You can now set when ChestSort should sort your chests: upon opening or closing them. The default was and is on close. You can add this to your config.yml if you want to change the behaviour:
Code (YAML):
# you can choose when ChestSort should sort chests.
# The default option is to sort when an inventory is closed.
# This is useful, because the onInventoryClose event never gets fired
# when access to the chest is forbidden by another plugin, e.g. WorldGuard
# You can also sort whenenver a chest is opened. ChestSort will then check
# if the onInventoryOpenEvent gets cancelled. If it does get cancelled,
# ChestSort will not sort the chest. However, if a plugin uses the
# MONITOR event priority, ChestSort cannot detect this.
# If you have problems with unaccessible chests being sorted, set this
# option to "close". If you want, you can sort twice, however this is not
# very useful.
# If you don't know what to put here, just use the default "close"
# Available options: open, close, both
: close