- new modelIdWeights list for setting weights to items based on it's model id. Great for use with custom item plugins like Oraxen
- itemLimits can also be specified with a modelId instead of just materials like:
Code (Text):
- limit: 5
modelId: 1000
- commands can now be run from the console / not just players
- basic tab complete for commands
- drop support for some older versions
- added a permission config value to the itemLimit section, so different players can have different limits applied.
- fixed bug where blindness was being impacted even if it came from somewhere else
- fixed issue with /iw get <material name> command
- For the new itemLimit attribute, it looks the material instead of a direct match. This way SHULKER_BOX will handle all different colors.
- Added new config option blindAtMax which gives a player the blindness attribute when they reach max weight
- See new message config options for when a player is over the limit and over weight.
- plugin now counts items inside of shulker boxes
- added a new itemLimits map that can set limits to the number of a specific item. (currently this only supports materials but will be expanded next update). When a player reaches the item limit it will be handled the same as going over the max weight.
- fixed bug where reload config wasn't working properly
- removed some dead code
- new documentation on github
Have a few other things in the works, join my discord server to ask questions and share suggestions!
- when changing a player's inventoryweight.maxweight.[weight] perm the player's max weight will be updated in real time. No longer need to relog
- added a new beginSlowdown config value. This enables you to set a weight limit % at which you want the player's speed to begin decreasing. If the value is set to .5 then the player's speed will stay at the max value until their weight has reached over 50% of the weight limit set in your config.
- tested latest Minecraft versions
Built the plugin with an older version of Java so it's compatible with more versions!
- Added a new lore tag allowing you to create items that increase a player's max weight!
- Minor code quality and performance improvements
- Fix bug for logged out players on drop event
- updated to 1.18.2
- fixed weightPercentage placeholder
- code quality improvements
- Fixed issue with rounding on the weight
- Fixed issue where the player would change world BUT their speed and whether or no they were frozen would not be adjusted if the new world had weight turned off.
- There's now an armor-only mode which when set to true will only include a player's armor in their weight.
- Rounding the weight to the nearest second decimal place
Fixed issue where hex numbers were used as the weight in custom items. This is now fixed but you MUST have a space key in front of the number that is used for the weight.
- Plugin will be ignored when players are in creative mode.
- Added configuration to support different worlds. The worlds section of the configuration allows you to specify which worlds to enable the plugin in. If the list is empty then the plugin will be enabled in every world.
- Fixed exceptions from missing values in the config
- slight performance improvements
Quickly noticed a mistake with the previous jar
Hey all! Sorry for so many updates this week, I'm working on a new plugin and have also dedicated some time to fixing any lingering issues on this plugin and adding a few new features.
- Added lore tags to the plugin! You can set the weight of an item by adding a custom lore tag in your configuration. If a number is found in the same line as the specified lore tag that will be the weight of the item. For example, the default configuration used "Weight:" as the lore tag. If you have a custom item with something like "Weight: 10.5". The weight of that item will be 10.5.
- Removed weight by lore. I find the above solution to be much better for handling custom items. If you think this is a mistake then let me know.
- I've also changed the default on the inventoryweight.off permission to be false. This is to avoid someone trying this plugin out for the first time and thinking the plugin is broken because they are an op.
- Fixed reloading. The plugin would not work properly if you reloaded the server. That is no longer the case.
- Removed the set command to update the material weight of an item in the server. I may add a replacement back in the future but given that weight can be done by lore/item name it's not as useful anymore.
- Fixed a bug with the reload command. Using /iw reload will add the configuration changes into the plugin for the config.yml file.
- The player freeze mechanic has been updated and now there is no way for players to move at the max weight.
- Custom weights can now be added by item lore. For a given item lore a weight can be assigned. This is because players can change their item names but not the lore giving more opportunity to customize weights.
- Removed potion effects which fix the bug around removing existing potion effects from players.
- Jump limit is now removed, when player movement is disabled they will also not be able to jump.
- /iw get without specifying a material name will give you the weight of the item in your main hand.
- Added more placeholders including the player speed, the weight percentage, and the speed display bar that appears in the /iw weight command.
- Various efficiency fixes to help speed up the plugin and code refactoring to make future changes easier to implement.
I'm very happy with the plugin quality after this update. If you find any bugs/issues please let me know and I'll take care of this ASAP. I can only do so much testing by myself. If anyone is interested in helping test future versions going forward send me a message!
Also if you have more feature requests I'd love to make the plugin better and more configurable.
Still dealing with the same issue from the last update - I believe this should fix it.
Fixed a bug where the plugin was crashing
The resource didn't update correctly last night, here's the updated version fixing the previous issue.
Sorry to update again so quickly but I found a small bug.
New Features
- Weights can be set based on the item's display name(if it has a custom name), so something like Iron Sword of Doom could have a custom weight that would be different than what was set for IRON_SWORD. The name will "dominate" the weight set for the material.
- Weights can now be set as a decimal up to two decimal points. So 1.25 is now an accepted weight and the player's weight will be displayed with the decimal.
- Configuration was updated to support this change, weights can be set like 1.4, 10.15, or 10. This means all older configurations will still work.
- Tested on the newest version 1.16.
- Weights can now be set in lower case or upper case before diamond_sword would not work, now it doesn't matter
Bug Fixes
- Fixed permission issue with setting weights
- Fixed incorrect messaging and improve the quality of messages.
- I wanted to update to meet some requests but I can't think of any cool updates for this plugin. If anything comes to mind let me know!
- I published the code https://github.com/wsaada19/inventory-weight-spigot-plugin. Feel free to take a look and make fun of my code (I've learned a lot in the last year). Or let me know if you have any tips or ideas to improve the plugin and the codebase.
- Fixed bugs
- Tested/working on 1.12
- Now speed in the weight message is never negative, shows 0% at the lowest speed
I added PlaceholderApi support as it was requested. The two placeholders are: %inventoryweight_weight% and %inventoryweight_maxweight% . If there are any additional placeholders you would like let me know and I'll get them added as soon as possible.
- Now players can see their weight with /iw weight, even if they have it turned off
- Fixed issue where changing players permission could cause an error.
- refactoring
- small performance improvements
Pretty lame update, sorry it took me a week to release the bug fix, I've been focused on an awesome new plugin I'm going to release this month!
Very small update but I fixed a few problems
- Sprint and jump no longer works if jumping is disabled
- Fixed problem with 0 weight
- Fixed problem getting the weight of resources not manually set
New Features
- A messages.yml file can be used to customize the majority of messages in the plugin!
- Permission-based max weight with the new permission inventoryweight.maxweight.[max weight value] (for example: inventoryweight.maxweight.1000)
- Turn off inventory weight for players with inventoryweight.off
- More bug fixes including issue caused when a player hits 0 weight
The welcome message was removed.
- Jumping can now be disabled at a customizable weight
- Fixed a few issues with the commands
- The plugin can be reloaded while the server is running
Thanks and have a wonderful week
Update Changes
- Player speed is now changed every time their weight changes, not just based on a thresh hold.
- Max/Min player speed can be changed in the config
- Welcome message can be disabled
- /iw weight command given a new look
- /iw info command added to get plugin information
- Weights can now be created for individual items in game in the config.yml file
- /iw get and /iw set commands added for above
- Improved quality of messages sent to player
- Spent more time testing and fixing small nuances