GPS - Pathfinder! Minecraft Pathfinding Tool icon

GPS - Pathfinder! Minecraft Pathfinding Tool -----

A GPS tool to create a roadmap and find shortest paths to your target locations

v1.1 - JavaScript Visualizer and fixes
Hey :D
This releases fixes some bugs and adds a new type of path visualizer. The so called scriptline visualizers are basically particle visualizers but instead of setting static values, one can also enter javascript code as property, allowing things like custom particles based on the worldtime or distance to the player.
E.g.: a dust particle data that changes color depending on the distance to the player.

Code (Java):
var DustOptions = Java. type ( 'org.bukkit.Particle$DustOptions' ) ;
new DustOptions (Java. type ( 'org.bukkit.Color' ). fromRGB ( Math. min (playerdistance * 15, 255 ), 0, Math. max ( 255 - playerdistance * 15, 0 ) ), 1 ) ;

- An SQL Exception when assigning already assigned groups to nodes
- The cancel_path effect only gets called if the path was actually cancelled. stop_path gets called whenever a path stops playing
- The selection parser for nodes now also accepts the simple input " @n"
- JGraphT was removed and replaced with custom implementations to keep the jar small
- And other small fixes in languagae files etc.
----------, Oct 15, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,861
First Release: Aug 31, 2022
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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