Gradual / Instant reset types (Configurable & Efficient!) - As well as configure reset direction (I.E Reset blocks from Top-To-Bottom, or Bottom-To-Top) and the amount of blocks to paste per tick
Player Effects (20 + Different Effects!)
Player Reset Permissions - Allow players to reset certain mines, per X amount of time
Mine Effects - SPAWN Fireworks when the mine resets, enable players to Fly within mines
Statistic Holograms
Hide the surface of the mine, by selecting a block to reset the mine surface with and add blocks to the mine that players cannot mine
Configure reset percentages per block
Very Customisable
Disable block placing within mines
Support for 1.8 - 1.21
Configure mines so they only reset if more than X people are online
PrisonMines (By Twyzl) and MineResetLite/MineResetLitePlus (By Boomclaw/vk2gpz), Mines (By PCPSells) and X-PrisonConversion
PlaceholderAPI support - integrate mine stats into any plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI!
TokenEnchant support
AutoSell support
AsylumBombs support
ItemsAdder & Oraxen support (For custom blocks within mines)
Mine List:
Mine Panel:
Effects given to users in the mine:
ItemsAdder/Oraxen support for Custom Blocks within mines
> Can configure text on the holograms as well as other display other variables such as blocks left in the mine, percentages mined / left, etc.
> You can also use standard holographic displays, and mine placeholders
The majority of configuration is done through ingame GUI's, rather than commands.
User Permissions - /Prisonmines reset <mine> - Give a user the ability to reset a mine -
jetsprisonmines.user.reset (Cooldown permission is specified in config.yml)
Admin Permissions: - /PrisonMines createmine <name> - Creates a mine with the defined name - jets
prisonmines.admin.createmine - /PrisonMines list - lists all the current mines that are active -
jetsprisonmines.admin.list - /PrisonMines reload - reloads the configuration files - jetsprisonmines.admin.reload - /
PrisonMines panel <mine> - Opens the mine panel for a particular mine -
jetsprisonmines.admin.panel - /PrisonMines deletemine <mine> - Deletes the specified mine -
jetsprisonmines.admin.delete - /PrisonMines wand - Gives you the Mine Selection Tool - jetsprisonmines.admin.wand - /PrisonMines convert <plugin> - Converts another mines plugin into this- jetsprisonmines.admin.convert - /PrisonMines resize <mine> - resizes the mines region to the current selection this- jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine - /PrisonMines reset <mine/all> - resets a mines block area- jetsprisonmines.reset and either jetsprisonmines.reset.<minename> OR jetsprisonmines.admin.reset to be able to reset all mines - /PrisonMines resetdir <bottomtotop/toptobottom> <mine/all> - sets the reset direction of a mine - jetsprisonmines.admin.resetdir - /PrisonMines settp <mine> - sets the teleport location of the mine - Jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine - /PrisonMines srp <percentage> <mine/all> - Sets the percentage reset of a mine - jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine - /PrisonMines str <time> <mine/all> - Sets the timed reset of a mine - jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine - /PrisonMines resettype <instant/gradual> <mine/all> - Sets the reset type for that particular mine, or all mines - jetsprisonmines.admin.resettype - /PrisonMines debug <mine> - Debugs a mine with useful information - jetsprisonmines.admin.debug - /PrisonMines setblocksinmine <material> <mine/all> - Sets all blocks in a mine temporarily to a certain material - jetsprisonmines.admin.setblocks - /PrisonMines addblock <mine> <material> <percentage> - jetsprisonmines.admin.setblocks - /PrisonMines rename<oldminename> <newminename> - jetsprisonmines.admin.rename
jetsprisonmines.admin.blockbreak - Ability to place blocks in mines
Pretty simple, just drop the plugin in the /plugins folder
To create a mine: - Get a mine wand using /mines wand, select the region of the mine - Use the command /Mines create <minename> to create the mine with the region - Use the mine panel, /mines panel <minename> to modify it's contents - Setup a worldguard region over the mine to allow for block breaking
>> TRANSFERRING FROM OTHER MINE PLUGINS << Currently only conversions from Twyzl's PrisonMines and Boomclaw's/vk2gpz MineresetLite/plus is supported/ It will only convert the mine regions, spawn location, and blocks in the mine - This can be temperamental and some mines may need to be done manually.
To do a conversion - Delete the old PrisonMines/MineResetLite plugin - Put in my plugin and start the server up - Type /prisonmines convert <plugin> - Restart server - done!
to list placeholders
/papi ecloud placeholders jetsprisonmines
Files are quite small, as per mine configuration is done through GUI's
Code (Text):
# #
# JetsPrisonMines #
# Created by Jet315 #
# #
# -- Plugin Settings --
#The prefix that is shown before the plugin
plugins_prefix: "&eJets&bPrisonMines &7» "
# Mine settings
#Whether users can place blocks in the mines or not
place_blocks_in_mines: false
#If players log in inside a mine, would you like to teleport them to the mines spawn location?
teleport_to_mine_spawn_login: true
#Should players be able to mine blocks while the mine is resetting? Possible options are true/false
allow_block_break_while_mine_reset: true
#For this to be true, the above variable has to be true - Would you like to teleport them to the mine spawn if they try breaking a block
#while the mine is resetting?
teleport_on_mine_reset_block_break: false
#For timed resets, would you like the mine to reset if there are 0 blocks left in the mine?
reset_mine_if_no_blocks: true
#Teleport players ontop of the mine, keeping there X and Z coordinates, instead of to the spawn point, this is automatically true for a mine if the mine does not have a spawn point
teleport_players_to_mine_surface_on_reset: false
# -- Player reset permission nodes --
#PLAYERS MUST HAVE THE PERMISSION jetsprisonmines.user.reset to access player resets
#Give them a permission underneath in order to set a timed delay on how often they can do a reset, you can create more permissions
#Reset permission nodes must be specified here:
- "jetsprisonmines.user.reset.MINEA.30" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 30 seconds on a mine called MINEA
- "jetsprisonmines.user.reset.MINEB.60" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 60 seconds on a mine called MINEB
- "jetsprisonmines.user.reset.MINEC.120" #If they have this permission node, they will be able to do the /mine reset command every 120 seconds on a mine called MINEC
# -- Optimisation options --
#How many blocks should the plugin paste per tick when GRADUAL RESET is used
amount_of_blocks_to_paste_per_tick: 100
#Optimise block placing - Uses NMS to place the blocks async rather than standard Minecraft methods
optimise_block_placing: false
#Disable the physics of a block when it is set in a mine, I.E gravel will not fall
apply_block_physics: true
#When timed resets are use, should we reset the mine if it's not been mined at all?
reset_mine_if_full: false #false = it wont reset, true = it will reset despite being full already
#Whether when a mine resets, only missing blocks should be reset? This can help with performance. This option is only applied for percentage resets. This option should no longer be used, as checking if a block is air or not is equally CPU intesnive
#Using the reset command will replace all blocks still
only_replace_missing_blocks: false
# -- Mine loading delay --
#Enables a longer delay before loading mines, when the server is starting up
mine_load_delay: false
Code (Text):
# -- Mine Reset Messages --
# Placeholders:
# %MINE% - Returns the name of the mine
# %TIME% - Returns the time until the mine resets
times: "10,5,3,2,1" #The times (in seconds) you wish the messages below to show. If you are using gradual reset, only numbers up to 10 is supported
singular: "&a%MINE% &7Will be resetting in &b%TIME% second."
plural: "&a%MINE% &7Will be resetting in &b%TIME% seconds."
reset: "&a%MINE% &7is now resetting! You have been teleported to &a%MINE% Spawn&7!."
player_in_mine: "&a%MINE% &7is currently resetting! Please wait!" #Called if a user runs into the mine while its resetting
# -- Hologram messages --
# %STAT% for the corresponding statistic as a percentage
# %STATUNFORMATTED% to get the raw statistic (I.E the exact amount of blocks left)
# %MINE% for the mine
timer_holo: "&7-- &aMine &b%MINE% &awill reset in &b%STAT% &7--"
blocks_left_holo: "&7-- &aTheir are &b%STAT%% &ablocks left in mine &b%MINE% &7--"
blocks_mined_holo: "&7-- &b%STATUNFORMATTED% &ablocks have been mined &7--"
# -- Other stuff --
no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission for this command"
#Called if the user tries placing a block in the mine (and they can't)
place_block_in_mine: "&cHey! You can't place blocks in the mine here!"