JailStickPlus [1.12.2 - 1.21.x], Simply the best Police Plugin Now with Robbery! icon

JailStickPlus [1.12.2 - 1.21.x], Simply the best Police Plugin Now with Robbery! -----

The most advanced police plugin! With a robbery system included!

Added /jconfig + new features + stats
With its 1.0.6 JailStickPlus comes with:
-New /jconfig command : This command will let you add commands that will be run from your console on the chosen event. for example:
/jconfig addcommand onduty shout &ahello world, this command will run in the console the command : "shout &ahello world" each time someone runs successfully /duty. the commands that you can run are infinite and you can easily delete them anytime thanks to JailStickPlus's tab completers that will guide you to the removal of the commands. to remove a command you simply /jconfig removecommand onduty <index> , if there are commands set for the event "onduty" jailstickplus will show the list of the commands and next to each command there will be its index. permission: jailstick.jconfig

/jstats will show the stats of a player and /jstats <Player Name> will show the specified player's stats. JailstickPlus will keep track of: The number of times you go jailed, the Number of Cops you killed and if you're a cop (to be a cop you need the permission jailstick.police) it will keep track of the times you died while being on duty and your average accuracy with the jailstick. permission: jailstick.statsothers

-You can now turn off the message that is printed whenever a player goes on/off duty by setting to false "

-You can now teleport to the location of the player requesting the 911 by clicking the 911 message. This can be turned on in the configuration file by setting to true "
----------, Oct 15, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 71
First Release: Sep 27, 2021
Last Update: Oct 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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