Hey all! Sorry for so many updates this week, I'm working on a new plugin and have also dedicated some time to fixing any lingering issues on this plugin and adding a few new features.
Added lore tags to the plugin! You can set the weight of an item by adding a custom lore tag in your configuration. If a number is found in the same line as the specified lore tag that will be the weight of the item. For example, the default configuration used "Weight:" as the lore tag. If you have a custom item with something like "Weight: 10.5". The weight of that item will be 10.5.
Removed weight by lore. I find the above solution to be much better for handling custom items. If you think this is a mistake then let me know.
I've also changed the default on the inventoryweight.off permission to be false. This is to avoid someone trying this plugin out for the first time and thinking the plugin is broken because they are an op.
Fixed reloading. The plugin would not work properly if you reloaded the server. That is no longer the case.