This update adds support for
v1.12.x Unfortunately due to the libraries required to support these versions, the file size has been significantly increased.
Also fixed some minor issues with the editor GUI.
Added a new poison controller effect which allows you to control the speed and damage of poison effects. This helps nerf the existing minecraft poison effect when used with foods like rotten flesh. Refer to (the new) foods.yml for more information on how to use them.
Fixed a few issues when rare items are used as "foods?
Added 1.15 Support. Note that the honey bottle item isn't added by default because of its unique effects.
Disabled shaking heart fix (keep-saturation option) because a lot of people put this plugin without knowing its main function and what its meant to deliver.
This is a beta version. It is not meant to be tested in a live server. Any bugs or dupes are expected. Fix:
The plugin now uses standard Java template structures.
Reduced update checker timeout to 2 seconds. This is enough.
Added a timeout for update checker for servers that are not connected to internet (for testing purposes or anything else) it'll no longer freeze the server forever.
Fixed a bug with the update checker on startup. (Thanks to @OnyxianSoul )
Added consumable option in config. It'll not consume the food instantly but will take effect after it's consumed.
Added specific hunger level freeze. You can now hold the hunger bar down to a certain point. (Useful for option above)
You should be able to add/remove any block/item in the food list now.
Golden apples and other foods now use the normal permission format fastfoodplus.use.<foodMaterial> and fastfoodplus.use-all is enabled by default which means you'll have to deny the permission if you want to limit food permissions.
Added InstantFood class for API.
Removed offhand-disalbe-creative option as it's always disabled.
Merged force offhand and swap offhand options in config.
Rewrote the config entirely.
Text based options in config are now case-insensitive.
Fixed OffHand Disable Swap feature.
Fixed offhand check for 1.8
Fixed the issue with using default effects from foods when empty. (Thanks to @kenace )
Fixed some sound related issues (Thanks to @kenace )
Fixed the issue with eating stone blocks (Thanks to @kenace )
Improved message/food cooldowns a little.
Removed a bunch of extra code.
Improved food handler. Prioritizing checks to get the quickest result.
Improved OffHand Force Inventory Disable feature.
Improved the Cake Handler
Config: I strongly recommend to reset your config.yml completely instead of updating. New Config on GitHub
You can now add potion effects to any food yourself. (Suggested by @kenace )
Replaced the old poison duration for foods based on the wiki. (With some small changes to make it fit with "hunger" effect which has no use when this plugin is enabled)
Removed a huge block of code related to foods that have effects.
Improved how foods healing amount and effects are saved.
This update requires you to update your config.yml or it'll be replaced with the new one. New:
You can now give permissions to your players to bypass offhand restriction while disabled.
Protection for offhand if they somehow glitched foods into their offhand they'll be still unable to eat the food.
Permission to bypass offhand events protection.
Permission to bypass force inventory protection.
Permission to bypass food swapping protection.
All the info about permissions in plugin's description!
Performance Improvements:
Improved "hand-priority" module.
Fixed a lot of bugs about offhand foods.
Improved how food is handled.
Updated to latest Spigot.
Config Changes: Change the config version to 21.
Under event-rightclick-air and block
Code (YAML):
# This will block the foods from being used in offhand. disable-events-rightclick-offhand: true
disable-events-rightclick-offhand-deny: "&8-=<&4!&8>=- &cYou're not allowed to eat food using your offhand &8-=<&4!&8>=-"
Update Checker which checks the updates from Spigot. Notifications when players join and startup check as well. All can be changed.
New command /fastfoodplus updates.
Permission for using fastfoods.
Permission for using custom golden apples.
Permission to display plugin management messages to players when plugin is reloaded.
Permission to get notifications about plugin updates when they join.
Permission for /fastfoodplus updates command.
All the info about permissions in plugin's description!
Performance Improvements:
Added the update checker to reload command as well.
Improved reload command stability.
Improved food handlers by a lot.
Config Changes: Under plugin prefix:
Code (YAML):
# config.yml version # Please do not change this. version: 20
# Check if the plugin has a new update from SpigotMC. # The message will be announced to Console when starting the plugin # and players who have the permission when they join. check-updates: true
Under messages tab:
Code (YAML):
updates-command-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do that."
Hey, liked this update? Maybe you would like to try it out and tell me your opinion about the plugin? It would be nice if you leave a review! Or maybe you found some bugs about the new update and you want to report in Discord server. Thank you! c:
# The saturation amount given to the player after instanty healing with food. Set to 0 to only use the hunger saturation. better-hunger-mode2-saturation: 1
This update requires you to update your config or it'll be replaced.
Fixed a few things for "disable-regeneration" option (Note that if you use the "OldCombatMechanics" plugin you'll need to disable the "old-player-regen" option for this to work)
Added an option to decide how the food should be used when hunger is disabled.
config.yml Changes:
version: 1.4.2
Code (Text):
# This option only works if disable-hunger is false.
# If the food healing amount is higher than the decreased hunger amount,
# Food will be consumed instantly instead of eating it.
# If you set this to false food will be consumed instantly only when hunger bar is full.
better-hunger: true