Community Quests [1.16 - 1.21] ⭐Run Server-Wide Quests ⭐ icon

Community Quests [1.16 - 1.21] ⭐Run Server-Wide Quests ⭐ -----

Create custom objectives for players on your server to complete together!

- Fixed issue where some save files were being corrupted.
----------, Dec 1, 2024

  • the /cq view menu is now updated in real time
  • added a random option for the scheduler, use random instead of a questId and a random quest will be selected from your config
  • fixed the duration timer to run every second (was running every two seconds)
  • names are now saved so it always uses the display name
  • fixed issue with scheduler when reloading the plugin
----------, Nov 28, 2024

  • change milk cow event to look for bucket fill event instead of interact event
  • add more checks to make sure events weren't canceled by other plugins
  • allow for quests that have no rewards
  • fix items stacking on menus
----------, Nov 27, 2024

- quick hologram bugfix, caused issues with other hologram plugins
----------, Nov 24, 2024

- fix issue where doubles didn't work with dynamic objectives
- fix issue where coop wasn't an option for dynamic objective quests
----------, Nov 23, 2024

Pretty big update here, mostly thanks to some great feedback on discord! Join us to get help and make suggestions :)

  • added hologram integration with DecentHologram (see docs for setup)
  • scheduler command and config for running quests on a scheduled day or interval. Can setup from schedules.yml or /cq schedule command.
  • The config for both of these may change as I gather feedback, so let me know what you think!
  • added dyanmicGoal option so placeholders can be used to set the goal of a quest at run time (for example goal can be based on number of players online when it starts).
  • added new quest type for blocks traveled with distance .
  • respect newline character /n in the quest description!
  • new placeholder for quest leaderboard (uses the newline char to put each player on a different line. Integrates well with the new Hologram)
  • new barStyle config option to change the style of the bossbar for each quest
  • moved barColor to quests, so each individual quest can have it's own color, no more global attribute
  • leaderboard size config value now also impacts leaderboard on /cq view like it was supposed to
  • fixed bug with donate quests that did not have a goal specified and could cause dup items
----------, Nov 23, 2024

  • ignore canceled events for craft/place and break events (will add more in next update)
  • ignore age of sugar cane in a block break event
----------, Oct 6, 2024

  • new carvepumpkin event to celebrate Halloween!
  • new /cq clearrewards <playerName> command to clear all rewards or individual player rewards
  • fixed event priorities for better compatibility with other plugins that disable certain events like protecting blocks and disabling certain crafts.
  • making quest save file more resilient in case of errors (will make a more robust/configurable solution in the future)
  • fixed an issue were some events needed to be written in ALL CAPS. For example carrots and CARROTS will both work for blockbreak events.
  • Fixed issue where /cq reload wasn't updating the donate menu display item
  • showmessages permission is now disabled by default for everyone so the +1 messages don't come up for OPs. give yourself the perm if you want to see them
----------, Oct 5, 2024

- fix issue with leaderboard when players have the same score
- change event priority to lowest for break/place events so that it will not count to the score if they are canceled by a permission plugin.
----------, Sep 16, 2024

- Fixed rewards not being adjusted based on player contributions. This is only when the reward is set for all players. With ranked rewards the player will receive everything.
----------, Sep 6, 2024

- the /cq togglebar command saves player preference and is no longer impacted by logging off or server restarts.
- added a rewardMessage config value for each reward.
- removed the existing default reward messages.
----------, Aug 8, 2024

- new placeholder %communityquests_rank_you_<questId>% returns the rank of the current player. If no questId is provided it uses the quest that began first of the active quests. If player is not ranked it will return the
noPlayerAtRank message.
- new config values in the messages file to add defaults to the placeholders.
Code (Text):
#Placeholder defaults
noQuestFound: "&cNo quest found"
noPlayerAtRank: "N/A"
noPlayerContributionAtRank: "0"
- values are displayed when player at a given rank doesn't exist or when the specified quest is not found.
- Removed invalid bar ratio message that could spam the console.
----------, Jul 26, 2024

- new rewards command /cq claim <playerName>. Immediately gives rewards to a player (No GUI). If player name is specified then it will give rewards to the specified player. Only works when they have rewards from a quest unclaimed. communityquests.claim and communityquest.claim.other are the perms for the new command.
- item rewards now respect minecraft stack sizes
- fixed weirdness with item names in item rewards and made the reward message cleaner (this will be made more configurable in the next update)
- Added a flag to the /cq donate <playerName> command --message or -m will send the player a message when no donate quest is active.
- New placeholders! For player rankings you can now do %communityquests_top_1_name_questId% and %communityquests_top_1_contribution_questId%. (questId is not required, if not provided it will use the first activated quest.
- %communityquests_progressbar_questId% will show the progress bar that is used in the quest display from /cq view.
----------, Jul 11, 2024

Small update

- now instead of 'player' reward command uses '%player%' to denote the player name in a command. This avoids issues where player is in the command name.
----------, Jul 4, 2024

- new rewards config option that let's you give rewards based on the rank a player got in the quest! Old config still works but will be deprecated in the future.
- New objective for mob related quests called customMobNames which enables you to filter mobs by the name of the mob and not the entity type.
- New placeholder options to get objective information.
- some small bugfixes
----------, Jun 26, 2024

- /cq start can now be called by the console not just players
- new command /cq endall to end every active quest
----------, Jun 5, 2024

- Fixed bug where FIRE did not work as a material for blockbreak quests. Thanks @Holidaye !!
----------, Jun 4, 2024

- fix new donate command so it can be used by the console
----------, May 30, 2024

- Can now use /cq donate <playerName> to open the donate command for a specific player. By default permission is op. uses the permission node communityquests.donate.others. Useful for triggering donate menu from another action.
- New command for when the quest fails questFailedCommand when a timed quest ends and the goal has not been reached.
- Donate GUI bug fix where items were being taken despite not being the correct item.
----------, May 29, 2024

- New objective config that allows quests to contain multiple objectives! For example, make a quest where you need to kill 15 zombies and mine 20 diamond ore.
Code (YAML):
objectives : # at least one objective is required, each quest can have infinite objectives
            - type
: mobkill ## required, see type list for available types
: 100 # The goal is the amount of the task to be completed
: # This is an optional parameter, if it doesn't exist the quest will count ALL mob kills. entity reference:
                  - Zombie
                  - Pig
                  - ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN
: "Zombies & Pigs" # A short description of the objective used in the GUI
            - type
: mobkill
: 5
                 - Skeleton
: Skeletons
- Old config will still work for now but I recommend switching over to the new approach when you can.
- Added dropped reward message to messages.yml as droppedReward.
- Fixed bugs with the craftitem quest when shifting or clicking elsewhere.
- Added config values disableDuplicateBreaks and disableDuplicatePlaces to turn on/off whether the same item can be broken/placed multiple times for a quest.
- In the blockbreak event items that aren't fully grown will not count. So breaking carrots before they have finished growing will not count. Will make this configurable in the future.

Sorry this took so long, I had to make some big changes to the core of the code to get multi part objectives to work. Should be able to move much faster now. Please let me know if you run into any issues so I can fix any bugs asap :)
----------, May 26, 2024

- displayItem no longer needs to be in in all caps
- view item now shows top 3 players
- if an invalid quest id is provided to the placeholder it shows no quest found instead of the first quest.
----------, Mar 17, 2024

- new mythicmob quest for killing custom mobs created with the mythicmob plugin!
Code (YAML):
: Kill 100 Cave Spiders
: mythicmob
: Kill 100 Cave Spiders before the time runs out!
: 100
: 30m
       - CAVE_SPIDER
: 100
: 1000
- new harvest quest type for harvesting blocks like sweet berries
- new experience quest type, challenges players to gather as much experience as possible.
- changes to placeholders so if you do not provide a quest ID, for example
%communityquests_goal% would return the goal for the active quest that began first.
----------, Mar 9, 2024

  • The plugin now blocks drag events from putting items in its menus
  • Item names in "materials" are parsed once; instead of on every check
  • Added contributionCount to contributionMessage since +1 looks awkward
  • Border item is created earlier
  • Clicks like shift-click, number key, and off-hand swap are now considered input
  • minor performance improvements/bug fixes
Thanks to @Gadse for the contribution!
----------, Feb 27, 2024

- added two new optional fields to a quest configuration:
beforeQuestCommand and afterQuestCommand.
- bug fixes
----------, Feb 24, 2024

- drop rewards near player when player's inventory is full after claiming them
- fix config so 1 quest is setup on first use of the plugin
----------, Feb 7, 2024

It's been awhile but finally got around to updating

- Quests now don't need an objective and can just be set with a questDuration. If you do both an objective and duration the players must achieve the goal before the time limit is up. The format for questDuration looks like this: questDuration: 6d7h30m24s .
- Added a /cq rewards command for claiming your rewards. This way players who are offline when the quest ends or have a full inventory can wait to claim their rewards.
- Added placeholder support! See guide for the values
- More messages moved to language file
- Lots of bug fixes, please let me know if you find any other issues!
----------, Feb 3, 2024

- fixed issue with fishing quests
----------, May 6, 2022

- fixed a bug with competitive quests when a goal is reached
- default config has the boss bar enabled
- fixed console error when misusing /cq deposit command
----------, May 4, 2022

- fixed an issue with entity names using the wrong values
- handling to check reward amounts before sending them to players
----------, May 1, 2022

Fixed a bug with the config.yml file not loading properly
----------, May 1, 2022

Thanks to everyone who reached out with suggestions and bugs, I was able to quickly fix a lot and add a new type a quest! Money quests where you can use /cq deposit <amount> to donate money to complete a goal!

- money quests
- catchfish quests can now use entities meaning you can create quests for only specified fish like Pufferfish
- entities are no longer case sensitive
- /cq reload had some issues that were fixed: mainly not taking into account changes to the messages.yml file.
- fixed issue where items could be placed on the donate quest GUI
----------, Apr 30, 2022

- Fixed a bug with the /cq reload command that messed up GUIs and events. (Sorry about this one... I'm working on getting this plugin to a stable version asap which is why I haven't been adding many new features).
- Made some improvements that should help with version stability
- Made a lot of code quality improvements thanks to @KnightHat who is the first contributor to the project :) this should help improve the plugin and get more cool updates out in the future as he continues to partner with me on this project.
- Now you can use /communityquests, /quests in addition to /cq for commands.
- fixed a bug with the boss bar not displaying a new bar after ending a quest
----------, Apr 29, 2022

- added a consumeitem event for quests
- added a enchantitem event for quests
- removed logging issue from craftitem events
----------, Apr 16, 2022

Sorry to post so many repetitive updates but I wanted to fix some of the bugs asap.

- added a new craftitem event for quests
- fixed config bug where updating quests wasn't reflected after reload
----------, Apr 8, 2022

- fixed bug where diamond blocks could be taken from donate gui
- fixed issue loading plugins with vault/economy
----------, Apr 7, 2022

  • Updated and tested on versions 1.17 and 1.18
  • New permission node communityquests.donate for the donate command (it used to be the same as view)
  • Added timed quests, you can set timeToComplete to set how long you would like a quest to run, the parameter is in seconds. Quests can be both timed add have a goal. Competitive quests can have both or either. Cooperative quests need to have a goal but can also have a time limit. If the time limit is reached before the goal then the quest is a failure. In a competitive quest if the time limit is reached before the goal the top players still win a prize. Also if no goal is set then the boss bar is ignored.
  • Fixed bug with donate quests, if you donate more than the number of items left, the extra items are added to your inventory they don't disappear. (expect more enhancements to this experience soon).
----------, Apr 7, 2022

- Added pretty much every possible message into the message.yaml file. Allowing you to customize more messages and the GUIs. See the updated version HERE
- Now supports 1.12.2 version of Minecraft. I did this my changing the GUI items to support all versions. In the future, I plan on making this customizable so you have full control of the GUIs.
- Certain commands can now be run in the console, /cq start, /cq help and /cq reload.

- Beginning to feel more comfortable with the plugin and hope to move out of beta soon.
- Plan on revamping the rewards system to give you more control and clarity on how it works.
- Let me know if you have custom quests or language files to share as I'd like to use them to improve the wiki!
----------, Apr 10, 2021

- Added a message configuration file that allows you to customize the messages shown to players from the plugin. This file is located in the plugin folder in the messages.yml file.
- fixed a nasty bug with how the players were ordered now fixing competitive quests and the leaderboard.
- leaderboard size is now configurable (default is still 5)
----------, Apr 9, 2021

Very quick update to fix a few issues:
- Issue using /cq view when no progress has been made on a competitive quest
- Issue loading multiple quest saves on restarting a server
----------, Apr 1, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,533
First Release: Apr 1, 2021
Last Update: Dec 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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Released: --------------------
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