- new rewards command /cq claim <playerName>. Immediately gives rewards to a player (No GUI). If player name is specified then it will give rewards to the specified player. Only works when they have rewards from a quest unclaimed. communityquests.claim and communityquest.claim.other are the perms for the new command.
- item rewards now respect minecraft stack sizes
- fixed weirdness with item names in item rewards and made the reward message cleaner (this will be made more configurable in the next update)
- Added a flag to the /cq donate <playerName> command --message or -m will send the player a message when no donate quest is active.
- New placeholders! For player rankings you can now do %communityquests_top_1_name_questId% and %communityquests_top_1_contribution_questId%. (questId is not required, if not provided it will use the first activated quest.
- %communityquests_progressbar_questId% will show the progress bar that is used in the quest display from /cq view.