Building Game icon

Building Game -----

A minigame plugin where you have to build the best you can.

+ Add 1.21.4 support
* Fix biome menu not working on 1.19.4
----------, Dec 11, 2024

* Fix /bg reload deleting changes made to the configuration files
* Fix the game getting stuck in the win phase
----------, Nov 12, 2024

+ Add 1.21.2 and 1.21.3 support
----------, Nov 6, 2024

* Fix heads not loading on Paper
* Fix cactus head not rendering
* Fix unusable blocks being present in floor menu
----------, Oct 4, 2024

+ Add optional player argument to /bg join command to indicate who should join
* Fix players being teleported to the same plot during voting
----------, Sep 11, 2024

+ Add 1.21.1 support
----------, Aug 18, 2024

+ Add 1.20.2-1.21 support
* Fix new arenas looping forever
----------, Jul 25, 2024

+ Add 1.20 and 1.20.1 support
----------, Jun 23, 2023

+ Add /bg setboundary as alias for /bg setbounds
* Fix /bg forcestart not working if minimum amount of players is not met
* Fix not all blocks resetting properly
* Fix file watcher service enabling on unsupported systems
* Fix statistics being duplicated after reloading
* Fix people not being able to place invalid blocks when not playing
----------, May 19, 2023

+ Add 1.19.4 support
----------, Apr 4, 2023

+ Add 1.19.3 support
* Fix subject-gui.subject-amount not working correctly
- Remove MvdWPlaceholderAPI support
----------, Jan 25, 2023

+ Add 1.19 support
* Fix immediately leaving when clicking on a join sign
----------, Jun 20, 2022

* Fix unknown placeholders causing an exception
* Fix arena menu not showing joinable arenas
* Fix schematics not saving
* Fix spectate command not working
* Fix items losing their action
* Fix issues with SignShop
- Remove PerWorldInventory integration
----------, Apr 26, 2022

+ Add 1.18 support
----------, Jan 7, 2022

* Fix commands not saving data after reload
* Fix non-existent file entries throwing errors
* Remove redundant default settings
* Fix PAPI integration
* Improve sign loading
----------, Oct 3, 2021

* Fix error when placing a redstone particle
----------, Aug 24, 2021

* Fix item clicks not working when targeting air
* Fix version check
----------, Jun 29, 2021

+ Support 1.17
----------, Jun 25, 2021

* Fix vote blocks not doing anything
----------, Feb 25, 2021

* Don't immediately leave after joining game
* Improve handling of unloaded worlds
----------, Feb 5, 2021

* Fix various issues with the options menu
----------, Jan 26, 2021

+ Add option to enable/disable reports
+ Add option to enable/disable mob options
+ Add option to enable/disable piston movement
* Fix boats, item frames and minecarts always showing the mob options menu
* Fix the mob options menu being openable during voting
* Fix pistons not being able to extend/retract blocks within a plot
----------, Dec 18, 2020

* Fix pages in theme menu synchronizing across players
* Fix error being thrown when reloading biomes
* Fix inner menus of build menu instantly closing upon opening
----------, Nov 27, 2020

* Handle invalid items in the config.yml better
* Fix issue with clicking on options menu item
----------, Aug 17, 2020

+ Add option to allow joining mid-game
* Handle signs in unloaded worlds better
----------, Aug 9, 2020

+ Add piglin, hoglin, strider and zoglin to mob options
+ Add obsidian tear and soul particles to particle menu
+ Add snout banner pattern to banner menu
+ Add nether wastes, warped forest, crimson forest and basalt deltas to biome menu
* Prevent incorrect file changes from firing
----------, Jul 4, 2020

* Fix instantly leaving after joining
----------, Mar 1, 2020

* Fix points received and points given statistics not being stored in databases
----------, Feb 7, 2020

+ Update to 1.15
+ Add iron golem options in mob menu
+ Add bee options in mob menu
+ Add falling honey and falling nectar particles in particle menu
- Drop 1.14 support
----------, Jan 22, 2020

* Fix error occurring with large positions for stat signs
----------, Oct 10, 2019

+ Add ability for Citizens NPCs to be able to change the floor via user interaction
* Fix NPE when creating a new plot
----------, Aug 11, 2019

+ Panda mob menu
+ Fox mob menu
+ More cat options in the mob menu
+ More profession options in the mob menu
+ Level and type for (zombie) villagers in the mob menu
+ More mooshroom options
+ Smoke particle to the particle menu
+ Bamboo jungle option in biome menu
+ Globe banner pattern in banner menu
+ 1.14 support
- Ocelot options in the mob menu
- 1.13 support
----------, May 27, 2019

* Fix people being unable to vote
* Fix holograms duplicating when starting the plugin
----------, Feb 17, 2019

+ Added report functionality
= Improved load duration report on startup
----------, Jan 21, 2019

+ Added more options to the theme vote GUI
----------, Jan 8, 2019

+ Add achievements
----------, Dec 23, 2018

+ Add statistic holograms
+ Add Java 11 support
* Fix WorldEdit compatibility
- Remove Socket4MC dependency
- Drop Java 8 support
----------, Oct 29, 2018

+ Added placeholders for MVdWPlaceholderAPI
----------, Sep 5, 2018

+ Add 1.13 support
+ Add mob options for the phantom, pufferfish, tropical fish and turtle
+ Add squid ink and nautilus particle
* Update default command syntax
* Rename biome names
* Update material names
- Remove data values
- Remove 1.12 support
----------, Aug 27, 2018

+ Players now have colored names based on their team
* Executing /bg without any arguments, wouldn't show anything
* Incorrect message would appear when voting phase was on your plot
* Performance improvements for statistics
= Switch to IF
----------, Aug 24, 2018

+ Allow specification of slot for vote items
----------, Jul 5, 2018

* Fix NullPointerException when reloading the plugin
* Update PlaceholderAPI to version 2.9.1
* Update PerWorldInventory to version 2.0.0
= Improve performance of statistic listeners
----------, Jun 23, 2018

= Improve cpu usage
----------, Jun 10, 2018

* Fix issue when saving statistics to the database
= Improve performance
----------, Jun 2, 2018

= Improve performance
----------, May 26, 2018

* Fix issue with WorldEdit integration
* Improve performance
----------, May 17, 2018

+ Add support for WorldEdit edits in-game
= Switch to ACF (main and addon)
----------, May 10, 2018

* Fixed vote timer getting stuck
----------, Apr 28, 2018

* Fix issues with Socket4MC release 3.1
----------, Apr 23, 2018

* Fix issue with next page in one page subject menu
----------, Apr 18, 2018

+ Added settings for command execution when specific amount of points are reached
* Fixed issue with watch service
= Relocate several settings in the config.yml
----------, Apr 13, 2018

* Emerald item could be removed from inventory
* File changes are now applied automatically
----------, Apr 2, 2018

+ Add actionbar support
* Ensure money given is finite
* Wait timer isn't stopped when amount of players is less than minimum set
* Closing the floor menu while not clicking anything sets all floor blocks to air
* Update PlaceholderAPI to version 2.8.5
* Switch to bStats lite
= Redo GUI system
----------, Mar 26, 2018

+ Add more advanced settings to MySQL storage
----------, Feb 25, 2018

+ Add targets to commands
+ Add %buildinggame_stat_<stat>_top_<number>% placeholder for PlaceholderAPI
----------, Feb 22, 2018

+ Add %buildinggame_booster_multiplier% placeholder to PlaceholderAPI
----------, Feb 17, 2018

+ Added configurable %buildinggame_has_booster% placeholder result
+ Added %buildinggame_booster_time_left% and %buildinggame_booster_activator% placeholders to PlaceholderAPI
+ Added configurable invalid command message
+ Added conditionals to scoreboard lines
----------, Feb 10, 2018

+ Allow mathematical expressions in config.yml > money, as well as the %points% variable
+ Add separate money messages for when boosters are active
+ Add setting to arenas to enable/disable money
+ Add separate leave.other-players messages for when players are in the lobby or in-game
+ Add custom placeholders to PlaceholderAPI
----------, Feb 4, 2018

+ Save winning plots as a schematic
+ Split leave.message (messages.yml) into leave.message.lobby and
* Fix incorrect MySQL statement when creating a table
- Removed leave.message (messages.yml)
----------, Jan 27, 2018

+ Added points given and points received statistics
+ Added boosters
* Fix issues regarding main spawn
- Remove clean-files setting

Users who used a database will have to add the following columns: points_received and points_given. Otherwise the plugin will generate a new database.
----------, Jan 15, 2018

+ Made /bg stats command translatable
----------, Jan 1, 2018

* Fixed error when calling setmaxplayers
----------, Dec 28, 2017

+ Added spectate signs
+ Added PlaceholderAPI support
+ Added %date_month_numeric% placeholder
----------, Dec 23, 2017

+ Added translations for force theme command
----------, Dec 11, 2017

* %playerplot% placeholder doesn't work
* Heads cannot be placed inside your inventory
----------, Oct 31, 2017

+ Added mob options
* Error when player quits server when having statistical values of zero when MySQL is enabled
* The UUID key in newly created databases is now the primary key and has been converted from TEXT to VARCHAR(36)
= Performance optimizations
----------, Oct 26, 2017

* Fix compatibility issues with PerWorldInventory
* Error when breaking a join sign
* Error when creating a new arena
----------, Oct 1, 2017

+ Added banners and biomes to the build menu
----------, Sep 24, 2017

+ Add LeaderHeads support
----------, Sep 14, 2017

* Money can now have decimals
* Issue with spectators placing blocks indifferent worlds
* SQL issues
= Contacted author of PerWorldInventory to resolve compatibility issues, waiting for a reply
----------, Sep 9, 2017

* Issue #81: Config restarting
* Issue #79: Small issues when spectating a player
* Issue #78: Stats scoreboard errors
* Fixed small error while leaving the arena
* MySQL database statement would be released too early
* Using the plugin on version 1.9.4 or lower will now disable without throwing an error
= Database engine switched from BoneCP to HikariCP
----------, Sep 1, 2017

* /bg vote [...] command throws error
* /bg setminplayers [...] command throws error
* Spectators can vote on plots
----------, Aug 4, 2017

+ You can now have stained glass behind signs that changes colors (thanks to TomTheDeveloper)
* Issue #76: third-slot voting points value same as second-slot
* Issue #75: Hint for players spawn
----------, Jul 29, 2017

* Issue #74: Firework effect error
* Issue #73: New round starts immediately after displaying winning plot
* Joining too quickly causes issues
----------, Jul 24, 2017

+ Added more annotations for null safety (developer stuff)
+ Added java doc comments (developer stuff) (don't know if anyone is interested in an online java doc, let me know if you are)
* Fixed issue #70 (GitHub): Signs error
* Fixed issue #69 (GitHub): Critical issue with arenas
* Fixed issue #68 (GitHub): exception error while execution task xxx and problem with voting
* Fixed issue #67 (GitHub): Cannot vote once your own plot has been voted on
* Schedule main scoreboard on join a tick later
* Changed Minecraft version to 1.12, 1.11 is no longer supported
----------, Jul 19, 2017

+ Cooldown for floor editing (config.yml > gui > floor > cooldown in seconds)
* Issue #66: issue with voting and exception executing task n° xx
* Issue #64: Voting seems to be broken; voting as if a vote by all players, not just yourself
* Join sign BungeeCord updates would throw an error if Socket4MC wasn't enabled
----------, May 14, 2017

+ Suggestion #60: Add a way to disable the emerald menu
+ Suggestion #53: stats feature
+ Join signs on additional servers now show correct text
+ Permissions for each category in the heads menu
+ Specify amount of matches to play before stopping the match
+ Random join signs
* Issue #61: scoreboard build issue
* Issue #43: Armor stand can be place outside
* Addon throws error when command has more than one argument
* Improvements to sign management
* Default win-commands entity names have been changed
* Join signs weren't updated when the arena started
* Fixed errors with the gui and plot
* SQL didn't load players correctly
* Switched to bStats
* Changed /bg setting command to something that works more reliable
* Improved BungeeCord system
* Improved item system
- Removed stat.enable setting in config
- Removed support for Java 7
- Removed support for Minecraft 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10
----------, May 10, 2017

+ Add %vote_name% variable to vote scoreboard

+ Add %vote_name% variable to vote scoreboard

+ Add %vote_name% variable to vote scoreboard

+ Add %vote_name% variable to vote scoreboard
----------, Mar 11, 2017

+ Added a custom vote scoreboard with text
+ Added /bg forcetheme <theme> to force a theme being chosen
+ /bg join without arena specification shows gui instead of joining a random arena
* Menu doesn't work with multiple pages
* Fix compatibility with Socket4MC
* Error with unfinished plots when checking for growing trees
* MainScoreboard doesn't check if player is online
* Pistons can pull/push blocks outside plots
* Dispensers and droppers can drop/place blocks outside plot
* Fix issue #37: Item frames are placable outside border with items

+ Added a custom vote scoreboard with text
+ Added /bg forcetheme <theme> to force a theme being chosen
+ /bg join without arena specification shows gui instead of joining a random arena
* Menu doesn't work with multiple pages
* Fix compatibility with Socket4MC
* Error with unfinished plots when checking for growing trees
* MainScoreboard doesn't check if player is online
* Pistons can pull/push blocks outside plots
* Dispensers and droppers can drop/place blocks outside plot
* Fix issue #37: Item frames are placable outside border with items

+ Added a custom vote scoreboard with text
+ Added /bg forcetheme <theme> to force a theme being chosen
+ /bg join without arena specification shows gui instead of joining a random arena
* Menu doesn't work with multiple pages
* Fix compatibility with Socket4MC
* Error with unfinished plots when checking for growing trees
* MainScoreboard doesn't check if player is online
* Pistons can pull/push blocks outside plots
* Dispensers and droppers can drop/place blocks outside plot
* Fix issue #37: Item frames are placable outside border with items

+ Added a custom vote scoreboard with text
+ Added /bg forcetheme <theme> to force a theme being chosen
+ /bg join without arena specification shows gui instead of joining a random arena
* Menu doesn't work with multiple pages
* Fix compatibility with Socket4MC
* Error with unfinished plots when checking for growing trees
* MainScoreboard doesn't check if player is online
* Pistons can pull/push blocks outside plots
* Dispensers and droppers can drop/place blocks outside plot
* Fix issue #37: Item frames are placable outside border with items
----------, Mar 5, 2017

+ Added scoreboard saving
+ Added translations for floor GUI
* Exactly 27 subjects glitches subject menu

+ Added scoreboard saving
+ Added translations for floor GUI
* Exactly 27 subjects glitches subject menu

+ Added scoreboard saving
+ Added translations for floor GUI
* Exactly 27 subjects glitches subject menu

+ Added scoreboard saving
+ Added translations for floor GUI
* Exactly 27 subjects glitches subject menu
* SQL table setup returns incorrect information
----------, Jan 22, 2017

* Subject menu throws error when opening
* People are spammed with incorrect move messages
* Error when liquid flows and there are unfinished plots
* Change name from SocketAPI to Socket4MC
* Incorrect health argument
* Incorrect argument check with /bg setgamemode

* Subject menu throws error when opening
* People are spammed with incorrect move messages
* Error when liquid flows and there are unfinished plots
* Change name from SocketAPI to Socket4MC
* Incorrect health argument
* Incorrect argument check with /bg setgamemode

* Subject menu throws error when opening
* People are spammed with incorrect move messages
* Error when liquid flows and there are unfinished plots
* Change name from SocketAPI to Socket4MC
* Incorrect health argument
* Incorrect argument check with /bg setgamemode

* Subject menu throws error when opening
* People are spammed with incorrect move messages
* Error when liquid flows and there are unfinished plots
* Change name from SocketAPI to Socket4MC
* Incorrect health argument
* Incorrect argument check with /bg setgamemode
----------, Jan 18, 2017

+ Add options to disable scoreboards
+ Add options to remove blocks from floor GUI
+ Push players out of plot when teleported
* Some GUI messages don't work
* Vote scoreboard is displayed incorrectly
* Stat saving throws error

+ Add options to disable scoreboards
+ Add options to remove blocks from floor GUI
+ Push players out of plot when teleported
* Some GUI messages don't work
* Vote scoreboard is displayed incorrectly
* Stat saving throws error

+ Add options to disable scoreboards
+ Add options to remove blocks from floor GUI
+ Push players out of plot when teleported
* Some GUI messages don't work
* Vote scoreboard is displayed incorrectly
* Stat saving throws error

+ Add options to disable scoreboards
+ Add options to remove blocks from floor GUI
+ Push players out of plot when teleported
* Some GUI messages don't work
* Vote scoreboard is displayed incorrectly
* Stat saving throws error
----------, Jan 13, 2017


+ Added MySQL support for stats
+ Added option to disable chat and tab-list adjustments
+ Added %date*% variables to all scoreboards
+ Added options to change particle appearance
+ Disabled mob spawning on plots (naturally)
+ Stop people from outside going into an arena
+ Add options to set default hotbar configuration
+ Add floor menu instead of dragging blocks
* Data values in ids are broken
* TNT Minecarts can explode
* Minecarts can escape the plot


+ Added MySQL support for stats
+ Added option to disable chat and tab-list adjustments
+ Added %date*% variables to all scoreboards
+ Added options to change particle appearance
+ Disabled mob spawning on plots (naturally)
+ Stop people from outside going into an arena
+ Add options to set default hotbar configuration
+ Add floor menu instead of dragging blocks
* Data values in ids are broken
* TNT Minecarts can explode
* Minecarts can escape the plot

+ Added MySQL support for stats
+ Added option to disable chat and tab-list adjustments
+ Added %date*% variables to all scoreboards
+ Added options to change particle appearance
+ Disabled mob spawning on plots (naturally)
+ Stop people from outside going into an arena
+ Add options to set default hotbar configuration
+ Add floor menu instead of dragging blocks
* Data values in ids are broken
* TNT Minecarts can explode
* Minecarts can escape the plot

+ Added MySQL support for stats
+ Added option to disable chat and tab-list adjustments
+ Added %date*% variables to all scoreboards
+ Added options to change particle appearance
+ Disabled mob spawning on plots (naturally)
+ Stop people from outside going into an arena
+ Add options to set default hotbar configuration
+ Add floor menu instead of dragging blocks
* Data values in ids are broken
* TNT Minecarts can explode
* Minecarts can escape the plot
* Fixed issue #89: Join sign error
* Stats aren't saved when server stops
----------, Jan 2, 2017

+ Added issue #86: Disabling scoreboards?
+ Added option to set main scoreboard enabled worlds
* Fixed issue #27 (github): Chicken spawn and armorstand
* Fixed an issue with the floor
* Fixed an issue with the winscoreboard
* Fixed issues with main scoreboard when no main spawn was set

+ Added issue #86: Disabling scoreboards?
+ Added option to set main scoreboard enabled worlds
* Fixed issue #27 (github): Chicken spawn and armorstand
* Fixed an issue with the floor
* Fixed an issue with the winscoreboard
* Fixed issues with main scoreboard when no main spawn was set

+ Added issue #86: Disabling scoreboards?
+ Added option to set main scoreboard enabled worlds
* Fixed issue #27 (github): Chicken spawn and armorstand
* Fixed an issue with the floor
* Fixed an issue with the winscoreboard
* Fixed issues with main scoreboard when no main spawn was set

Remember, making backup of your files when updating is always a good thing to do!
----------, Sep 1, 2016

+ Added scoreboard in main lobby with stats
+ Added issue #26 (github): Turning today time in lobby
* Saving stats throws an exception
* /bg forcestart <otherArena> force starts your arena
* Error when clicking with empty hands when setting floor/bounds

+ Added scoreboard in main lobby with stats
+ Added issue #26 (github): Turning today time in lobby
* Saving stats throws an exception
* /bg forcestart <otherArena> force starts your arena
* Error when clicking with empty hands when setting floor/bounds

+ Added scoreboard in main lobby with stats
+ Added issue #26 (github): Turning today time in lobby
* Saving stats throws an exception
* /bg forcestart <otherArena> force starts your arena
* Error when clicking with empty hands when setting floor/bounds

Remember, making backup of your files when updating is always a good thing to do!
----------, Aug 16, 2016

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48,625
First Release: Aug 6, 2015
Last Update: Dec 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
144 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings