- New objective config that allows quests to contain multiple objectives! For example, make a quest where you need to kill 15 zombies and mine 20 diamond ore.
Code (YAML):
# at least one objective is required, each quest can have infinite objectives
- type
: mobkill
## required, see type list for available types
: 100
# The goal is the amount of the task to be completed
# This is an optional parameter, if it doesn't exist the quest will count ALL mob kills. entity reference: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
- Zombie
- Pig
"Zombies & Pigs"
# A short description of the objective used in the GUI
- type
: mobkill
: 5
- Skeleton
: Skeletons
- Old config will still work for now but I recommend switching over to the new approach when you can.
- Added dropped reward message to messages.yml as droppedReward.
- Fixed bugs with the craftitem quest when shifting or clicking elsewhere.
- Added config values disableDuplicateBreaks and disableDuplicatePlaces to turn on/off whether the same item can be broken/placed multiple times for a quest.
- In the blockbreak event items that aren't fully grown will not count. So breaking carrots before they have finished growing will not count. Will make this configurable in the future.
Sorry this took so long, I had to make some big changes to the core of the code to get multi part objectives to work. Should be able to move much faster now. Please let me know if you run into any issues so I can fix any bugs asap