mines reset when Custom Blocks are being used
[+] Added support for
ItemsAdder (Custom blocks in the mines

) - Thanks for all the help
@LoneDev and
@An3 for testing
[+] Added support for Custom Blocks - No need to update unless you require Custom Blocks
[+] Added the ability to reset mines using an NMS method asynchronously, to enable this setting modify
Code (Text):
#Optimise block placing - Uses NMS to place the blocks async rather than standard Minecraft methods
optimise_block_placing: true
[+] User resets now reset the mines instantly
[+] Added a config option to enable a mine loading delay
Code (Text):
# -- Mine loading delay --
#Enables a longer delay before loading mines, when the server is starting up
mine_load_delay: false
[+] Fixed a few issues with blocks in 1.19
[+] Modified player reset permissions, please read if you use them, you can now specify permissions so players only have the ability to reset certain mines
Code (Text):
# -- Player reset permission nodes --
#PLAYERS MUST HAVE THE PERMISSION jetsprisonmines.user.reset to access player resets
#Give them a permission underneath in order to set a timed delay on how often they can do a reset, you can create more permissions
#Reset permission nodes must be specified here:
- "jetsprisonmines.user.reset.MINEA.30" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset MINEA command every 30 seconds on a mine called MINEA
- "jetsprisonmines.user.reset.MINEB.60" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset MINEB command every 60 seconds on a mine called MINEB
- "jetsprisonmines.user.reset.MINEC.120" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset MINEC command every 120 seconds on a mine called MINEC
[+] Support for 1.19 + 1.19 Blocks
[+] Fixed player skulls in mines giving a error in console
[+] Removed a GUICE dependency to support 1.8-1.12.2 again
[+] Modified a delay when creating Mine Schematics, to fix an issue with copying larger mines
If you are using the API, please change it to JetsPrisonMines.getInstance().getAPI();
[+] Fixed an issue with the mines not resetting, if timed resets were used and the mine ran out of blocks
[+] Added support for hex colour codes in all configs/messages
[+] Fixed support for latest FAWE
[+] Fixed an unreadable message when saving a schematic was disabled
[+] Added the ability, within the mine options panel, to configure a minimum player reset for a mine (So the mine will not reset, unless X players are on)
[+] Fixed the Sign not loading in the GUI on the mine panel on 1.18
If you have any suggestions you want to see with this plugin - let me know
[+] Fixed a message that was completely spamming console when setting up a mine
[+] Updated to support 1.17 material names in mines
[+] Please use the previous version if you are on Java 11 or below. This update is for those on Java 16
[+] Added the ability to disable block physics in a mine, this may improve performance for some however is not recommended
To disable add this to
Code (Text):
#Disable the physics of a block when it is set in a mine, disabling block physics may help with lag, although is generally not recommended
apply_block_physics: false
[+] Fixed a bug where if Disabled Blocks were being used, the percentage the mine was resetting on was wrong, ty
@AggerTV for helping test
[+] Added a user permission node, so players can be given the permission (
jetsprisonmines.user.reset) to reset a mine (plus an optional cooldown)
To add this feature, in
config.yml add:
Code (Text):
- "jetsprisoncells.user.reset.30" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 30 seconds
- "jetsprisoncells.user.reset.60" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 60 seconds
- "jetsprisoncells.user.reset.120" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 120 seconds
messages.yml add
Code (Text):
#Reset messages for user, when a user does the /mine reset <mine> command
player_not_standing_in_mine: "%PREFIX%&cYou are currently not standing in a mine to reset!"
player_mine_des_not_exist: "%PREFIX%&cThat mine does not exist!"
player_cooldown_reset_message: "%PREFIX%&cYou can next reset a mine in %COOLDOWN% seconds!"
player_reset_mine: "%PREFIX%&aYou have reset mine %MINENAME%!"
[+] Percentage resets in mines can now be set to 0 - 99 % instead of 20 - 80%
[+] Added the ability to shift-right-click a block in the blocks menu, inside the mines panel, to disable the block from being mined by players
To configure the message sent, add this to messages.yml
Code (Text):
#If a block is disabled in the mine, and cannot be mined
disabled_mine_block: "%PREFIX%&cThis block is disabled, and cannot be mined!"
[+] Fixed a bug where mine reset via the command / panel would reset the mine 10 seconds later instead of instantly
[+] Fixed an issue where if a mine resets, blocks broken by the players while it resets may not be replaced
[+] Fixed an issue that meant the only_replace_missing_blocks was working with timed resets, it should only work with Percentage Resets, else issues occur
@ItzMehJan for helping test
[+] Quite heavily requested, you can now enable the ability to allow players to Fly in Mines.. To toggle this, in MineEffects in the mine panel, turn fly to Enabled
Currently this is automatically enabled/disabled when a player enters a mine, open to suggestions on improvements to this
[+] Added the ability to teleport players ontop of the mine, instead of a mine spawn location (this is automatically true if the mine does not have a spawn location)
To configure, set this in config.yml
Code (Text):
#Teleport players ontop of the mine, keeping there X and Z coordinates, instead of to the spawn point, this is automatically true for a mine if the mine does not have a spawn point
teleport_players_to_mine_surface_on_reset: false
Requested by
[+] If the plugin is reloaded / plugman reloaded, the plugin will instantly load the mines, otherwise it is now 5 seconds on server start, this should fix issues with the mines loading with non supported world plugins
[+] Fixed an issue that caused blocks not to transfer when converting from MineResetLite
[+] See last update, fixed a mini bug loading on 1.8
[+] Holograms will now read 0:00 instead of 0:0 when reaching 0
[+] Very basic metrics added to the plugin
Happy new year all! If there is anything you'd like to see in this plugin, send me a message!
[+] Modified the messages given when creating a mine to be more useful
[+] The ability to replace only missing blocks (just air blocks) should only be used when percentage resets is being used.. Else chunk issues occurred, this is now enforced in code to stop users accidently setting this setting wrong
[+] When timed resets are used, you can now choose whether you want the mine to reset when blocks remaining in the mine hit 0
Add this to config.yml to configure
Code (Text):
#For timed resets, would you like the mine to reset if there are 0 blocks left in the mine?
reset_mine_if_no_blocks: true
[+] Added a bunch of aliases to quickly do commands, lmk if you want others
/mines p <mine> - opens the mine panel
/mines r <mine> - resets a mine
/mines d/c <mine> - deletes/creates a mine
/mines w - Gets the mine wand
[+] Arrows will no longer get stuck in prisonmine holograms
[+] You can now shift-right-click a block in a mines Block List, to set it as the top block - This will hide the surface of the mine with this block
[+] In messages.yml you can now add the placeholder %PREFIX% to add the prefix to messages, before this update the prefix of the plugin was always attached to every message
[+] You can now rename mines by using the /mines rename command

[+] Fixed PACKED_ICE turning into BLUE_ICE on 1.13 +
[+] Fixed END_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS not showing up in the GUI
[+] You can now add commands that will be executed upon mine reset, to add commands, go to the Mine Panel > Mine Options > Reset Commands
[+] Fixed an issue with Gradual reset throwing a plugin disabled error
[+] Fixed support for a few 1.16 that were causing issues, different type of Corals, mossy cobblestone stairs / brick slab, and a few others
[+] You can now give players the permission jetsprisonmines.reset and
jetsprisonmines.reset.<minename> to reset a particular mine
[+] Fixed a bug fix with mine effects not loading after server restart
[+] Fixed issue with being able to place water/lava in mines
[+] Added support for multiple materials that were showing up as air, including nether gold ore, basalt, polished basalt, and a few others
[+] Fixed a bug that prevented /mines converting from working (went into a continuous loop)
[+] Added support for FAWE when using schematics - Currently only the latest version (which supports 1.13 MC+) is supported
lmk if you need 1.8 FAWE support
[+] Fixed issues with the GUI with a few items not appearing on 1.16
[+] Added the ability to add blocks via a command, /jetsprisonmines addblock <mine> <material> <percentage> - jetsprisonmines.admin.setblocks
[+] Added the ability to disable block breaking, and teleport to the mine spawn if the user mines a block while the mine is resetting, to enable these options, set this in config.yml
Code (Text):
#Should players be able to mine blocks while the mine is resetting? Possible options are true/false
allow_block_break_while_mine_reset: false
#For this to be true, the above variable has to be true - Would you like to teleport them to the mine spawn if they try breaking a block
#while the mine is resetting?
teleport_on_mine_reset_block_break: true
[+] Added 1.16 block support
[+] A few commands, such as /mines delete <mine>, /mines reload, can now done from console
[+] Fixed converting issues from Mines plugin
[+] Added support for 1.16
[+] The mine panel was saying to give the wrong permission for breaking blocks in mine ty
@XxSkytoonexX for seeing that
[+] Modified the debug command to be more useful
[+] Removed an old config.yml property called check_delay that only caused issues
[+] Fixed a bug preventing people from creating schematics
[+] Fixed an issue after a restart or reload that showed there were no mines for a few seconds, you will now get a message saying they are loading
[+] If you are using the firework mine effect, the amount will be reduced if you are using a big mine - The fireworks will now also go off one by one slowly to better performance
[+] Slightly modified how potion effects work in mines, to prevent screen flashing due to potion effect expiring
[+] Added the option to enable/disable permission nodes required to mine while inside of a Mine.
Enable the permission node by going to the Mine Panel > Mine Options > Permission Required
To change the message given to users when they try and break blocks and dont have the permission, add this to
Code (Text):
no_permission_to_mine: "&cYou do not have permission to break blocks in the mine!"
[+] Fixed a few typo issues in the GUI's
[+] Modified how holograms work so they no longer update if the chunk isn't loaded - This will generally help with performance, but also fix a glitch which caused lag in rare circumstances
[+] Players who log into the mine will now be teleported to the spawn location of the mine, to configure this option, set this in config.yml
Code (Text):
#If players log in inside a mine, would you like to teleport them to the mines spawn location?
teleport_to_mine_spawn_login: true
[+] Bug fix to do with V3.4.0 with issues opening menus due to non supported WorldEdit versions
[+] Fixed mines not resetting depending on WorldEdit version
If you use schematics, please read carefully as
[+] PrisonMine Schematics will now take advantage of WorldEdit API, this will mean slabs, chests, torches, etc, etc, 100's of other blocks will now work correctly
If you are using schematics, you will need to copy the selection of blocks you wish to be in the schematic using WorldEdit (using //wand) and re enable the schematic option in the mine panel GUI
[+] Added support for MultiWorld
If there's any particular feature anyone wants lmk on Discord
[+] Added a delay in loading mines from 1.13 +
For devs:
For some reason, my plugin is loading before the worlds load (despite having a load POSTWORLD and a soft depend for Multiverse in plugin.yml), if you know how to fix this issue please let me know

[+] Fixed a bug when viewing mines on a different page, the gui would not work
[+] Cleaned up a few issues with the convert command for Mineresetlite, including a bug which made it go into an infinite loop
[+] Added the ability to skip a mine resetting on a timed reset, if the mine hasn't been mined at all - Why reset a mine if it doesn't need resetting?
To change this option (as by default it will skip resets if it can) add this to
Code (Text):
#When timed resets are use, should we reset the mine if it's not been mined at all?
reset_mine_if_full: false #false = it wont reset, true = it will reset despite being full already
[+] Changed a few things round in the config.yml to make it more intuitive
[+] The /reset command will now force all blocks to be reset, even if the
only_replace_missing_blocks is true
[+] Fixed a bug where if Percentage and Timed resets were used, percentage would not work
[+] Decreased the delay in loading mines for 1.15
[+] Seems to be an issue with 1.15 where JPM loads before world plugins, therefor I have had to add a delay on loading mines for 1.15
@James2555 ty for helping
[+] Added a delay on registering placeholderapi hooks, not sure why my plugin is loading before placeholderapi on 1.15 despite having a softdepend
@OGU Added to api with a isMineResetting() method
[+] You can now alert players when a mine resets, it will be sent to players that were recently in that mine, to take advantage of this new feature add this to messages.yml:
Code (Text):
onReset: "&a%MINE% &7now reset!" #Add this under the timed: section
---- further messages ---
[+] Made it so the setblock command can be used in console
[+] Added a way to add blocks to a mine using the API
[+] If a mine is unable to load or save, you will now get information about what mine that is rather than unreadable stack traces
[+] Added a command /mines setblocksinmine <material> <mine/all> - to temporarily change all blocks in a mine to something, requested by
[+] Fixed an issue with mines resetting twice if timed resets was used
[+] There was certain circumstances where a mine file would become corrupt due to incorrect saving of data, this is now fixed
If you had any issues with a certain mine loading, try this version.
[+] Fixed issues with MELON BLOCKs being used in mines
[+] Added a bunch of 1.15 blocks - if theres any other issues with other blocks let me know

[+] Fixed issue with the permission for the debug command,
jetsprisonmines.admin.debug will now work
[+] Modified decimal places shown in placeholders with placeholderapi
[+] Fixed issue with percentage formatting when using placeholders with placeholderapi
[+] Have added slightly, and fixed an issue with the debug command
If you have any ideas of features you want in this plugin, send me a pm on spigot/discord

[+] Fixed issue with placeholders not working, in particular placeholders with _ with PlaceholderAPI
[+] Added a new command, /mines debug <mine> - Shows useful information about a mine, will add to this
[+] Modified the stats (how they look) for PlaceHolderAPI
[+] Removed the config option "check_delay" as it has very little use and causes issues when modified
[+] Improved performance for 1.8 servers by generating mine blocks async
[+] Added an additional permission node (jetsprisonmines.admin.reset.all) to reset all mines
[+] Fixed issue with plugin not being able to start without PAPI, now it can
[+] added conversion to convert Blocks, region and teleport location spot from Mines (As I did not know the directory this plugin makes it's mines files, the files have to be placed in /Mines/mines - message me if you need help)
[+] 1.15 support
[+] Added a small change to the Block List GUI (where you add blocks to the mine) to tell you how much percentage is in the mine
[+] Added Schematics - Schematics can be enabled in the Mine Resets panel
[+] Also added a new API method to break a list of blocks from a mine
[+] Added a bunch of placeholders, so you are able to create your own holograms / other stats using placeholderapi
Code (Text):
* Placeholders:
* %jetsprisonmines_stat_percentageblocksleft_MINENAME% //Returns the percentage of blocks left in a mine
* %jetsprisonmines_stat_blocksmined_MINENAME% //Returns the blocks mined, in a mine
* %jetsprisonmines_stat_timetillreset_MINENAME% //Returns the time (in seconds) till a mine resets
* %jetsprisonmines_stat_percentageblocksmined_MINENAME% //Returns the percentage of blocks left in a mine
If you want anything in particular added, just head over to our discord and ask me to add it
[+] No longer can air be added as a block to a mine
[+] All mine commands are now non-case sensitive
[+] Fixed an issue with Mine reset command to do with the mine name
[+] A mine can no longer be created with the same name with different case lettering
[+] Fixed NPE when checking if a block was in a mine (and the block/location of the block was invalid)
- If you have any suggestions for the plugin, or want something added, just leave it in the discord channel

[+] Reset command is no longer case sensitive
[+] TokenEnchant hook will now always automatically hook, unless manually disabled in hooks.yml
[+] Sub command STR did not work (used to set time resets for a mine / all mine)
Sorry for re-post, did not compile it correctly last update
[+] Sub command STR did not work (used to set time resets for a mine / all mine)
[+] Fix a NPE caused when right clicking in mines under certain circumstance
[+] For some reason the MinePostResetEvent (API) returned a Player (would have always been null)
[+] Added new API event, MinePreResetEvent
[+] Changed a few bits of code around
[+] If your mines are on a timer (rather than percentage) to reset, you need to set the config.yml value of only_replace_missing_blocks to false. I have added warnings when setting this option in the GUI.
[+] If people set the check_delay in config.yml to anything other than 1, it would cause issues with timed mine resets. This is fixed, although I still suggest leaving it at 1 as it will not effect performance at all, and will only hinder the plugin
[+] If a mine file is somehow unable to load, a better message is given rather than a large stack trace.
@GaleForce The issue with server restarting and removing the mine effects is actually fixed now, sorry
[+] When adding a mine effect, the mine did not save to file (so a restart could remove the effect) - now it will save.
[+] Fixed a bug which was caused when adding a block to a mine, the block in your inventory was given the disaplyname/lore of the one being modified in the mine
[+] Added a command, /mines str <time> <mine/all> - This allows you to quickly set mine reset times for a single or all mines (Although I highly suggest using percentage resets over this)
[+] Modified how resetting of mines has worked, making both instant and gradual resets more efficient
[+] Added a bunch of new commands, so they no longer need to be done through the GUI:
- /prisonmines resetdir <bottomtotop/toptobottom> <mine/all>
- /prisonmines settp <mine>
- /prisonmines srp <percentage> <mine/all>
- /prisonmines resettype <instant/gradual> <mine/all>
[+] TIMED mines will now reset even if the chunk is not loaded (the chunk will be forced to load) - I
highly suggest using percentage resets over timed, but people have suggested this (although if it causes issues on 1.14 which it may, I may have to revert).
Version 3.0.0 of the plugin will come out around Sep-Oct time. If you have any suggestions for version 3.0.0, come over to our discord and suggest them there

. There are a few cool features currently planned.
[+] When timed resets were being used, when the timer got to 0, it would go to 10 and count again from 10 - This is now fixed, when the time goes 0, the mine resets!
[+] Mines were showing Stone for blocks such as DIORITE and ANDESITE
Quite a good update..
[+] Massively improved holograms, you should no longer keep seeing annoying armour stands! Ontop of this there are performance improvements.
[+] Fixed a large issue relating to when percentage and timed resets are used in conjunction (when used together, percentage resets did not function correctly)
[+] Data on Items (I.E when a block has multiple different colours, but is called the same time) did not work on versions 1.8 - 1.12.2... Now it does

Quite a good update for those on 1.8 to 1.12.2.
[+] Mines will no longer reset if the chunk is not loaded
[+] Lore's was not being displayed on any item within the GUI - This is now fixed.
[+] Fixed a bug which was caused when shift-clicking (to remove) a block in the mine blocklist - The chances in the mine was not being recalculated, causing issues with mine %'s until the server was restarted
[+] Fixed a bug that was sometimes shown when opening a mine inventory
[+] Added the ability to specify how many blocks, per tick, the mines should paste when using GRADUAL reset
Please add this to your config.yml to modify the setting:
Code (Text):
#This option will determind how many blocks can be pasted per tick (The more blocks, the faster the mine will reset but the laggier it will be)
amount_of_blocks_to_paste_per_tick: 100
100 is default
[+] Holograms will no longer duplicate
[+] Fixed issue with an inventory being unable to open due to Item being null, fixes a NPE,
[+] Chunks that the Mine uses every second to check if the chunk is loaded or not is cached. I doubt this will effect performance hugely, but it should do a little (Especially if you have a ton of mines)!
[+] Fixed issue with MineBombs plugin not counting blocks in mines
[+] Fixed issue with timed-resets, when trying to reset a mine while the chunk was not loaded
[+] /prisonmines delete and /prisonmines create will now work, instead of having to do deletemine/createmine
[+] Added support for MineResetLitePlus
[+] Improved converting from blocks from 1.12 > 1.14
[+] Clip has supported JetsPrisonMines in his latest
update of AutoSell
[+] Slightly reworked 1.8 holograms to ensure they show and don't delete
[+] As so many people love using 6 year old MC software which is full of bugs, people can now use the MineEffects page if they are using 1.8 minecraft
[+] No clue why, but 1.14 seemed to have brought lots of weird world issues. Entity names (holograms) will not update if it is created while 0 people are online (when the server starts up). This update provides some hacky code to fix holograms in 1.14.2, but it's not ideal.
If you are using 1.14 and holograms worked before this update let me know as I havn't found a server it worked on previous to this.
[+] Fixed chunk issues for 1.8 - Only been an issue for 1.8 due to chunks working differently
@MangoKisa for helping me test
[+] Added /prisonmines convert mineresetlite - Still in quite early stages, will only convert Blocks and the mine region currently.
[+] Improved forward compatibility when upgrading from 1.12.2 to anything higher. (It was possible that blocks were incorrect when upgrading)
[+] Made it so you wont get annoying decimal places in the mine panel, or if you do, they will be removed.
[+] Fix a NPE that sometimes occurs in console that has been reported a few times
[+] Added my own small built-in library to deal with Holograms, much more efficient and means people don't need another plugin for this feature - Also so much more improved, no annoying flickering on holograms anymore!
[+] Fixed a bug to do with saving on shutdown
[+] If the mine does not broadcast messages, players would not be teleported out - this is now fixed
[+] If HologramsAPI wasn't installed, plugin would throw an error - now it doesnt
Mines will now reset either from top to bottom, or bottom to top (depending on what you set)
[+] Added the ability to toggle (in the Mine Reset menu) whether the mine resets from top to bottom, or bottom to top
A few people have requested changes on how the resetting works, I have been working on this for a while and this new method should be a lot more efficient and should give the perception of the mine resetting all blocks instantly (dependant on how you have your mines setup though).
[+] Mines will reset 100 blocks per tick instead of 150 per tick to prevent FPS lag.
[+] Mine reset all only reset one mine, this is now fixed
[+] Using an old block method when replacing mines modified, to support 1.14 servers
Sorry for the spam 1.14 updates. These are mainly fixing issues with Item Names changing (Not much else I can do, sorry); Iv'e had a look at others and this is all that I can see that has changed, for now.
[+] Fixed an item in the Timing Inventory
[+] SIGN isn't a material now in 1.14, so I have fixed this.
[+] Fixed issue with plugin thinking 1.14 was an old version of MC - This broke quite a lot of things, so update if you are using 1.14
[+] Fixed an issue where a hologram would move around after a restart
[+] Fixed an issue in 1.14 with the wand
[+] AutoSell should now be working with this version, for players who requested it.
[+] When changing a block % in a mine page, it will no longer show a silly amount of decimal places
[+] I have modified the algorithm that is in charge of selecting blocks within a mine and it should be much more accurate at representing blocks with < 1% chances
[+] Fixed stat hologram for the Hologram BlocksMined
[+] Fixed an issue when all mines reset at once
[+] The mine reset all command will now be done over a small calculated period of time, rather than all at once.
[+] A hooks.yml file will load when you use this version, support for TokenEnchant and AutoSell is now implemented through this file.
[+] Fixed an issue to do with checking whether a location is in a mine or not
[+] Added /mine reset all (to reset all mines, sorry
@ChimpGamer did not see your request until now)
See last update if updating from version < 2.4.0
[+] Saving a file is down done Async, helping performance.
Code (Text):
#Whether when a mine resets, only missing blocks should be reset?
only_replace_missing_blocks: true
[+] Added the option above, this can be a major performance helper
[+] Decreased the block-pasting-speed of the Gradual Reset from 200 to 150 to help with client FPS lag
[+] If when selecting a block percentage the total mine percentage goes over 100, the block will now set to the maximum value it can be
[+] Percentage Holograms are now formatted to 2 DP, rather than like 10
[+] Fixed an issue where if the reset setting was INSTANT, players would not get teleported out the mine on reset
[+] Added command 'prisonmines reset <mine>' - permission needed
[+] Found issue in code to do with last update, now fixed.
[+] Fixed an issue with the mines not calculating the right number of blocks in them, this caused a few issues that have been fixed
[+] Added a new command, /mines resize <name> - used to resize a mines region

[+] 1.13 Materials, such as terracotta, were causing issues - This has now been fixed (and Iv'e also improved performance while searching for these types of materials

[+] Been an issue with a material which has caused an error when a mine resets, this patch will help determined the block that causes an issue / prevent it from occurring.
[+] Implemented another way to check that Multiverse loads worlds before loading mines..
[+] Plugin will now load after worlds have been loaded, to prevent errors
[+] Fixed a few issues with the BlockChance inventory when adding new blocks (Not allowing certain blocks, such as logs, to be added to the mine)
Hey all, I've been spending a while setting up a discord due to popular request, feel free to come and say hello
[+] Added a new API method, getMines() - As well as updated the API on the main page
[+] Reduced the delay been importing mines from other plugins
[+] Massive improvement increases on startup with those with large amounts of mines
[+] Fixed a lot of issues to do with converting from other PrisonMines plugins
[+] Increase efficiency of a few things, mainly to do with regions
Thanks so much to
@maxlehot1234 for helping me test this update

[+] Have largely improved performance when it comes to converting mines
Thanks to
@maxlehot1234 for help testing
[+] Fixed a NPE caused when converting from PrisonMines
[+] Improved debug when converting from PrisonMines
[+] Fixed corrupted jar
[+] Fixed a NPE caused when converting from PrisonMines
[+] Improved debug when converting from PrisonMines
[+] Fixed a NPE caused when converting from PrisonMines
[+] Improved debug when converting from PrisonMines
[+] Fixed a loading issue, my bad
I have decided to re brand this other plugins to Jets Plugins so:
- Change your current PrisonMines folder to JetsPrisonMines
[+] Added /Prisonmines convert prisonmines
This has been particular hard due to the fact they are called the same thing, and therefor cannot be both jars loaded at the same time. Current stage of this is in Beta, see main thread for details.
[+] Added the ability to create Mine Effects within the GUI panel! Simply update and experiment
If you have any good 'mine effects' that you would like me to add, just message me and I'll see what I can do.
[+] Block chances can no longer go minus in a mine
[+] Blocks will now be removed from the mine if they are shift+right clicked
[+] Various issues regarding this fixed (Duplicated blocks etc..)
[+] Fixed a maths issue to do with minimum/maximum points in a mine being potentially wrong
[+] Fixed an issue with the normal API
[+] Added MinePostResetEvent, called when after a mine is reset
[+] Changed name to PrisonMines
[+] All blocks now supported from versions 1.8 - 1.13.2

[+] Resolved an issue that caused Items to be saved under the wrong name (for 1.13)
[+] Support for 1.8-1.12.2 (as well as 1.13..) due to being requested by multiple people - This has been pretty difficult with how block ID's have changed so much.. (Block data on 1.8-1.12.2 is currently not supported however will be soon and you may contact me for a 1.8-1.12.2 only-version with this in)
[+] Removed World Edit as a dependency... There is now a '/mines wand' command to select the mine region
[+] The help menu now shows if you type an incorrect command
[+] Plugin renamed to SuperiorMines
[+] Fixed an issue with the display message of the Timer Hologram
[+] Added an about command
[+] Fixed an issue with the Reset Time not saving when using the time reset
[+] Added MineBomb support
[+] Fixed and added a command in order to delete a mine
[+] Block placing in mines can now be disabled (with a configurable message)
[+] An issue regarding player effects fixed
[+] Various code made more efficient
[+] Added /prisonmines reload
[+] Fixed an issue with the help command
[+] Fixed the no permission message not showing