This update requires you to update your config.yml or it'll be replaced with the new one. New:
You can now give permissions to your players to bypass offhand restriction while disabled.
Protection for offhand if they somehow glitched foods into their offhand they'll be still unable to eat the food.
Permission to bypass offhand events protection.
Permission to bypass force inventory protection.
Permission to bypass food swapping protection.
All the info about permissions in plugin's description!
Performance Improvements:
Improved "hand-priority" module.
Fixed a lot of bugs about offhand foods.
Improved how food is handled.
Updated to latest Spigot.
Config Changes: Change the config version to 21.
Under event-rightclick-air and block
Code (YAML):
# This will block the foods from being used in offhand. disable-events-rightclick-offhand: true
disable-events-rightclick-offhand-deny: "&8-=<&4!&8>=- &cYou're not allowed to eat food using your offhand &8-=<&4!&8>=-"