If you like the updates feel free to donate a small amount
* Added 1.21.1-4 support
* Fixed arena start time divider did not match from config.yml
* Fixed spectator can't fly after sneaking out of first person mode
* Fixed player collissions on spectator mode
* Fixed sending of leave message for leaving player and the counting in arena
* Fixed ActionBars did not convert player and arena placeholders by default
* Fixed compatibility for BannerColoring in 1.20+
* Fixed sign updates as cached objects got overwrite (#59)
* Fixed CommandArgument could have multiple permissions while only the first one was checked
* Fixed ItemSpawn on Plotarea also for dropped items by not player related drops
* Fixed gtb plot reset
* Fixed gtb Arena CleanUp which results in first round issues at selection of theme etc.
* Fixed gtb options menu is not showing up for every builder
* Fixed block destroy drops
* Fixed a bug on gtb where players were getting points for guess even when they wrote the theme on chat when it was already shown by the plugin
* Fixed spectator counts on gtb guess
* Fixed bba settheme command
* Fixed PlayerHeads on 1.20+
* Fixed clearing of dropped items on 1.21+
* Fixed Biomes on 1.21
* Fixed Banner Building on 1.20+
* Fixed Creature Spawning outside plots in same world
* Fixed players are collidable on normal mode
* Changed stained glass pane naming to ???
* Updated to minigamesbox 1.3.16
* Changed onDisable process to make sure all data gets saved even on mysql
* Changed Simplified and fixed getting of custom texture Skulls (1.20+)
* Changed Simplified and fixed ArenaWallSign on 1.20.5+
* Changed Attempt to fix incompatibles with other plugins which using scriptengine by rewritting name of own scriptengine [Changed ScriptEngine name to "plugilyprojects"]
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