JailStickPlus [1.12.2 - 1.21.x], Simply the best Police Plugin Now with Robbery! icon

JailStickPlus [1.12.2 - 1.21.x], Simply the best Police Plugin Now with Robbery! -----

The most advanced police plugin! With a robbery system included!

JailStickPlus 1.1
With its 1.1 JailStickPlus comes with:
  • Storage optimization
  • You can now set an amount of money that will be paid by the players that get jailed
  • [BETA] Added Handcuffs: You can now set an item as handcuffs by running the command /setcuffs. To use the handcuffs you need to be on duty and hit the player with the item you have chosen to be the handcuffs. When you hit the player that player will be cuffed and will follow you. To remove the handcuffs you can either hit the player again with the selcted item or execute the command: /uncuff.
  • Added /jailstick which will give you a jailstick.
  • Added a new jailing system: By executing /jmode you will switch between the 2 different JailStickPlus' modalities. The simple mode and the advanced mode. The Advanced mode is basically the classic JailStickPlus, meanwhile the simple mode is a gui based jailing system:When you jail someone a gui pops up with all the different actions you can execute.
  • Now you can choose in the config.yml if cops will have their inventory replaced when they go on duty.
  • Added /setrelease: This command will let you set a location where jailed players will be teleported to on release. You can unset the release location with /unsetrelease.
  • You can now Frisk Players by executing /frisk <player> or by clicking the option to frisk on the gui that pops up with JailStickPlus's simple mode!
  • Bug fixes
----------, Nov 16, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 71
First Release: Sep 27, 2021
Last Update: Oct 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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