GPS - Pathfinder! Minecraft Pathfinding Tool icon

GPS - Pathfinder! Minecraft Pathfinding Tool -----

A GPS tool to create a roadmap and find shortest paths to your target locations

v5.3.1 - Scaling Issues with Fibonnaci Heap
Hey guys,
it's a hot fix for some scaling issues with the navigation algorithm. I tested mainly on very small graphs (2-30 Nodes) and on those you cannot notice performance issues. Only just updated my showcase server with 2600 odes and realized that it takes at some points minutes to calculate the shortest path D:
I used a Fibonnaci Heap implementation that is known to speed up pathfinding even further but it was not able to recognize already settled parts of the graph and it'd do millions of iterations instead of thousands. Stepped back to TreeSet for now.
----------, Jul 13, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,861
First Release: Aug 31, 2022
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings