ChestSort (+ API) icon

ChestSort (+ API) -----

Sorts your chests + inventory! Supports WorldGuard etc. (100 % customizable + auto config update)

5.0 - Auto-Updating config, sticky categories, ...
Many improvements come along with ChestSort 5.0!
- The config file will update itself automatically when a new version is released. Your old changes will be kept, so you always see the new config options without having to redo all your changes.
- Categories can be set to sticky in the category file. That means that the items in this category will be ordered exactly as in the file. Without setting sticky, the items in one category will only be grouped together and sorted according to the other variables in your sorting-method.
- New placeholders for your sorting-method including custom item name (e.g. when renamed with an anvil) and lore. You can also use {keepCategoryOrder} behind {category}. This will have the same effect as when you set all categories to sticky.

Please tell me in the discussion or at GitHub when you experience problems. Please do not post bug reports or feature requests in the review section. Thanks!
----------, May 3, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 238,236
First Release: Aug 12, 2018
Last Update: Oct 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
141 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings