Update Checker which checks the updates from Spigot. Notifications when players join and startup check as well. All can be changed.
New command /fastfoodplus updates.
Permission for using fastfoods.
Permission for using custom golden apples.
Permission to display plugin management messages to players when plugin is reloaded.
Permission to get notifications about plugin updates when they join.
Permission for /fastfoodplus updates command.
All the info about permissions in plugin's description!
Performance Improvements:
Added the update checker to reload command as well.
Improved reload command stability.
Improved food handlers by a lot.
Config Changes: Under plugin prefix:
Code (YAML):
# config.yml version # Please do not change this. version: 20
# Check if the plugin has a new update from SpigotMC. # The message will be announced to Console when starting the plugin # and players who have the permission when they join. check-updates: true
Under messages tab:
Code (YAML):
updates-command-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do that."
Hey, liked this update? Maybe you would like to try it out and tell me your opinion about the plugin? It would be nice if you leave a review! Or maybe you found some bugs about the new update and you want to report in Discord server. Thank you! c: