Civs - (formerly premium) icon

Civs - (formerly premium) -----

A Comprehensive RPG Experience

* Fixed the Pl3xMap integration
* Made it so Anarchy and Disestablishment gov types can now manage membership as stated on the wiki
----------, Apr 17, 2024

* Made it so town upgrades are only blocked if they would intersect with another town. You can still require space between new towns via the config.yml setting
----------, Nov 19, 2023

* Fixed an intermittent bug that would prevent a town from being upgraded by reporting an intersection with the town to be upgraded
----------, Oct 26, 2023

* Fixed an item duplication bug that occurs when upgrading the cobble quarry to a cobble grinder if the region chest is a double chest
----------, Jul 12, 2023

* Removed the Civs prefix from the start of custom menu names. This allows users to create custom images for menus in their resource packs
----------, Apr 26, 2023

* Added a new section to upkeeps called "tools" where you can require tools that take damage. Use something like "STONE_PICKAXE*10" to do 10 damage per upkeep
----------, Feb 27, 2023

* Fixed a bug with region chests not dropping items when destroyed
* Disabling skills in the config now properly works
* Fixed an issue with town population requirements for towns with no owners
* Updated text component message configs
* Colony gov type towns can now specify the town that rules over them
* Hardship money exchange is now disabled by default
* Added a setting to do damage multipliers for players flying with elytras
----------, Nov 7, 2022

* Civs is now backwards compatible at least as far back as 1.16.5. You will still get errors on startup for configs with newer blocks in them, so make sure you adjust your configs for the server version you are on.
* War disabled towns should no longer deny admins the ability to open chests
* Other minor error fixes
----------, Aug 29, 2022

* Custom model data is now working COBBLESTONE*4^60 gives you 4 cobble with data 60
* Added use-war-enabled setting to config.yml so you can disable the whole war-enabled system
* Town owners can now destroy buildings in their towns without having to add themselves as an owner of the building first
* Missing requirements and missing blocks should now properly display the correct quantities even if the building is not a perfect cube
* Fixed the BukkitClassProvider bug on startup
* Achievement fireworks no longer damage you
* Slimes should no longer spawn in towns with deny_mob_spawn effect
* All chests in war disabled towns are now protected
* Other minor changes to new 1.19 building requirements
----------, Aug 6, 2022

* Updated to include 1.19 features
* Added the obelisk, the first wonder building. Only one can exist. Gives great pvp gear, but makes you a target for every other war town
* Towns and players are now PvE by default. Towns can be attacked once they build war-enabled buildings (like the catapult, weapons factory, outpost, raid porter, etc.) Buildings will say in their description if they are war-enabled. If you want all towns to be war-enabled, then set the council-room or even shelter to war-enabled
* Added the mystic shrine, a building that allows members to fly once they walk inside. Flight is limited to the town boundaries and is cancelled if they enter combat
* Added the allay gathering, a farm for Allay
* Changed the sifter building so that it has a chance to create elytra, nether stars, or god apples
* Added the apothecary to give more potion ingredients
* Added the magma cube farm
* Added the cactus farm
* Fixed a bug with regions that cost money not properly detecting bank balances if there are multiple owners
----------, Jun 15, 2022

* Catapults that are auto firing and run out of input (TNT) no longer blow themselves up
* Added a slime farm at level 4
* NPC housing now pays a small amount of money to the region owner every irl hour. This should help decrease the gap between solo and teams of players
* Towns should now alert all players when they are under attack by a catapult
* Catapults can no longer destroy themselves accidentally
* Elytra can now be repaired at the smithy using phantom membrane
* Embassies are no longer limited by player, but by town level
----------, Jun 9, 2022

* Added a ceasefire setting so that you can disable town power damage from TNT during certain hours of the day.
* Added a setting for pvp-worlds. If empty, then this feature is disabled and war is enabled on all worlds (which is the default). Any town owner in a non-pvp world is safe from pvp and TNT will do no damage to their town power. However, if they become a member or owner of a town in a pvp-world, then all of their towns become war enabled and pvp is enabled for them.
* Added whitelist-worlds setting, which is the opposite of the blacklist worlds config. If empty, then it is ignored.
* Added a setting that will force players to drop elytras and riptide tridents when they are combat tagged.
* Various fixes to the smithy repairs so that you can now repair armor, bows, and most other combat items.
* Added a copper shop available at the settlement level
* Players can no longer get multiple shelters via a login bug
* Non-town owners can now use chat channels and other menu icons that were previously bugged
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't get mining exp from deepslate ores
* Fixed the teleport region effect. With this effect, you can allow players to build teleporters
* exp notifications are now action bar messages by default (reduces chat spam)
* rebalanced skills to be more challenging to master and provide more reasonable price discounts
* Fixed a bug that prevented the barracks1 and inn1 from appearing in the shop correctly
* Players can now build as many embassies as they want
* Nation claims now properly take cost items.
* Fixed a null bug with nation icons
----------, Jun 5, 2022

* Fixed a bug where creating regions in towns without gov type limits would be blocked
* Fixed a bug where regions could not be built below y0
* Added the /cv poweradd and /cv powerrem commands to add and remove power from a town
----------, May 6, 2022

* You can now restrict regions to only be built under certain gov types
* You can set a gov type to not appear in the menu when choosing a gov type
* Added /cv power [town name] [amount] as an admin command to set town power
* Refunds for destroying your own region are now configurable in config.yml
* Fixed an issue that caused the alliance invite button to not display sometimes
----------, May 5, 2022

* Fixed the index of the alliance invite button
* Fixed it so enchanting skill exp is awarded even if classes and skills are disabled
* Disallowed items are no longer checked if classes and skills are disabled
----------, Feb 24, 2022

* Removes console spam from chunk loading and unloading
----------, Feb 19, 2022

* Fixed the warrior path by removing siege machines from it. Added more reward money to help cover costs
* Conveyors now remember the previous region they delivered too (even after a server restart). When a player is not within 5 chunks of the region, it will teleport items directly to the destination instead of spawning a mine cart
* The library now creates lots more exp bottles. This was done to make it a better alternative to mob farms
* Fixed some minor text bugs with alliance requests and alliance chat
----------, Feb 18, 2022

* Fixed an incompatibility that allowed you to place shelters in Worldguard protected regions
* Fixed a bug where you could duplicate shelters by keeping one in your inventory, relogging, and grabbing a new one from your blueprints
* Fixed a bug where non-members can place items in empty protected item frames
* Fixed a bug where shelters wouldn't go inactive after 2 weeks of inactivity
* Fixed hunting-lodge, cooldown, and other translation errors. Cleaned up other console log spam on startup
* Black text on civ item lore has been removed
* Missing requirements, reagents, input, output, menus now properly display the full amount of each item (not just 64)
* Civs now properly ignores pvp and other events in blacklisted worlds
* Disabling the combat logger will no longer even track if a player is in combat for other effects like teleporting
* Fixed an NPE when you have an invalid region that tries to upkeep
----------, Feb 4, 2022


* Updated to 1.18 and fixed errors with new biomes
* Added pl3xmap support (thanks NeumimTo)
* If you are a town owner, your town tag in chat should now reflect the town you own with the highest population
* Prices displayed in non-English languages should now be fixed
* Time (like building cooldowns) displays in the menu are now fixed
* Added a civs.streaming permission that will hide your town and building locations in the menu so that stream snipers can't get your coords
----------, Jan 9, 2022


* You can now choose to have no government, which is similar to Anarchy, but anyone can invite themselves to the town.
* Added a transition from Anarchy to No Government after a week of inactivity
* Added a fix that should allow players to finish their tutorials (thanks Rayzr522)
----------, Aug 10, 2021

* Fixed a null error on player chat event for 1.17
----------, Jul 6, 2021

* Updated to 1.17
* Added the amethyst mine (thanks War Pigeon)
* Added the copper mine
* Added the goat farm
----------, Jun 29, 2021


* You can now set regions so that they are added to new player's starting items. See the shelter as an example
* Adding input items one after another into a region will no longer bypass region cooldowns
* More error handling null biomes and invalid player data
----------, Apr 22, 2021


* You can now enable safe-worldedit in config.yml so that you can't worldedit inside Civs regions
* Fixed a bug where global chat would break on some outdated server versions
* Re-included translation files in the plugin so you don't need to download the translations separately
----------, Apr 13, 2021

* Moved the non-English translations to a separate zip file for download
* Re-added the kyori adventure library for chat channel format support
----------, Mar 31, 2021

Make sure you are using latest version of Paper otherwise this won't work

* Added the ability to shift right click to lock on to a target and auto-fire TNT from the catapult
* Added 2 evolved stages to the catapult for faster rates for fire
* Removed the siege machines. Towns now take power damage similar to outposts
* Added customizable chat channel formats in config.yml
* Added Turkish language support
* Jammer traps no longer intercept teleports of 10 blocks or less
----------, Mar 30, 2021

* The bank no longer converts emeralds to money
* Fixed a bug where menus would close whenever a refresh action was taken
* Fixed a bug where missing region requirements would appear in placed chests if the next button was clicked and exited between item cycles
* Fixed incorrect ordering of default tutorial steps 3 and 4
----------, Mar 14, 2021


* Fixed a data saving error that would corrupt player class data
----------, Feb 17, 2021

WARNING! Translation files for the tutorial are out of date if you aren't using English. Please correct your translations prior to use

* You can now unlock menu icons and shop categories just like you can do with regions
* You can now add your own custom menus
* You can now make clicking a menu icon part of the tutorial
* Redesigned the menus to focus on commonly used actions and eliminate some icons
* Added some steps to the tutorial
* Clicking on a chest of a region that isn't working will make it upkeep
* Regions now go on cooldown even if they didn't work. This eliminates most lag
* Towns now require 10% power before you can upgrade them. (editable in config.yml)
* Siege machines take half the time to evolve now
* You can now limit how many towns a player can join
* You can now click on announcer messages
* Fixed an item duplication issue with moving items in a region chest and logging off
* Fixed an issue that allowed players to take items out of menus in some situations
* Fixed the payout display
* Minor fix for Catapult controllers disappearing when spawned
* Fixed a bug that allowed you to collect bounties on yourself
----------, Feb 16, 2021

* Added region standby option in config.yml to make regions never sit idle. This way you regions go on cooldown whether or not an upkeep was successful. This eliminates all lag
* Fixed a bug with regions in unloaded chunks becoming invalid in some cases
* Added links to all announcements so that you can click them to take action
* Added the ability to specify mythic mobs for the villager effect
* Added a config option to disable bounties
* Added a config option to turn off player skins in the menu (which was causing lag spikes)
* Fixed some item frame protections. work in progress
* Nerfed Oligarchy
* Fixed the missing items display when a region isn't working
* Fixed caching issues with region working/not working
* Fixed an exploit whereby you could set bounties on yourself and collect on them
----------, Jan 29, 2021

* MMOItems 6 support
* Reworked the housing and shop sell prices to be more normal. See the graph and picture below
* Added the Hyphaeworks
* Added the Apiary, gunpowder shop, melting pot, beetroot farm, and cakery
* Fixed a nasty hard crash when doing region upkeeps in worlds that are unloaded
* Siege machine range is now configurable
* The smithy can now repair netherite tools, and turtle shells
* Improvements to the raid porter's destination algorithm
* Added public ports
* Translation fixes for tntcannon effect buildings
----------, Nov 26, 2020

* Nation rename command now works properly
* Accepting an invite to join a nation will now remove that nation invite properly
* Catapults can no longer fire while in an unloaded chunk
* Catapults now have properly translated error and success messages
* Fixed a bug with ownership checks
* Fixed an NPE with the nations menu
----------, Oct 4, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 137
First Release: Oct 3, 2020
Last Update: Apr 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings