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* (Developer Alert - Class rename)
* Added spectator mode
* Added GTB to the SetUp inventory
* Added arena selector
* Added support for 1.16 hex colors
* Fixed NPE when teleporting players to plots
* Fixed IllegalArgumentException when some particles have "custom class data"
* Fixed voting plot owners is empty
* Fixed NoSuchMethodException for player chunk map
* Fixed NPE during giving rewards to players
* Fixed LanguageMigrator breaking language.yml
* Fixed NoClassDefFoundError on pre 1.16 servers
* Fixed NPE during vote event
* Fixed votes command
* Fixed for new 1.16 wall signs
* Fixed NPE regarding giving rewards to players and resetting the plot areas
* Fixed when blacklisted items & floor material is not exists and throws errors
* Fixed async catch from bukkit when performing commands
* Fixed IllegalPluginAccessException on plugin disable
* Fixed NPE on Plotreset (GTB)
* Fixed player being kicked when trying to join an in-game arena
* Fixed NPE when trying to teleport players to lobby location
* Fixed PlaceholderAPI placeholders not works on scoreboard in guessTheBuild mode
* Fixed problems with materials
* Reworked version checker
* Improved the tab complete handling
* Updated PlaceholderAPI dependency
* Updated locales to latest version
* Added the possibility to change messages of locales on language.yml
[Our new thread design is worked on...]