Please recreate your Config-File and Language-Files after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure or simply import the new Settings from the Default-Config in the Plugin-Overview!!
[+] Added "default-warp-icon"-Config-Option (Defines the Default Material for a Warp-Icon)
[+] Added "/warp icon <Warp> [<Material>/clear]"-Subcommand (Note: With this Command you can now set a GUI-Icon. At the moment you can't see the Icon in any GUI because this Feature is in development!)
[>] Removed the "/tp"-Alias from the /gtp"-Command. (Requested by @Squeejcraft) (Note: You can use the "CommandShortcuts" in the Config to rebuild the "/tp"-Command with: (tp: "gtp")
[>] Changed a huge amount internal Classes for future GUI-Menus