GPS - Pathfinder! Minecraft Pathfinding Tool icon

GPS - Pathfinder! Minecraft Pathfinding Tool -----

A GPS tool to create a roadmap and find shortest paths to your target locations

Just a small dependency update, so that everything works fine on latest versions! Cheers

Full Changelog: v5.4.1...v5.4.2
----------, Oct 28, 2024

Hello everyone!
This version adds support for 1.21.1 and some backwards compability for 1.17.
To achieve backwards compability, I had to downgrade the database dependency. Therefore it is crucial to backup your data in case things don't work out as planned. On my testing systems, no issues occurred but you'll never know.



Full Changelog: v5.4.0...v5.4.1
----------, Aug 30, 2024

What's Changed
  • Fix UnsupportedOperationException by @Condordito in #84
  • Fix in navigation alogithms to obtain correctness while improving scalability
  • Bringing back backwards compability that has been lost with an 1.21 update
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v.5.3.1...v5.4.0
----------, Aug 7, 2024

Hey guys,
it's a hot fix for some scaling issues with the navigation algorithm. I tested mainly on very small graphs (2-30 Nodes) and on those you cannot notice performance issues. Only just updated my showcase server with 2600 odes and realized that it takes at some points minutes to calculate the shortest path D:
I used a Fibonnaci Heap implementation that is known to speed up pathfinding even further but it was not able to recognize already settled parts of the graph and it'd do millions of iterations instead of thousands. Stepped back to TreeSet for now.
----------, Jul 13, 2024

Hey guys,
first of all, all dependencies have been updated to 1.21. Please create an issue if you experience any bugs!

Thanks to @MomoPewpew for making a very precise bug report in #82, which has now been fixed/optimized.
And also thank you @MomoPewpew for the pull request to fix premature path ending in #81

Full Changelog: v5.2.0...v5.3.0
----------, Jul 10, 2024

Hey, this update fixes a crucial issue on 1.20.6 servers.
It also introduces a navigate command to start a navigation for certain players from console.
The command syntax is
Code (Text):
/pf navigate <players> <target>
, used like
Code (Text):
/pf navigate @a toilet&third_floor

Full Changelog: v5.1.2...v5.2.0
----------, Jun 5, 2024

Bug fix for a blocking error when navigating to any group that contains more than one node.
Thank you @robzen for reporting!

Full Changelog: v5.1.1...v5.1.2
----------, Jun 3, 2024

Small bug fix related to NoPathFound Exceptions

Full Changelog: v5.1.0...v5.1.1
----------, May 30, 2024

This version contains a bug fix for systems with more than 100 nodegroups and includes some general changes to the code setup to speed up future updates. Have fun and report everything noteworthy on the discord or in a github issue.

Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.1.0
----------, May 30, 2024

The update comes with a lot of modifications towards clean code and extendability.
This is done via ExtensionPoints, meaning that custom code like Visualizers and VisualizerTypes can be injected by implementing and marking an interface as Java Service in the manifest.

Other than that, bugs were fixed and FlywayDB has been introduced as migration tool.

An update on the docs about how to extend the plugin will follow.

A major bug concerning node selection has been reported and fixed thanks to @MomoPewpew

Full Changelog: v4.6.0...v5.0.0
----------, Apr 4, 2024

Hey, small 1.20.4 update that brings all dependencies up to date.
Also fixes bug about missing pagination in editor menus

Full Changelog: v4.4.0...v4.6.0
----------, Feb 16, 2024

Hello everyone,
This is a rather big update with changes towards 1.20.2.
It also removes ProtocolLib as dependency.

PLEASE make a backup before installing. Report any issues!

Full Changelog: v4.3.2...v4.5.0
----------, Nov 17, 2023

Hey, update time again!


  • #9 /discoveries now lists all groups with a discover-progress modifier and their discovered percentage
  • #62 Don't render ALL visualizers but only those of all groups with highest prio
  • Edit mode group menus sorted alphabetically
  • #63 Message formatting improvements
  • #65 Bugfix with deleted visualizers and visualizer modifiers
Full Changelog: v4.3.2...v4.4.0
----------, Aug 11, 2023

Hey, a series of bugfixes :D
#55, #64, #53 and increased pathfinding a lot

Full Changelog: v4.3.1...v4.3.2
----------, Aug 6, 2023

Hey, a smalll hotfix that made /find available for non op players but not available for ops. Now, /find is available for everyone by default.

Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.3.1
----------, Aug 2, 2023

This update introduces the requested /findplayer command. It works similar to the known /tpa feature, but instead of teleporting it will create a shortest path connection from one player to the other.
The according permission nodes are:
pathfinder.command.findplayer.request -> allow /findplayer
pathfinder.command.findplayer.accept -> allow /findplayeraccept []
pathfinder.command.findplayer.decline -> allow /findplayerdecline []

Also, the bugs #60 and #61 have been fixed.

Full Changelog: v4.2.1...v4.3.0
----------, Aug 2, 2023

Hey :D
A quick update that fixes an empty DB request for every player movement and an issue where modifiers were occasionally not saved to storage.
As always, just send me a message or create an issue if anything does not work as expected!

Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.2.1
----------, Jul 30, 2023

Hey everyone!
This update comes with "dump files", which are files with all important information to your environment, so that I have some more data to reproduce errors quickly. No one has to send these files to anyone, but sending it to me when having an issue with the plugin can really help me to reproduce the problem.

Also, a bug with particle paths has been fixed: sometimes, only parts of the path were visible, and sometimes, the path first moved one edge in the wrong direction before going back to the actual target.

Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0
----------, Jul 29, 2023

Hey everyone,
this update comes with some performance improvements for large node databases and some bugfixes.
Make sure to report any issues to me in a DM or as issue :D thanks!

Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.1.0
----------, Jul 27, 2023

A bugfix for the /findlocation command, where a permanent edge to a temporary node was being created.
The error leads to redstone particles of the editmode not showing initially and to /find not working anymore.
It can be solved by deleting the loose edges from the data storage with the command

Code (Text):
DELETE FROM pathfinder_edges WHERE (SELECT count(id) FROM pathfinder_waypoints WHERE id =  end_id ) = 0
In words: delete all edges where the referenced end node cannot be found in the waypoints table.

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1
----------, Jul 23, 2023

Important Notes
!! Make a backup before installing v4 !!
This is the first release of a almost full rewrite of the plugin. I tested a lot but I cannot test it all! There will be minor issues. I would be very glad for any bug report! Simply create an issue or contact me via discord or spigot page.

Main Changes
  • Roadmaps are replaced by NodeGroups
  • NodeGroups are useless on their own and gain their behaviour by applying modifiers on them (Search Terms, Discover Text, ...)
  • YML Storage is quite unreliable compared to a true db management system and has therefore been removed
  • The whole command structure had a remake. Use /pathfinder and the according subcommands to find all administratory features.
  • Performance improvements in editmode to prevent crashing clients
Yet to be done
  • Mainly the WIKI, which is still on v3. It will be updated within the next days
  • All the nice little features that are listed here
Have fun with the new version :D
----------, Jul 23, 2023

This update sadly removes the Command Syntax correction but on the other hand enables support for 1.20.
This is a temporary solution until v4 is out

Full Changelog: v3.0.4...v3.0.5
----------, Jul 2, 2023

Hey again,
surely it is not the last time that a ProtocolLib is followed by a PathFinder update! All it adds is compability for the newly released ProtocolLib 5.0.0
Thanks to @MultiverShaun for telling me in discord!


Full Changelog: v3.0.3_fixed...v3.0.4
----------, May 17, 2023

This hotfix only changes the loading order of plugins, so that worlds are not loaded as null.
Thanks to @Knetterkoekje for reporting!

v4.0.0 will come with a proper solution that can deal with world loading and unloading at any time.

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.0.3
----------, May 13, 2023

Hey, this update comes with a hotfix. Thanks to @MultiverShaun for reporting!

Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.0.2
----------, Apr 19, 2023

Simply adds 1.19.4 support

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1
----------, Apr 8, 2023

Hello there!
With this release come some bigger changes to data storing and configuration. Your data will remain, but make sure to create a backup before installing v3. Your config.yml and effects.nbo will be renamed with suffix _old and new ones will be generated. Transfer values manually if set.

What's Changed
  • Migrate to Gradle with modules by @LooFifteen in #27
  • New abstract database layer with jOOQ, that supports all kinds of SQL dialects.
  • Introduces /findlocation command that connects an arbitrary location temporarily as node to the graph for pathfinding.
  • ProtoclLib is only required if compiled with editor-module. The plugin will tell, if wrong ProtocolLib version is being used.
  • Turned path solving into abstract module, so that the actual implementation algorithm can be changed.
  • Armorstand heads of edges face direction of edge
  • Made editmode abstract, so that custom implementations can be used if wanted.
  • Fix with bezier curves and path smoothing.
  • Display fix in roadmap edit command
  • Removed unused code.
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v3.0.0
----------, Mar 14, 2023

Hey there,
this release comes with some minor bug fixes:

  • /roadmap editmode showed wrong messages (#24)
  • /roadmap editmode <roadmap> with unknown roadmap as argument threw NullPointerException and showed no error message (#22)
  • /roadmap create did show a wrong message on duplicate key (#21)
  • An error occurred when trying to disconnect a node from all its adjacent nodes (#19)
  • CompassVisualizers had 20 Ticks as default interval, changed to 1 Tick. (much smoother)
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
----------, Feb 28, 2023

Hello there,

this update comes with some eases in command usage that tells you how to use commands the right way. More to come in near future.



Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.1.0
----------, Feb 22, 2023

Small fixes for errors with older mc versions and running without PlaceholderAPI

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
----------, Jan 28, 2023

Hey out there (again, posted with wrong download link),
I am sorry for this late update to Minecraft 1.19.3, but here it is.
I wanted to release it at the same time with some other features.
Important changes:

  • Introduction of a Placeholder Visualizer, that does nothing but introducing placeholders for direction and distance
  • Improved Version of SelectionParsers (e.g. @n[distance=..10]) with way better suggestions.
  • Compass Visualizer that adds a bossbar with a compass and the target that one wants to reach
Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v2.0.0
----------, Jan 27, 2023

Hey out there,
I am sorry for this late update to Minecraft 1.19.3, but here it is.
I wanted to release it at the same time with some other features.
Important changes:

  • Introduction of a Placeholder Visualizer, that does nothing but introducing placeholders for direction and distance
  • Improved Version of SelectionParsers (e.g. @n[distance=..10]) with way better suggestions.
  • Compass Visualizer that adds a bossbar with a compass and the target that one wants to reach
Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v2.0.0
----------, Jan 26, 2023

Some fixes within the permissions, especially with the shortened /find command.

Make sure to check the Changelog if you have already specified explicid permissions.

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2
----------, Nov 30, 2022

Fixing a bug that affected item lores. Thanks to @T14D3 for reporting!

Item lores have been overridden while trying to translate them. I just changed the code so that Pathfinder doesn't mess with items at all anymore. Safer that way :p

**Full Changelog**:
----------, Nov 27, 2022

Hey :D

Fiiirst of all, I now provide discord support. Find the link on the main page!

This release brings a lot of changes in code, while the usage stays almost the same. The only thing that has changed for now is the syntax of the find command, which changed from /find location <target> to /find <target>.
The location sub argument was based on the idea that the find command could also find things like shops or quests, like /find shop diamons

In future, this can be done with search term attributes if required: /find shop[sells=diamond]&(free_parking|parking_lot)

Also, the parser for the query language (this stuff: a&((c|d)&!((b)))) is now generated via Antlr and therefore gives a pretty accurate error if somethings not working

Full Changelog: v1.4...v1.5
----------, Nov 26, 2022

Hey :D time for some news!
I'm quite ill and after having regained some strength I spent the spare time on the Wiki!
This will help if you have some problems with understanding.

Also, if you are having issues with PathFinder, please use the SpigotMC or GitHub discussion feature :D I'd be glad if I could help you out.

  • Added missing permission check for a nodes node group permissions (when using /find, check if a player has perm to pass node)
  • Fixes issues with modifying node groups
  • Added quite a lot to the WIKI, feel free to check it out
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.4
----------, Nov 22, 2022

Hotfix with missing null check

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
----------, Nov 6, 2022

In this update, armorstands (node and edge indicators) no longer remain when quitting the server without toggling off the edit mode.
Also, issues with the serialization of dust options and dust color transitions were solved.
A new downloadable visualizer example was added:

Full Changelog: v1.3...v1.3.1
----------, Nov 6, 2022

The main change of this update is the integration of the required dependency NBT-API, which is now included in the jar.
This means, you no longer have to have the NBT-API jar in your plugins directory if not used for any other plugin :D

Also, there are some bug fixes and code improvements. Commands are no longer restricted to players if not explicitly required, so that things can be managed from console.

And at last, I made a test suite to check if things are working :D check it out if you want to find inspiration on how to use the API while there is no proper documentation!

**Full Changelog**:
----------, Oct 30, 2022

Quick hotfix to reenable 1.18 support, which somehow got lost with the last update. Thanks to @VolublePizza for messaging me :D
----------, Oct 25, 2022

Full changelog:

Check out this page to download free premade visualizers :D more to come

+ /pathfinder export, to export your data from one data storage format to another
+ /pathfinder import or /visualizer import, to quickly download default visualizers from the github repository page.
+ Many fixes in combined and scripted visualizers
----------, Oct 23, 2022

Hey :D
This releases fixes some bugs and adds a new type of path visualizer. The so called scriptline visualizers are basically particle visualizers but instead of setting static values, one can also enter javascript code as property, allowing things like custom particles based on the worldtime or distance to the player.
E.g.: a dust particle data that changes color depending on the distance to the player.

Code (Java):
var DustOptions = Java. type ( 'org.bukkit.Particle$DustOptions' ) ;
new DustOptions (Java. type ( 'org.bukkit.Color' ). fromRGB ( Math. min (playerdistance * 15, 255 ), 0, Math. max ( 255 - playerdistance * 15, 0 ) ), 1 ) ;

- An SQL Exception when assigning already assigned groups to nodes
- The cancel_path effect only gets called if the path was actually cancelled. stop_path gets called whenever a path stops playing
- The selection parser for nodes now also accepts the simple input " @n"
- JGraphT was removed and replaced with custom implementations to keep the jar small
- And other small fixes in languagae files etc.
----------, Oct 15, 2022

This is the first official release of the PathFinder plugin! :D
From now on, i will work on bug reports, new features, documentation and the API.

Changes and fixes since the prior version v0.6:
- YML is now supported as a database type
- Some RegEx in the waypoint query didn't work, now they do
- the /waypoint info command now lists all results if the query provides more than one node
- The error spam that nodes didn't exists on startup when having multiple roadmaps is fixed
- The Path Curving is now independent of the distance to a nodes neighbours -> smoother curves
- Fixed error in /roadmap editmode, if no roadmap provided but no roadmaps exist

Known Problems that remain to be fixed in the next days:
- Path curves still overlap (the bezier tangent points are longer than the actual edge, which causes a looping)
- AdvancedParticleVisualizer has not yet any commands to configure
----------, Sep 11, 2022

I still work on many things that were still not intuitive or buggy. I think its pretty save to use already.
- Added the AdvancedParticleVisualizer for API users, that allows way more shapes and types of effects
- Made Datastorage less dependent on main code
- Removed all AnvilGUIs to make the plugin less protocol dependent
- Introduced `/node edit <nodes> addgroup <group>`
- Introduced `/node edit <nodes> removegroup <group>`
- Introduced `/node edit <nodes> cleargroups`
- Changed the editmode to only use 6 slots.
- Changed last group in editmode to multigroup tool, which allows to add and remove multiple groups at once
----------, Sep 8, 2022

+ The /node list command now displays node information
+ All commands now use the /name edit <key> <attribute> <value> syntax
+ I removed the whole /roadmap select thing, as it has way less use than in prior versions and makes things a bit unintuitive
+ Hover & click messages work again with 1.19.2
+ Fixes syntax error in /node connect <selection> <selection>
+ Added id as attribute for nodeselections (@n[id=1,roadmap=pathfinder:test])
+ Fixes many small nullpointer problems
+ Added plugin version to config, so that future updates can have database conversion
----------, Sep 4, 2022

A fix with the roadmap creation, thanks to @Merlyn for reporting!
There is a change in the sql database so deleting the data folder is required.

- Comments in the language file were missing '#'s
- /roadmap create works again and the new roadmap will have no visualizer by default.
use /pathvisualizer create <type> <name> to create a visualizer and apply it to the roadmap with /roadmap edit <roadmap> visualizer <visualizer>.
This will throw an exception, but the visualizer is set and you are ready to use /find with particles
----------, Sep 3, 2022

Fixes /roadmap list and /nodegroups list to use 1 as default page, not 0
----------, Sep 3, 2022

This update comes with the major part of visualizer logic.

- Visualizers can now be stored and loaded in sqlite
- Visualizertypes can be registered from other plugins
- All command lists now always display the correct page numbers
- BStats Support
- German language file generation

There are quite a view minor bugs and missing translations left and they will be certainly fixed in near future. I think early access can be of use anyways, so you can get familiar with anything and don't have to wait for me
----------, Sep 3, 2022

* Made all nodegroup events post-change (SomeValueChangedEvent)
* Fixed error in SQL Syntax for Nodegroup updates
* Fixed /find command to check permissions and navigability of every group of a node
----------, Aug 31, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,857
First Release: Aug 31, 2022
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings