Building Game icon

Building Game -----

A minigame plugin where you have to build the best you can.

V 5.0.0
+ Added more annotations for null safety (developer stuff)
+ Added java doc comments (developer stuff) (don't know if anyone is interested in an online java doc, let me know if you are)
* Fixed issue #70 (GitHub): Signs error
* Fixed issue #69 (GitHub): Critical issue with arenas
* Fixed issue #68 (GitHub): exception error while execution task xxx and problem with voting
* Fixed issue #67 (GitHub): Cannot vote once your own plot has been voted on
* Schedule main scoreboard on join a tick later
* Changed Minecraft version to 1.12, 1.11 is no longer supported
----------, Jul 19, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48,515
First Release: Aug 6, 2015
Last Update: Dec 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
144 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings