Community Quests [1.16 - 1.21] ⭐Run Server-Wide Quests ⭐ icon

Community Quests [1.16 - 1.21] ⭐Run Server-Wide Quests ⭐ -----

Create custom objectives for players on your server to complete together!

New Quest type and a lot of bug fixes!
Thanks to everyone who reached out with suggestions and bugs, I was able to quickly fix a lot and add a new type a quest! Money quests where you can use /cq deposit <amount> to donate money to complete a goal!

- money quests
- catchfish quests can now use entities meaning you can create quests for only specified fish like Pufferfish
- entities are no longer case sensitive
- /cq reload had some issues that were fixed: mainly not taking into account changes to the messages.yml file.
- fixed issue where items could be placed on the donate quest GUI
----------, Apr 30, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,536
First Release: Apr 1, 2021
Last Update: Dec 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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