- [+] Added config option "blocked-inventory-holders-regex"
- This lets you blacklist inventories created by other plugins using their InventoryHolder class name. This can be used e.g. if you encounter dupe bugs with GUIs, backpack plugins, etc.
- It lets you blacklist the inventory holder class names by regex, for example the InteractiveChat GUI holder would be \Qcom.loohp.interactivechat.objectholders.ICInventoryHolder\E
- See config.yml for more information. It also explains how you can find out the names so that you can blacklist them.
- [+] Added option to run commands through items in gui.yml, see below for example
- [+] Updated dependencies
Example gui.yml:
Code (YAML):
# ...
"<#2e86c1>&lAutomatic Sorting<#/85c1e9>"
# ...
- say My name is
- tell
} Your name is
- Fixed exceptions when using the latest version of AdvancedChests
- Support for hex colors, gradients, ItemsAdder emojis, and PAPI placeholders in all messages
- Syntax for hex colors: <#ff0000>RED TEXT
- Syntax for gradients: <#ff0000>Red to green gradient<#/00ff00>
- See gui.yml for an example
Sorry for 2 updates within 10 minutes!
- Fixed missing relocation of update checker library preventing ChestSort from enabling
- Fixed AdvancedChests fix not being included in the last update
- Removed CrackShot dependency. CrackShotHook will still work via reflection. Ask the author to upload their plugin to a maven repository if this bothers you.
- Fixed AdvancedChests bug (thanks @DeadSilenceIV )
- Fixed 1.18.2 support
- Reduced file size by ~130kb
- 1.18.2 support
- Updated Chinese translation
- Disabled additional hotkeys (fill & empty chest) for ShulkerPacks to avoid duplication and possible item loss caused by ShulkerPacks not checking for changed inventory in InventoryCloseEvent
Fixed error when using outdated versions of ShulkerPacks
- ChestSort will no longer move any shulkerboxes in the inventory around if this shulkerbox is currently open in ShulkerPacks
- Fixed newlines ("\n") in config.yml breaking the config updater
- Fixed "additional-hotkeys" not working for ender chests
- Added config option "allow-gui" (defaults to true)
- Fixed some commands (e.g. /sort on|off|toggle) accidently opening the GUI
- Replaced PlayerInteractEvent with ChestSortLeftClickHotkeyEvent (fixes problems with other plugins opening GUIs on PlayerInteractEvent)
Fixed mistake in gui.yml: The default head for the "enabled rightclick" hotkey was set to show the "disabled" head
- Important: When upgrading from 12.0.0, change the *base64-disabled to *base64-enabled in your "rightclick-enabled" part in your gui.yml (should be line 207 if you havent changed anything)
- GUI is now 100% customizable!
- Supports Custom Model Data to create vanilla-looking GUIs
- Change names, items, slots, lore, and basically EVERYTHING
- Also supports changing automatic sorting and automatic inventory sorting
- You can now reset the settings for all players using /sort resetplayerdata
- This is useful when you had some hotkeys enabled by default and changed it now, without having all players individually change their settings

- Added option to disable "use-advanced-protection-plugin-detection" as it causes some troubles when other plugins blindly cast a Player object to CraftPlayer, without prior checking whether it's an instanceof CraftPlayer
- Fixed furnaces being sortable using the left-click hotkey
- Fixed CratesReloaded preview GUI not opening when leftclicking chests
- Fixed "disabled-worlds" not working for "left-click hotkey"
Fixed "show-message-again-after-logout" not working properly
- Added support for new Slimefun API
- Added support for AdvancedChests (thanks to its author)
- Added {tier} sorting modifier to sort by tool/block material (netherite, diamond, gold, iron, stone, wood, then the rest)
- Fixed exception
- Added support for BetterBackpacks
- Fixed warning regarding PlaceholderAPI on server startup
Added new permissions to config.yml
- They are all true by default so you don't have to change anything to keep the current behaviour
- Added permission "chestsort.automatic" (default: true).
- You can remove this from some players to disallow automatic sorting while allowing hotkeys
- Updated Portuguese translation
- Improved sorting for items enchanted with different types of Enchantments
- Removed message "You are using the latest version of ChestSort"
- Updated Korean translation
- Fixed message "Container sorted" not being translatable
- Updated Russian translation - thanks to @Alskar
- Enhanced API
- Added Chinese (Simplified) translation
- Updated Dutch translation
- Updated Hungarian translation
- Fixed hotkeys not working since 10.3.0
- Added permissions for each hotkey.
- Given to all players by default
- Permission: chestsort.hotkey.<hotkey>
- Available hotkeys are:
- shiftclick, middleclick, doubleclick, shiftrightclick, leftclickoutside, rightclickoutside
- Fixed bug regarding InvUnload
Important, please read:
- Fixed config updater breaking the config.yml file because "sorting-method" value wasn't put inside double quotes
Important: If your config is already broken, just add quotes to the value of "sorting-method" before restarting your server. Sorry for the trouble.
Fixed OPs not being to reload ChestSort when "allow-commands" is set to false
- Added config option "allow-commands"
- Added config option "prevent-sorting-null-inventories"
- Updated Chinese (Traditional) translation
- Added compatibility to the ChestShopConfirmation plugin
- Fixed "Could not check for updates" message being shown to OPs on join when Update Checker is disabled
Fixed legacy API still being shaded into the plugin. This update reduces the file size by more than 1 MB
API update - some weird Spigot update broke casting the Plugin instance to its interface.
- Plugins depending on ChestSort or using its API must be updated too.
- API is now accessed simply via de.jeff_media.chestsort.ChestSortAPI
- Added "isChestSortInstalled" method
- API update - some weird Spigot update broke casting the Plugin instance to its interface.
- Plugins depending on ChestSort or using its API must be updated too.
- API is now accessed simply via de.jeff_media.chestsort.ChestSortAPI
- Added "isChestSortInstalled" method
- Fixed exception when also using AngelChest
- Added hotkey to sort chests/barrels etc. by shiftclicking them
- Can be configured per player using "/sort hotkeys"
- By default it's allowed but disabled
- Added command "/chestsortadmin reset <player>" to reset hotkey settings for specific players
- Old YML PlayerData is automatically converted to the new NBT storage
- PlayerData is stored as NBT data instead of using separate files in 1.14.4 and later
When using Minecraft older than 1.14.4, use version 9.5.1 please
- Fixed version in plugin.yml
Added EnderContainers support
- Added support for more PlayerVault plugins (specifically EnderVaults)
- Added CraftBukkit compatibility (although I don't unterstand why anyone would prefer CraftBukkit over Spigot)
Added support for PlayerVaults plugin
Fixed category files being a bit "too wildcardy" lol
- Added compatibility with GoldenCrates (thanks to xmssss @ Github)
- Improved Spanish translation (thanks to Carlosjrlu @ Github)
- Added option "dont-move-slimefun-backpacks" to prevent a bug related to backpacks caused by Slimefun (false by default)
Note: When you are using other plugins that depend or softdepend on the ChestSortAPI 2.0.0+ (e.g. probably the next release of ItemJoin AFAIK) you need at least this version of ChestSort.
- Improved API, especially for plugins that want to prevent specific items from being moved.
- Implements ChestSortAPI version 2.0.0
- Added support for DeluxeMenus
- Fixed InventoryPages hook when using colored item names
- Fixed exception and hotbar being filled up with barrier blocks when using the addition right-click-hotkey on MC 1.8
- Fixed "/invsort hotbar" and "/invsort all" only sorting the normal inventory when "allow-automatic-inventory-sorting" is set to false
- Improved GUI detection
- Added Polish translation (thanks to PLKaratusPL)
- Improved GUI detection, specifically for AdvancedAchievements
- Added possibility to sort a player's inventory from console using /invsort <player> [toggle|on|off|hotbar|inv|all]
- Added placeholders (see new config.yml)
- Added "use permissions" metric
- Improved sorting of colored blocks
- White, light gray, gray and black comes first
- Remaining colors are sorted in a rainbow like order

- Added option to disable automatic sorting and/or automatic inventory sorting. Hotkeys will still work if enabled. When running /chestsort while automatic sorting is disabled, it will display the hotkeys gui instead.
- Allow middle-click hotkey in creative mode when clicked slot is empty
- Added generic hook for 3rd party plugin GUIs
- Added config option to disable additional hotkeys (left-click and right-click outside of inventory) for all players, while still allowing them to use the normal hotkeys
- Because of this, the option "allow-hotkeys" has been renamed to "allow-sorting-hotkeys". Don't worry, the config updater will take care of this change.
- Fixed dirt in containers being affected by the right-click hotkey even though the player had no dirt in his inventory
- Enabled left-click and right-click hotkey for 3rd party plugins implementing the ISortable interface from ChestSort's API (You only need this update if you use plugins depending on the ChestSortAPI)
- Made CrateReloaded hook and HeadDatabase hook toggleable
- Fixed wrong version number in plugin.yml
- Updated Chinese translation
- Prevent players from using left-click and right-click hotkeys on inventories created by CrateReloaded or HeadDatabase
- Separated ChestSort plugin and API. You can view the new API documentation
- Updated Russian and Turkish translation
- Updated Chinese (Traditional) and Spanish translation
- Fixed TabComplete not working for /sort and /chestsort
- Added option to log ChestSort actions in a log file (default: false)
- Print console warnings when 3rd party plugins use deprecated ChestSort API methods
- Small code cleanup
- Updated API to 1.16.1
Fixes NullPointerException when using EssentialsX' /ec command (maybe only in 1.12, I don't know, but it should be fixed now)
Fixes possible NullPointerException
- Changed name of command /chestsort to /sort. You can still use /chestsort though.
- Fixed weird config updater problem on retarded operating systems that don't properly support UTF-8 (like Windows)
- Improved help messages and added /sort help and /invsort help commands
- Huge code cleanup
- Improved performance by caching Reflection checks in the Minepacks hook
- Improved Left-Click / Right-Click hotkeys:
- Left-Click outside of inventories will put matching items from your inventory into the chest
- Double-Left-Click will put all items into the chest
- Right-Click outside of inventories will put matching items from the chest into your inventory
- Double-Right-Click will put all items into your inventory
- Using new universal Update checker (https://github.com/JEFF-Media-GbR/Spigot-UpdateChecker)
Note: The last two messages in the config.yml have changed, so please retranslate them. I am also always happy to integrate your translations into the default config.yml if you send them to me.
Added reload command (/chestsort reload) with permission chestsort.reload
- ChestSort checks if Minepacks version is recent enough and, if not, disable the Minepacks hook.
- Backpacks from Minepacks will no longer be moved into chests with the left-/right-click hotkeys
- Middle-Click hotkey is now disabled in Creative mode unless the clicked slot is empty, to allow players to duplicate items just like in vanilla
- Fixes exception when sorting inventories in Spigot 1.8 that was thrown because the Inventory#getLocation() method did not exist 6 years ago
- Fixed exception when using the left-/right-click hotkey while using PaperMC instead of Spigot
- Fixes exceptions is versions prior to 1.11
Fixed: Spigot showing version as 8.1 instead of 8.10
Sorry for the trouble
I forgot to remove a debug message in 8.10 which is now fixed
- Made llama, donkey and mule chests sortable via hotkeys and automatic chest sorting
- Left-Click/Right-Click-Hotkey only works with empty hand now
- Removed "checking for updates" message
- Fixes exception when sorting inventories containing potions in ancient Minecraft versions like 1.8
- Changed config-version, because I forgot that in 8.8. You can now use the new config option and translations. Sorry for the trouble.
- Improved Minepacks hook and prevents backpacks from being put into itself
- Prevent ItemStacks > 64 slots from being sorted at all
- Update Checker interval is now configurable (default: every 4 hours)
- Updated French, Hungarian and Japanese translation
- Changed class names and moved API to its own class - can be accessed via ChestSortPlugin#getAPI()
- When using Minepacks, the backpack item in the inventory will not be moved
- Added use-permissions option. If you do not use a permissions plugin, you can set this to false to allow every player to use ChestSort
Note: When using Minepacks, you MUST use Minepacks version 2.3.8 or later!
- Added support for Minepacks
- Prevent Right-Click-Hotkey from putting items in the hotbar
- Fixed InventoryPages support: when using &f at the beginning of button names, it was not detected by ChestSort as button
- Fixed possible problems with Spigot versions prior to 1.11
- Updated French, Chinese and Chinese (Traditional) translation
- Fixes InventoryPages support for the new hotkeys
- This should fix a problem where the player was able to sort inventories belonging to 3rd party plugins' GUIs using hotkeys
- Possibly fixes exception when using hotkeys in Inventories with a null-holder
- Sort chest's inventory after using the new Fill-Chest-Hotkey
Prevent the new hotkeys from being used when allow-hotkeys is set to false
Reformatted config.yml a bit (don't worry, you have automatic config updates)
Update-Checker now includes Spigot version in User-Agent string and checks for new updates every 4 hours
- Added two new hotkeys (disabled by default): Left-Click outside of a chest's (or barrel, ...) inventory will load all your stuff except hotbar into the chest, Right-Click outside of the chest's inventory will unload the chest into your inventory. The hotkeys can be enabled using /chestsort hotkeys and need the chestsort.use permission
- Added debug and dump option to config (you will probably not need those)
- Player configs will be only be saved if they have changed
- Note: This version includes two new messages, so please send me your new translations 
- Changed description for hotkeys in config.yml
- Updated French translation
- Updated Chinese (Traditional) translation
- Updated bStats to version 1.7
- Added automatic inventory sorting (disabled by default). Can be activated by using /invsort on
- Added options "toggle", "on", "off" to /chestsort. When no option is specified, "toggle" is assumed
- Improved the messages sent by the update checker, including links for download, donation and changelog
- Updated bStats to version 1.6
- Removed some unnecessary imports
NOTICE: There are two new messages in the config file now, so I need new translations from you please 
- Added support for most Shulkerbox/Backpack plugins. Some of those (e.g. Shulker Backpacks) are fully compatible, while others (e.g. BetterShulkerBoxes) will only work with hotkeys, not automatic sorting.
- Added Hungarian translation
- Fixed French translation
- Added TabComplete support for /chestsort and /invsort commands
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to put items into the GUI (/chestsort hotkeys)
- Added Korean translation
- Potions will now be grouped by effect type
- Reverting to 1.13 API to support all MC versions from 1.8.x to 1.15.x
- Added honey bottle to category files
- Added sorting support for Enderchests and Minecarts with Chest
Reverting to 1.13 API
This fixes an exception on loading the plugin on Spigot versions prior to 1.15. Versions above 1.13 will still work fine.
Updated API to 1.15.2
- Compiled against 1.15.2 APi
- Updated languages: Chinese, French
- Bow will now get sorted properly into the weapons category.
- Logs will now get sorted before their stripped variants
- Enchanted items will be put before their unenchanted variants
Hotkey GUI! Players can now toggle each hotkey individually by using /chestsort hotkeys
Please note that there a few new messages in the config.yml. Feel free to send me your translations 
This fixes a NullPointerException when clicking outside of inventories. Thanks to
@LoneDev for the bug report!
Bugs fixed:
- When using hotkeys, you can now sort your player inventory while accessing chests. Previously, the chest was sorted even when clicking into the lower half of the inventory
- Fixed Shift-Rightlick hotkey not working
- Player inventory sorting via hotkey now requires the
permission instead of the regular
chestsort.use permission
This version is now fully compatible with PaperSpigot
Bugs fixed:
- When using hotkeys, you can now sort your player inventory while accessing chests. Previously, the chest was sorted even when clicking into the lower half of the inventory
- Player inventory sorting now requires the
permission instead of the regular
chestsort.use permission
Fixed: Shift-Right-Click hotkey was broken since 6.4.1
Sorry for so many updates in one day.
Fixed exception when using special characters inside item names/lore while also using {customName} or {lore} in sorting-method.
This *might* fix an exception when using hotkeys with PaperSpigot
Since I could not reproduce the error, I don't know if this fixes the problem. Please let me know.
You can view the source code changes
ChestSort now supports the plugin "InventoryPages"
When you have InventoryPages installed, ChestSort will detect it and stop the "Next Page" and "Prev. Page" buttons from being sorted.
You can view the source code changes here
CrackShot support!
ChestSort can now hook into CrackShot (if it is installed on your server) to group and sort all your nasty custom weapons and guns!
If you don't have CrackShot installed: don't worry, everything will still work as intended. You do not have to disable the hook.
New hotkey: Shift + rightclick on any EMPTY slot
Improved config updater: Config updater now keeps disabled-worlds option (and everything else) intact
New Hotkeys have been added!
There are now three types of shortcuts, that can be disabled/enabled individually in the config.yml file.
The hotkeys are:
- Middle click (click with mouse wheel on ANY inventory slot)
- Shift click (click with shift + left click on any EMPTY inventory slot)
- Double click (double left click on any EMPTY inventory slot)
All hotkeys are enabled by default.
Info: The
"allow-shortcut" option in the config.yml has been renamed to
Added middle-click shortcut!
You can now sort any inventory by middle-clicking any slot within that inventory. This is useful if you do not want to enable automatic sorting, but only want to sort a chest or your own inventory from time to time. This also means that you do not have to use /invsort or /isort anymore - just middle click into your player inventory
Please note that when using a chest, you can NOT middle click the lower (player) part. Player inventory sorting via shortcut only works when you opened the player inventory regularly.
This update fixes exceptions when using Spigot versions prior to 1.11.
This update includes a new Dutch translation and a fix for the current Chinese translation
Fixed exception that prevented config file from being loaded when using the default Russian translation. Thanks to
@lzrdblzzrd for pointing this out
Sorry, the 5.0 update came a few minutes too early. This version fixes the following bugs from 5.0:
- {keepCategoryOrder} now works
- sticky category files now work
- UpdateChecker showing correct version again
There are currently no known bugs in this version
Many improvements come along with ChestSort 5.0!
The config file will update itself automatically when a new version is released. Your old changes will be kept, so you always see the new config options without having to redo all your changes.
Categories can be set to sticky in the category file. That means that the items in this category will be ordered exactly as in the file. Without setting sticky, the items in one category will only be grouped together and sorted according to the other variables in your sorting-method.
New placeholders for your sorting-method including custom item name (e.g. when renamed with an anvil) and lore. You can also use {keepCategoryOrder} behind {category}. This will have the same effect as when you set all categories to sticky.
Please tell me in the discussion or at GitHub when you experience problems. Please do not post bug reports or feature requests in the review section. Thanks!
You can now set when ChestSort should sort your chests: upon opening or closing them. The default was and is on close. You can add this to your config.yml if you want to change the behaviour:
Code (YAML):
# you can choose when ChestSort should sort chests.
# The default option is to sort when an inventory is closed.
# This is useful, because the onInventoryClose event never gets fired
# when access to the chest is forbidden by another plugin, e.g. WorldGuard
# You can also sort whenenver a chest is opened. ChestSort will then check
# if the onInventoryOpenEvent gets cancelled. If it does get cancelled,
# ChestSort will not sort the chest. However, if a plugin uses the
# MONITOR event priority, ChestSort cannot detect this.
# If you have problems with unaccessible chests being sorted, set this
# option to "close". If you want, you can sort twice, however this is not
# very useful.
# If you don't know what to put here, just use the default "close"
# Available options: open, close, both
: close
I am sorry, I forgot to change the plugin.yml in the last update. This version should now be compatible with spigot and
paper 1.8 to 1.14
Reverting to 1.13.2 API to fix exception using certain paper and Spigot versions
This version is still compatible with 1.14
I forgot to change the config-version in the new 4.0 update, this is now fixed
ChestSort 4.0 is released! This update includes two new major features:
Player Inventory sorting! Players can sort their inventory using /invsort or /isort. This requires the chestsort.use.inventory permission
Support for all major Minecraft versions! This version has been tested with 1.8, 1.11, 1.13.2 and 1.14, so it should work with every version between 1.8 and 1.14
Sorry for releasing the third update this day, but I could not let you wait any longer for inventory sorting

Thanks to Gandon for fixing the Russian translation.
ChestSort now comes with Russian language messages.
The messages have been translated by Google. Please tell me in the discussion if the translation is wrong.
When using Minecraft 1.14, ChestSort will now sort barrels as well!
Furthermore, the update checker has been improved and performs all checks asynchronously. (Previous version used to check in the main thread when using "on-startup")
I forgot to build the latest 3.6 version with maven, so the plugin.yml was missing. That prevented ChestSort from loading.
This version will work correctly.
This version works with all Spigot versions between 1.11 and 1.14

You can now disable ChestSort for certain worlds. See the example config file in the plugin's overview page or add this to your config, if you want to use the new feature:
Code (YAML):
#### disabled worlds ####
# You can disable ChestSort for certain worlds. Each world's name has to be on a separate line, starting with a hyphen and followed by a space
# Example:
# disabled-worlds:
# - world_nether
The API now works as expected. It is possible to sort only specific slots without modifying anything outside of the given slot ranges.
Example usage:
Code (Java):
boolean onCommand
( CommandSender sender, Command arg1,
String arg2,
] arg3
Player p
( Player
) sender
int startSlot
Integer .
( arg3
int endSlot
Integer .
( arg3
JeffChestSortPlugin chestSort
( JeffChestSortPlugin
) getServer
) .
) .
( chestSort
( chestSort
instanceof JeffChestSortPlugin
) .
"ChestSort plugin not found."
"ChestSort plugin not found."
( p.
) , startSlot, endSlot
"Inventory sorted from slot "
+ startSlot
" till "
+ endSlot
Thanks @ SnackMix (
https://github.com/SnackMix ) for the pull request
Custom player heads will now get sorted properly. The complete sorting algorithm will also run much faster now, because I overthought my implementation. (Sorting a chest took less then one millisecond in the old version, now it's even faster.)
Added new API method
void sortInventory(Inventory inv, int startSlot, int endSlot)
ChestSort now comes with its own API!
If you are a plugin developer and want to sort any instance of org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory, you can do so now!
see here for more infos about the API.
Added traditional Chinese and Japanese. Thank you for the translations!
- Updated Spigot API to 1.13.2
- Players in adventure mode will no longer be able to sort chests. Maybe this will be made toggleable in the next version
- Added nice screenshots to the plugin page

- updated spigot api to version 1.13.1
Minor changes:
- added re-initialization of the PerPlayerSettings object to avoid problems with /reload
- added ChestSort version to user agent for auto update
- added show-message-when-using-chest-and-sorting-is-enabled to Metrics
ChestSort now survives /reload. As this is a very minor fix, I did not mark this as a new version.
Please note: using Spigot's /reload is unsupported and could break other plugins (but not ChestSort

ChestSort 2.0.0 has many new features!
- ChestSort now supports categories for sorting! There are pregenerated category files that you can adjust. Wildcards are supported!
- The default config now uses this sorting method: {category},{itemsFirst},{name},{color}
- Sorting has been improved for many things, like corals, stripped_log and many more
- Automatic update checker integrated. On Server startup and every 24 hours there will be a check if a new version is available. If yes, it is displayed in the console and to OPs on logging in. You can toggle this in the config.yml (check every 24 hours, check only on startup or don't check at all)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Your old config file will be renamed, so that you can use the new features and start off with a freshly generated 2.0.0 config
- Some debug infos on server startup. You can disable this by setting verbose: false in your config.yml
Thank you all for using ChestSort!
Bugfix: Fixed "using old config" message being shown when config was freshly generated (thanks to Xopez for noticing)
Bugfix: debug mode was still set to true, it is now false
The sorting will now order all dyeable things correct, not just wool.
- Before: B lue Wool, G ranite, G ray Wool, O bsidian
- Now: G ranite, O bsidian, W ool (Blue), W ool (Gray)
Note: When upgrading, please add this to your config:
Code (YAML):
: '
{ itemsFirst
} ,
{ name
} ,
{ color
} '
- You can now customize the way ChestSort will sort your stuff. By default, everything is sorted alphabetically, but items will be put before blocks. See the new config.yml
- Bugfix: Players in spectator mode can no longer sort chest
Note: When upgrading, you don't have to include the new config options in your config file, but it is recommended, because otherwise you will not be able to change them. Please just compare your config.yml with the new one.
- Added Chinese language support, thanks
qsefthuopq for translating!
- The message on how to use /chestsort when accessing a chest for the first time is not shown anymore when a player already entered the command before
Bugfix: Corrected default config file to use English as default. Since 1.5.6, it was accidentally set to Italian.
Added Italien language support. Note: Italian messages have been translated with google, so please tell me if something is wrong.

Added permission:
- chestsort.use: Allow usage of automatic chest sorting and the /chestsort command
- added bStats
- small code cleanup
added hardcoded default config values to prevent exceptions when config options are missing in the config file
Whats new?
- French translation (thanks to automatizer)
- Bug fixed: Per-player sorting settings were not saved for online players when the server was stopped.
- Removed PluginMetrics again (may be replaced with bStats in future versions)
ChestSort now uses PluginMetrics. If you don't want to participate, you can opt-out in your plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml file.
- German language templates in config.yml (comment those out to use German)
- New config option