[+] Added a user permission node, so players can be given the permission (
jetsprisonmines.user.reset) to reset a mine (plus an optional cooldown)
To add this feature, in
config.yml add:
Code (Text):
- "jetsprisoncells.user.reset.30" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 30 seconds
- "jetsprisoncells.user.reset.60" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 60 seconds
- "jetsprisoncells.user.reset.120" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 120 seconds
messages.yml add
Code (Text):
#Reset messages for user, when a user does the /mine reset <mine> command
player_not_standing_in_mine: "%PREFIX%&cYou are currently not standing in a mine to reset!"
player_mine_des_not_exist: "%PREFIX%&cThat mine does not exist!"
player_cooldown_reset_message: "%PREFIX%&cYou can next reset a mine in %COOLDOWN% seconds!"
player_reset_mine: "%PREFIX%&aYou have reset mine %MINENAME%!"