GWarpPro ⭐ Advanced Warp, Home, Spawn & Teleport Plugin ✅ [1.9 - 1.21.4] ✨ icon

GWarpPro ⭐ Advanced Warp, Home, Spawn & Teleport Plugin ✅ [1.9 - 1.21.4] ✨ -----

✨ Create advanced Warps, Homes & Spawn with the many Teleport-Features ✨

[Update] Back-Command, CommandShortcuts, Config-Overhaul, Tpa-Toggle & Bugfixes
Update []:

Please recreate your Config-File and Language-Files after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure!!
  • [+] Added "/back"-Command (Teleports you back to your last Teleport-Location)
  • [+] Added "/back <Player>"-Command (Teleports a Player back to his last Teleport-Location)
  • [+] Added "GWarpPro.Back" & "GWarpPro.Back.Other"-Permission
  • [+] Added "CommandShortcuts" to the Config! (You can now create Shortcuts for Commands like: "/gwarp set <Warp>" -> "/setwarp <Warp>")
  • [+] Added "cancel-warp-warmup-by-move"-Config-Option (Defines if a Warp WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
  • [+] Added "cancel-home-warmup-by-move"-Config-Option (Defines if a Home WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
  • [+] Added "cancel-spawn-warmup-by-move"-Config-Option (Defines if the Spawn WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
  • [+] Added "death-create-back-location"-Config-Option (Defines if a Player-Death should create a Back-Location on this Position) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
  • [+] Added "clear-back-location-on-quit"-Config-Option (Defines if the Back-Location of a Player should get cleared on Quit)
  • [+] Added "/tpa toggle"-Subcommand (Toggle your Tpa-Requests) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
  • [+] Added "/tpahere toggle"-Subcommand (Toggle your TpaHere-Requests) (Requested by @Squeejcraft)
  • [+] Added "Back", "Tpa-Toggle" & "TpaHere-Toggle"-Messages
  • [>] Restructured the Config in a new Design! (Please recreate your Config!)
  • [>] Renamed a lot of Config-Options!
  • [>] Changed some Config-Descriptions so they should be more clearly.
  • [>] Thanks to the new Config-System, there should be a huge boost in performance! Especially in the area of "Cooldown" and "Warmup"!
  • [!] Fixed wrong Config-Default-Setting for "warp-warmup"
  • [!] Fixed PlayerMoveEvent doesn't note Event-Cancel!
----------, Aug 16, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 219
First Release: Aug 8, 2020
Last Update: Dec 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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