Command | Description | Permission |
/bg setmainspawn | Set the main spawn | bg.setmainspawn |
/bg createarena <arena> | Create an arena | bg.createarena |
/bg deletearena <arena> | Delete an arena | bg.deletearena |
/bg deletespawn <arena> <plot> | Delete a spawn | bg.deletespawn |
/bg setspawn <arena> | Set a new spawnpoint | bg.setspawn |
/bg setlobby <arena> | Set the lobby | bg.setlobby |
/bg setminplayers <arena> <amount> | Set the minimum amount of players | bg.setminplayers |
/bg setmaxplayers <arena> <amount> | Set the maximum amount of players (team mode only) | bg.setmaxplayers |
/bg setbounds <arena> <plot> | Set the boundary of a plot (inclusive) | bg.setbounds |
/bg setfloor <arena> <plot> | Set the floor of a plot (inclusive) | bg.setfloor |
/bg setgamemode <arena> <mode> | Set the game mode of an arena (team/solo) | bg.setgamemode |
/bg settimer <arena> <amount> | Change the timer | bg.settimer |
/bg setlobbytimer <arena> <amount> | Change the lobby timer | bg.setlobbytimer |
/bg setvotetimer <arena> <amount> | Change the vote timer | bg.setvotetimer |
/bg setwintimer <arena> <amount> | Change the wintimer | bg.setwintimer |
/bg stats | Show your stats | bg.stats |
/bg forcestart [arena] | Force an arena to start | bg.forcestart |
/bg forcetheme <theme> | Force a theme to be chosen | bg.forcetheme |
/bg join [arena] [player] | Join an arena | bg.join |
/bg leave | Leave the arena you're in | bg.leave |
/bg vote <amount> | Vote on someone's plot | |
/bg spectate <player> | Spectate a player | bg.spectate |
/bg booster [player] | Activate a booster | bg.booster |