Weights can be set based on the item's display name(if it has a custom name), so something like Iron Sword of Doom could have a custom weight that would be different than what was set for IRON_SWORD. The name will "dominate" the weight set for the material.
Weights can now be set as a decimal up to two decimal points. So 1.25 is now an accepted weight and the player's weight will be displayed with the decimal.
Configuration was updated to support this change, weights can be set like 1.4, 10.15, or 10. This means all older configurations will still work.
Tested on the newest version 1.16.
Weights can now be set in lower case or upper case before diamond_sword would not work, now it doesn't matter
Bug Fixes
Fixed permission issue with setting weights
Fixed incorrect messaging and improve the quality of messages.
I wanted to update to meet some requests but I can't think of any cool updates for this plugin. If anything comes to mind let me know!
I published the code https://github.com/wsaada19/inventory-weight-spigot-plugin. Feel free to take a look and make fun of my code (I've learned a lot in the last year). Or let me know if you have any tips or ideas to improve the plugin and the codebase.