added the missing command autocompletion for "disableparticles" subcommand
Warning: The paper version won't be updated any more.
added new feature
The Command Execution Feature lets you execute command when a season changes. You can also delay the execution, so it will be executed after the season change.
Code (YAML):
enabled: true
events: # Add commands when the season changes # p -> all players will run this command # c -> the console will run this command # # %player% will be replaced with the players name. # You can add commands to the events without a limit onSeasonChange:
p: - say Im
%player% - say this is the second command
c: - say Im the console
- say this is the second command
enabled: true
runAfter: # Here you can set the min and max value of the generated value. # It will run after the generated value in seconds has elapsed. min: 5
max: 10
p: - say Im
%player% - say this is the second command
c: - say Im the console
- say this is the second command
Hello users.
I had some problems setting up the hosting for my wiki and that's why I decided to give you guys another update of the plugin. As everthing is working fine now, I will be working on the wiki for now.
Fixed outdated comments for the LootDrops feature
Fixed error when throwing items into lava
Code (Text):
[22:26:13 ERROR]: Could not pass event EntityDamageByBlockEvent to DynamicSeasons v2.2.0
java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftItem cannot be cast to class org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftItem and org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity are in unnamed module of loader @4b4523f8)
LootDrops feature enhancement
LootDrops accepts creature types and now block types as well
This update adds the promised Boss Spawning feature
and some other
important changes to the
season configs.
Recently PaperMC published
stable 1.21 builds. That means that I will update this plugin to 1.21 very soon.
Added Boss Spawning Feature
Fix: Update command will now download the latest version after a recent update
Fix: LootDrops now supports multiple entries of one Material
Change your LootDrops section!
correct section:
Code (YAML):
enabled: true
ExampleSword: # This is now the name of the entry!! material: diamond_sword
# Here you define the material! displayname: <yellow>Tomas' Legendary Sword
lore: - <gray>This sword
- <gray>is <red>dangerous</red>!
amount: 1
dropChance: 10
sharpness: 3
unbreaking: 5
Fix: PluginLogger recognizes legacy color codes
New Messages:
Code (YAML):
playerOnly: '
%prefix% <red>This command can only be executed by players.' spawnBoss:
unknownBoss: '
%prefix% <red>Unknown boss!' success: '
%prefix% <green>You spawned the %boss% boss.'
Save and delete your current messages.yml so the new messages can be generated. OR Manually add this to your messages.yml
Code (YAML):
invalidNumberFormat: '
%prefix% <gray>Invalid number!' remainingTimeSet: '
%prefix% <gray>You set the remaining time to <green>%remainingTime% seconds<gray>!'