Note! There are a lot of Random-Teleport-Features added in this Version, but they will not work currently! They are still WIP, but will have no effect on all the other Features, so you can update the Plugin!
[>] Improved some internal Libraries which results in a better Performance of the Plugin!
[+] Added "normal-tp-create-back-location" Config-Option! (Defines whether a normal Player-Teleport should create a Back-Location on this Position) (Requested by @T0Bl3RoN3!)
Please recreate your Config-File after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure or simply import the new Settings from the Default-Config in the Plugin-Overview!!
[+] Added "TabBlacklist" Config-Option in the "Warp"-Section (Defines the Settings which should not be shown in the Tab Completion List)
[+] Added "tab-completion-show-homes" Config-Option in the "Home"-Section (Defines if Homes should be shown in the Tab-Completion)
[+] Added "TabBlacklist" Config-Option in the "Home"-Section (Defines the Settings which should not be shown in the Tab Completion List)
[!] Fixed some Problems with Warp-Sign-Colors!
[!] Fixed some Problems with the Warp-NameBlacklist!
[!] Fixed some Problems with the Warp-WorldBlacklist!
[+] Added "GWarpPro.Warp.Warp.<Warpname>" Permission (This Permission allows a Player to teleport to this specific Warp) (Feature-Request by @Lap-Corp)
[+] Added "GWarpPro.Home.Home.<Homename>" Permission (This Permission allows a Player to teleport to this specific Home)
NOTE: You need to recreate all your Warps, Homes and the Spawnpoint because of the big changes on the internal Location-Manager!! A huge sorry from me but this is the last change to the Location-Manager so you don't need to recreate your Warps, Homes or the Spawnpoint in the future!! The best way to recreate everything is to delete the "data"-Folder and reload / restart the Server!
[>] Huge changes on the internal Location-Manager!!!
[>] Changed the Default-Value from the "use-warp-only-in-same-world"-Config-Option to "false"
[!] Fixed Location-Issues a after Restart! (Thanks to @priceless0 for the Report!)
Please recreate your Config-File and Language-Files after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure or simply import the new Settings from the Default-Config in the Plugin-Overview!!
Update []: Please recreate your Config-File after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure or simply import the new Settings from the Default-Config in the Plugin-Overview!!
[+] Added (teleport: "gtp") to the "CommandShortcuts"
[+] Added (tp: "gtp") to the "CommandShortcuts"
[+] Added "warp-command-open-gui"-Config-Option
[+] Added "default-warp-gui"-Config-Option
[+] Added "warp_menu.yml"-File to GUI-Folder
[+] Added "top_menu.yml"-File to GUI-Folder
[+] Added "list_menu.yml"-File to GUI-Folder
[+] Added "warps_menu.yml"-File to GUI-Folder
[+] Added "/warp gui <Menu>"-Subcommand (Note: This Command is experimental!)
Please recreate your Config-File and Language-Files after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure or simply import the new Settings from the Default-Config in the Plugin-Overview!!
[+] Added "default-warp-icon"-Config-Option (Defines the Default Material for a Warp-Icon)
[+] Added "/warp icon <Warp> [<Material>/clear]"-Subcommand (Note: With this Command you can now set a GUI-Icon. At the moment you can't see the Icon in any GUI because this Feature is in development!)
[>] Removed the "/tp"-Alias from the /gtp"-Command. (Requested by @Squeejcraft) (Note: You can use the "CommandShortcuts" in the Config to rebuild the "/tp"-Command with: (tp: "gtp")
[>] Changed a huge amount internal Classes for future GUI-Menus
Update []: Please recreate your Config-File after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure or simply import the new Settings from the Default-Config in the Plugin-Overview!!
[+] Added "NameBlackList"-Config-Option for Warps (Defines the List of Warpnames that can't be used (Write the Names in lower case))
[!] Changed Plugin-Description in the plugin.yml
[!] Added some Blacklist-Names to the internal Use-List
[+] Added "CommandShortcuts" to the Config! (You can now create Shortcuts for Commands like: "/gwarp set <Warp>" -> "/setwarp <Warp>")
[+] Added "cancel-warp-warmup-by-move"-Config-Option (Defines if a Warp WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
[+] Added "cancel-home-warmup-by-move"-Config-Option (Defines if a Home WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
[+] Added "cancel-spawn-warmup-by-move"-Config-Option (Defines if the Spawn WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
[+] Added "death-create-back-location"-Config-Option (Defines if a Player-Death should create a Back-Location on this Position) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
[+] Added "clear-back-location-on-quit"-Config-Option (Defines if the Back-Location of a Player should get cleared on Quit)
[+] Added "/tpa toggle"-Subcommand (Toggle your Tpa-Requests) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
[+] Added "/tpahere toggle"-Subcommand (Toggle your TpaHere-Requests) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)