This update adds the promised Boss Spawning feature
and some other
important changes to the
season configs.
Recently PaperMC published
stable 1.21 builds. That means that I will update this plugin to 1.21 very soon.
Added Boss Spawning Feature
Fix: Update command will now download the latest version after a recent update
Fix: LootDrops now supports multiple entries of one Material
Change your LootDrops section!
correct section:
Code (YAML):
enabled: true
ExampleSword: # This is now the name of the entry!! material: diamond_sword
# Here you define the material! displayname: <yellow>Tomas' Legendary Sword
lore: - <gray>This sword
- <gray>is <red>dangerous</red>!
amount: 1
dropChance: 10
sharpness: 3
unbreaking: 5
Fix: PluginLogger recognizes legacy color codes
New Messages:
Code (YAML):
playerOnly: '
%prefix% <red>This command can only be executed by players.' spawnBoss:
unknownBoss: '
%prefix% <red>Unknown boss!' success: '
%prefix% <green>You spawned the %boss% boss.'