Made adjustments to the Jail Switcher, specifically fixing an error that occurred when attempting to switch to a Reason with none set. A video showcasing the plugin is planned for release soon. Additionally, a major rework of the robbery system is being planned.
-You can now add a reason when you add players to wanted people. When executing the /wanted add <player> command you can keep writing the reason why they are wanted with this new command format:
/wanted add <Player> <Reason>
-There is a new
%jailstickplus_wanted% placeholder.
Both the output of the placeholder and the "Wanted-For" message are
editable for international compatibility.
- Adjusted Robbery Internal code (Robbery will be reworked in the near future)
- Added configurable messages on the config.yml file
- Fixed a bug with the Placeholders.
Small changes to reduce memory usage and fixed the possibility to cuff an NPC.
Fixed incongruity between the configuration file and the code.
This Typo would still not let jailed players break blocks even after editing the comnfiguration file field.
Fixed Double Reason Message - Now If a reason has a Bail configured to it a clickable note (the message of this note can be edited in the config.yml file (BailMessage) ) saying that the prisoner can pay to be released.
Fixed Player not being completely released after they quit the server while being jailed.
Adjusted /reason command.
%jailstickplus_status% placeholder which will print if the player is jailed or not (the message printed can be edited on the config.yml file)
%jailstickplus_duty% placeholder which will print if the player is on duty or not
%jailstickplus_cuffed% placeholder which will print if the player is cuffed or not.
All outputs are configurable on the config.yml file.
Small change that won't affect the plugin usage but I
suggest you to download it if you're using
- There has been a lot of work under the hood for the duty system : Bug fixes, and optimization that came from recoding of the whole system. This happened due to
high resource request from the plugin because of a combination of inventory swapping and backup system work load. To
save your server's resources, especially if you have a
high number of policemen I recommend you to
download this update
The duty system has changed just inside, It will work just like it used to.
The backup system is now not automatic anymore. You can set in the config.yml file the frequency of the backups by editing the "TIMES-TO-BACKUP" option. Default value will be 10, this means that every 10 times a player goes on duty, at the 11th time the plugin will do a backup of their inventory. If you want your server to run a backup of the inventory every time they go on duty, change the value to 0. If you want to completely disable this feature, change the value to -1 .
The duty command can now be used from console to put other players on or off duty.
-Added possibility to delete banned items removed from player's inventory instead of storing them inside the cop's inventory. By the default the items will be stored. in order to clear them, simply change the option : "
Clear-Banned-Items-On-Removal " to true.
-Now some of the broadcasted messages support PAPI (Placeholder API) : duty message, jail message.
-You can enable or disable an option to automatically add players to wanted list when they kill someone (default true)
-Added Jailstick Radius : with /jailstickradius <radius> you will set from the location where you execute the command a radius in which the jailstick will work. To remove it you simply execute /jailstickradius remove and give the plugin the confirm.
-Now you can decide if Cuffed players can or can not move their items inside of the inventory
-Now you can disable the statistics tracking in the configuration file. (the plugin by default will track them)
-You can set the maximum radius a jailed player can walk far from their jail in the configuration file (default is 10 , set it to 0 to disable this feature);
-Now some of the broadcasted messages support PAPI (Placeholder API) : duty message, jail message.
-You can enable or disable an option to automatically add players to wanted list when they kill someone (default true)
-Added Jailstick Radius : with /jailstickradius <radius> you will set from the location where you execute the command a radius in which the jailstick will work. To remove it you simply execute /jailstickradius remove and give the plugin the confirm.
-Now you can decide if Cuffed players can or can not move their items inside of the inventory
-Now you can disable the statistics tracking in the configuration file. (the plugin by default will track them)
-You can set the maximum radius a jailed player can walk far from their jail in the configuration file (default is 10 , set it to 0 to disable this feature);
-Fixed a high memory usage when the plugin checks for banned items
-Added more editable messages (frisk command and usage messages)
-Added new configurable maximum radius reachable by jailed players, default one is 10. When jailed players go beyond that radius they will be teleported back to the jail position.
- Details adjusted
- /jconfig banneditems rework : Now the banned items are represented by their nicknames so it is easier to set special Items as bannable and completely prevent all false positives the plugin could flag.
- Updated /Jail command which is now back. To work you must specify
Jail and
Reason like this :
/jail PlayerNaame JailExample ReasonExample
Players jailed offline by the /jail command will be jailed when they join the server again.
- Updated /Jrestore command which now is more powerful: JailStickPlus will now store policemen's inventories in a chronological list which will let you decide the inventory to restore.
New /Jrestore syntax: /Jrestore <player> <date>
New Command-Feature:
/setjailitem : With this command you can set the item you are holding as "Jailstick". With this command you are not forced anymore to use the stick to jail players and this offers the possibility to integrate texture packs.
This has been added after a request, for anything contact me on discord: ecry_.
(The plugin by default will set the stick as jailing item.)
Fixed a bug regarding the duty command.
Fixed a Bug with the "simple" jailing system
Fixed a Few Experience-related bugs and added a cooldown timer for the action bar
Fixed Bugs that could did not make the plugin work on 1.12.2.
Frisk is now more powerful than ever!
You can create a list of
Banned Items that PolicePlus will automatically detect and will automatically add the player to the wanted list.
To add an Item to the Banned Items list just use
/jconfig banneditems add and the Item you're holding will be now recognized by PolicePlus as a banned item. To remove a banned Item simply use
/jconfig banneditems remove <index>. To remove a banned item you will need to use its index, the plugin will suggest you the list of banned items telling you the type of item (sugar, sugar cane, glow powder ecc.. ) and its index, like this : "1 - sugar". So you type 1 and the item that has sugar as a type will be removed.
Now the plugin automatically frisks players when you jail them.
Now /frisk will automatically Jail the player you ran /frisk on if it detects Drugs.
Now you can configure the plugin so it disables the robberies if there are no cops online.
Temporarily disabled Frisk as it is being reworked.
You can now configure If Cops can open chests and if they can edit its content. Enjoy!
This update fixes a bug which could not let people on duty destroy blocks! Enjoy!
-Added 16 editable messages (these comprehend the GUI messages)
-Added Banned Worlds: In the chosen worlds cops won't be able to stay on duty.
To add/remove a banned world just run /jconfig, then the plugin will guide you using the tab completers.
If for some reason the tab completers won't work:
/jconfig bannedworlds <add / remove> <World name>
-Small changes to the code
With it's 1.3.0 JailStickPlus comes with:
-A beta of Robberies: You can now set a robbery by /setrobbery <name> <radius>. To let the players start a robbery you simply place a sign with "[Robbery]" on the first line, the robbery's name you put into the <name> section of the /setrobbery command, and the amount of money that players could steal from that sign. Make sure to place the sign into the robbery's radius!
-/unsetrobbery <robbery name> : Unsets a robbery.
-/crew < add / remove > <Player> : With this command you can manage your crew.
-/crewleave : Makes a player quit whatever crew they're in
-Various bug fixes
JailStickPlus 1.2.4 comes with:
-Fixes to an important bug regarding the /deljail command.
-Added /jreload command that will reload the plugin's configuration
-Added an automatic jail setter: The most used jail will be set as jail whenever a player goes on duty.
-Minor changes that improve the plugin's feeling
JailStickPlus 1.2.3 comes with:
-Bug Fixes + Minor changes
JailStickPlus 1.2.2 comes with:
- A new command: /jail <Player> [ Jail name ] [ Reason ] - This command will jail the specified player. You can either specify the jail and the reason or you can let the plugin do the rest: If you don't sepcify the jail name and the reason the plugin will jail the player in the first jail set without reason.
- A lot of messages are now configurable!
It is now configurable:
- Player Doesnt Exist Message
- Duty Kit Does Not Exist Message
- This Player Can Not Go On Duty Message
- No Reason Set Message
- No Jail Set Message
- 911 Message Sent Message
- Player Offline Message
- Not Enough Money Message
- You Are Not Jailed Message
- This Player Is Not Jailed Message
- Chatting In Police Chat Message
- Not Chatting In Police Chat Message
- Not Tracking Anyone Message
- You Are Now Wanted Message
- Player Added To The Wanted List Message
- Player Removed From The Wanted List Message
- Player Is Wanted Message
- Player Is Not Wanted Message
JailStickPlus 1.2.1 comes with:
- size optimization
- bug fixes
JailStickPlus 1.2 comes with:
-New sound played when you switch jails or reasons. (Can be turned off in the config.yml file).
-The commands added from /jconfig now support 1 placeholder (%player%) if the action is called in an event that involves just 1 player (such as on duty ) , or 2 placeholders (%player% and %cop%) for the events that involve a cop and a player.
- Cuffs Improved.
-Bug fixes
-Fixed an important bug which wouldn't let to jail players on 1.12.2 servers
With its 1.1 JailStickPlus comes with:
- Storage optimization
- You can now set an amount of money that will be paid by the players that get jailed
- [BETA] Added Handcuffs: You can now set an item as handcuffs by running the command /setcuffs. To use the handcuffs you need to be on duty and hit the player with the item you have chosen to be the handcuffs. When you hit the player that player will be cuffed and will follow you. To remove the handcuffs you can either hit the player again with the selcted item or execute the command: /uncuff.
- Added /jailstick which will give you a jailstick.
- Added a new jailing system: By executing /jmode you will switch between the 2 different JailStickPlus' modalities. The simple mode and the advanced mode. The Advanced mode is basically the classic JailStickPlus, meanwhile the simple mode is a gui based jailing system:When you jail someone a gui pops up with all the different actions you can execute.
- Now you can choose in the config.yml if cops will have their inventory replaced when they go on duty.
- Added /setrelease: This command will let you set a location where jailed players will be teleported to on release. You can unset the release location with /unsetrelease.
- You can now Frisk Players by executing /frisk <player> or by clicking the option to frisk on the gui that pops up with JailStickPlus's simple mode!
- Bug fixes
With its 1.0.6 JailStickPlus comes with:
-New /jconfig command : This command will let you add commands that will be run from your console on the chosen event. for example:
/jconfig addcommand onduty shout &ahello world, this command will run in the console the command : "shout &ahello world" each time someone runs successfully /duty. the commands that you can run are infinite and you can easily delete them anytime thanks to JailStickPlus's tab completers that will guide you to the removal of the commands. to remove a command you simply /jconfig removecommand onduty <index> , if there are commands set for the event "onduty" jailstickplus will show the list of the commands and next to each command there will be its index. permission: jailstick.jconfig
-Stats: /jstats will show the stats of a player and /jstats <Player Name> will show the specified player's stats. JailstickPlus will keep track of: The number of times you go jailed, the Number of Cops you killed and if you're a cop (to be a cop you need the permission jailstick.police) it will keep track of the times you died while being on duty and your average accuracy with the jailstick. permission: jailstick.statsothers
-You can now turn off the message that is printed whenever a player goes on/off duty by setting to false "
-You can now teleport to the location of the player requesting the 911 by clicking the 911 message. This can be turned on in the configuration file by setting to true "