Please recreate your Config-File after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure or simply import the new Settings from the Default-Config in the Plugin-Overview!!
[+] Added "TabBlacklist" Config-Option in the "Warp"-Section (Defines the Settings which should not be shown in the Tab Completion List)
[+] Added "tab-completion-show-homes" Config-Option in the "Home"-Section (Defines if Homes should be shown in the Tab-Completion)
[+] Added "TabBlacklist" Config-Option in the "Home"-Section (Defines the Settings which should not be shown in the Tab Completion List)
[!] Fixed some Problems with Warp-Sign-Colors!
[!] Fixed some Problems with the Warp-NameBlacklist!
[!] Fixed some Problems with the Warp-WorldBlacklist!