BlueMap icon

BlueMap -----

A mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft worlds and displays them in a web viewer

Highlights / Notes
Fixed some issues with the previous release. Make sure you checked out the update-notes of 5.6 as well.

Upgrading from 5.6
  • Replace the bluemap.jar-file with the new one
Changelog since 5.6
  • Added tint for bushes
  • Fixed cows being rendered onto the map as black/purple cubes
  • Fixed render-tasks not being scheduled in correct order
  • Fixed tint for bamboo-leaves and sugarcane
  • Fixed various exceptions triggered by commands / completions
  • Limit the size of a single hires-tile to a reasonable amount
    (fixing memory-issues when trying to render an overly complex world)
Full Changelog
----------, Feb 26, 2025

Highlights / Notes
Reworked command-system and all commands. Command responses now show more information, look nicer and are easier to understand.
Also lots of internal improvements.

Upgrading from 5.5
Changelog since 5.5
  • Reworked command-system and all commands
  • Added support for dry_foliage color-map and leaf_litter tint
  • Added directional face shading
  • Added ability to copy block-coordinates
  • The camera now zooms in instead of blocking when tilting further than previously allowed in certain scenarios
  • Added support for reading entity-data & ability for addons to render entities
  • Reworked block-entity data handling
  • The cli now assumes the -r flag if one of -f -u -e is provided
  • Added a hidden map-config check-for-removed-regions: true to be able to disable checking for removed regions on map-updates
  • Fixed huge worlds/maps taking a long time to create their update tasks
  • Fixed minecraft-client jar downloaded file not being deleted after a failed hash-check
  • Fixed some storage-data not being buffered correctly (performance)
  • Fixed fallback-languages not loading correctly all the time (#632, thanks to NikitaCartes)
  • Fixed signs not showing in 1.13.x (#638, thanks to NikitaCartes)
  • A ton of smaller fixes and stability improvements
Full Changelog
----------, Feb 24, 2025

Highlights / Notes
2D (flat-only) map support ( o_O) ..and a first iteration of support for custom block-renderers. :)

Upgrading from 5.4
  • Replace the bluemap.jar-file with the new one
  • Delete your <webroot>/index.html to make bluemap update the webapp
  • Move all contents (if any) of bluemaps addons folder into bluemaps packs folder and delete the addons folder. (Native addons now go into the packs folder alongside resourcepacks)
  • In your webapp.conf:
    • Remove the enable-free-flight configuration, this config it is no longer used.
    • Add the following lines:
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all map data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#map-data-root: ""

# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all live data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#live-data-root: ""
  • In each of your map-configs in the maps folder:
    • Replace save-hires-layer with enable-hires (setting has been renamed)
    • Add the following lines:
# Defines the initial sky-light-strength the map will be set to when it is opened.
# 0 is no sky-light, 1 is fully lighted.
# You can change this at any time.
# Default is 1
sky-light: 1

# Whether the perspective view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and free-flight view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-perspective-view: true

# Whether the flat (isometric, top-down) view will be enabled for this map.
# Having only flat-view enabled while disabling free-flight and perspective will speed up the render and reduce the maps storage-size.
# Default is true
enable-flat-view: true

# Whether the free-flight view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and perspective view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-free-flight-view: true

Changelog since 5.4
  • Added per-map view-settings and optimized flat-view only maps (2d-map support)
  • Added loading of nested feature-datapacks
  • Added support for pale_oak_leaves (custom tint-color)
  • Added ability to configure the map and live data root url's of the webapp
  • Added model for the conduit (thanks to TyBraniff)
  • Merged addons folder into packs folder (native addons not go into packs instead of addons)
  • First iteration of custom block-renderer support
  • The webapp now uses the browser-language as default language if available (thanks to NikitaCartes)
  • Added -n option to cli allowing to pass a custom path to load resources from (e.g. a servers mods-folder) (thanks to TechnicJelle)
  • Fixed/removed the black void/hole that appeared where hires tiles could not be loaded
  • Fixed duplicate region render-tasks in the render-queue
Full Changelog
----------, Nov 19, 2024

Highlights / Notes
Mostly bugfixes. BlueMap now requires Java 21.

This is the first release after a lot of changes with bluemap's build system.
From now on BlueMap's new releases will target Java 21 and there will be only one version per platform (one forge version, one fabric version, etc.). If you need BlueMap for an older Minecraft-Version for your platform that is not supported by the latest version, use a (previous) version of BlueMap that supports the version you need.
This change makes BlueMap easier to maintain and will help with further/future BlueMap development and new features.​

Upgrading from 5.3
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your <webroot>/index.html to make bluemap update the webapp.

Changelog since 5.3
  • Stopped pre-scanning the full map-state on map-initialization (improves bluemap load time)
  • Added support for emissive textures added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a
  • Added error-logging to the sql.php (Thanks to @ColdeZhang, #595)
  • A lot of "under the hood" changes and improvements
  • Fixed incompatibility with some forge-mods (#516)
  • Fixed corrupted map-state files not self-healing (#588)
  • Fixed Exception when loading big chunks (#587)
  • Fixed webapp links with only the map-id not working (#589)
  • Fixed an issue where exceptions when enabling bluemap-addons where not logged correctly
  • Fixed some typos in config-templates
Full Changelog
----------, Sep 15, 2024

Highlights / Notes
Mostly bugfixes.

Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your <webroot>/index.html to make bluemap update the webapp.

Changelog since 5.2
  • Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
    This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
  • Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
  • Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
  • Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
  • Fixed the debug-dump being named dump.json.gz but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to dump.json
  • Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random teststate.json on cli
  • Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
  • Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
  • Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
  • Fixed spigot version detection
  • Fixed a core.conf typo (thanks to @monke8555)
Full Changelog
----------, Jul 22, 2024

Highlights / Notes
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)

Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)

Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.
  • Shut down your server
  • Make a backup
  • Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
  • Delete the BlueMap config directory (./plugins/BlueMap or ./config/bluemap, depending on your platform)
  • Delete the BlueMap data directory (the ./bluemap folder in your server root)
  • Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with bluemap_, only if you were using an sql-storage)
  • Follow the usual installation steps
If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
  • The .json.gz files are now .prbm.gz files
  • The textures.json is now also compressed (textures.json.gz)
  • The sql-tables have changed and the sql.php got updated accordingly
Changelog since 5.1
  • Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
  • Fixed CLI still generating the old resourcepacks folder
Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
  • Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of prwm)
    • Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
    • Slightly smaller on the storage
    • Slightly faster to render
  • Added animated textures
  • Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
    • Added dimension config to the map configs
    • Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
  • Full rewrite of the map-updating system
    • Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
    • BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
    • Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
    • Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
    • Added debug command for checking map-tile states
  • Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
    • Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
    • Renamed resourcepacks folder to packs (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
    • Removed support for bluemaps biomes.json file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
  • Full map-storage implementation rewrite
  • Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
    • Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
    • A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
    • Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
    • Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
  • Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
  • Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
  • Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
    (thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
  • Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
    (fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
  • Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
  • Added -m flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
  • Added -e flag to the cli which works similar as -f but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
  • Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
  • Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
  • Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
  • Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
  • Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
  • Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
  • Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
  • Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
  • Fixed sql.php port config not being used
  • Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
  • Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
  • Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
  • Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
Full Changelog
----------, Jun 17, 2024

Highlights / Notes
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).

Upgrading from 3.18
(skip Version 3.19)
  • replace your BlueMap.jar
Changelog since 3.19
  • Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
Full Changelog
----------, Dec 11, 2023

Highlights / Notes
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.

Upgrading from 3.18
  • replace your BlueMap.jar
Changelog since 3.18
  • Added 1.20.3 resources
  • Added a NeoForge implementation
  • Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
  • Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
  • Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
Full Changelog
----------, Dec 6, 2023

### Highlights / Notes
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!

### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp

### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)

### Full Changelog
----------, Nov 19, 2023

You will need to do a fresh & clean installation of BlueMap for this update!
(=> Delete all BlueMap-related files before installing this)

### Highlights
- SQL-Support (MySQL, MariaDB)
- Server-Network support (BungeeCord, Velocity etc.)
- improved API
- improved resource-loading (loading mods etc.)
- better configs
- much better zoom-out resolution
- much better zoom-out view-distance
- much faster zoom-out loading


### Full Changelog
----------, Aug 21, 2022

Highlights / Notes
Minecraft 1.18, Spigot/Paper 1.18, Fabric 1.18 and Forge 1.17 support.

Read the full update notes:
----------, Nov 30, 2021

Highlights / Notes
  • Full render-engine overhaul for a performance and RAM/Heap/GC improvement.
  • Dropped Minecraft 1.12.2 support.
  • Improved the cave-render system.
  • Pause render based on the amount of online-players.
Read the full update notes:
(Also read this if you want to know how to update from 1.5.5 correctly!)
----------, Sep 30, 2021

Here we go. New Release!!
It's as tested as it will get: Over 100 Servers are already using 1.5.4 (which is almost the same as 1.5.5) :)
Still, as always do a backup and expect the unexpected!

Highlights / Notes
  • full 1.17 support
  • Rewrite of the render-manager and map-updating: map updates are now directly based on file-changes and should be way more reliable now.
  • much more
BlueMap will now render automatically, so you do not need to do /bluemap render ... anymore!
Just use /bluemap to see the render-progress :)

Read the full update notes:
----------, Jun 25, 2021

Highlights / Notes
Complete rewrite of the web-app, free-flight mode, new UI, new marker-types, web-app localisation.

Upgrading from 1.3.1
Swap the bluemap.jar and delete your ./bluemap/web/index.html.
(If you want a clean webroot, you can delete everything in the web folder except the data folder)

Changelog since 1.3.1
- Updated to BlueMapAPI 1.5.0
- Completely redone the web-app
- Reworked map-loading
- Reworked controls​
- Changed the complete UI-Design
- Reorganized the menu and HUD-buttons
- Added a dark UI-theme
- Added localizations to the webapp (thanks to @tsutoringo)
- Added japanese translations (thanks to @tsutoringo)
- Added french translations (thanks to @Aurelien30000)
- Added dutch translations (thanks to @TechnicJelle)
- Added german translations
- Added finnish translations (thanks to @chicken)
- Added italian translations (thanks to @otDan)
- Added polish translations (thanks to @otDan)
- Added russian translations (thanks to @NikitaCartes)​
- Added a "Reset Camera" Button
- Added an orthogonal top-down view
- Added a free-flight view with spectator-like controls
- Added a searchable list of all markers and player-markers
- Added a sunlight-slider and an ambient-light slider
- Added a "Reset all Settings" Button
- Added new marker-types: extrude, line and html
- Markers are now updating automatically every 10 seconds
- Added the possibility to change the line-thickness of all markers
- Switching between maps of the same world no longer resets the camera
- Fixed the lowres-model visible below hires-overhangs and floating islands (Issue #13)
- Removed the 404-errors in the browser-console when loading empty map-tiles
- Potentially fixed an issue with smooth-scrolling mice
- Improved file/folder access (e.g. the inability to create a folder now actually throws the correct error)
----------, Mar 28, 2021

Highlights / Notes
Full 1.16.5 support, bugfixes, small improvements and new API version

Upgrading from 1.3.0
Just swap the `bluemap.jar`.

Changelog since 1.3.0
- Open fabric and forge version dependencies to support 1.16.5
- Push API version for some bugfixes
- Add support for loading custom dimensions that have been added by a datapack
- Properly implement equals and hashCode functions for Marker and MarkerSet implementations
- Improved debug-log of failures when loading resources
- Fixed a bug where parent-elements of block-models got inherited when they shouldn't
- Fixed an insufficient synchronisation that can cause a rare error while rendering 1.12.2 chunks
- Fixed a possible StackOverflowError caused by an invalid texture-definition by a resource
- Ignore unresolved texture references if they are unused by the model
----------, Feb 4, 2021

Highlights / Notes
1.16.4 support for fabric and forge, CLI logging and bugfixes

This is a SNAPSHOT version. Use on your own risk :)

Upgrading from 1.2.0
Just swap the `bluemap.jar`.

Changelog since 1.2.0
- Added 1.16.4 support for fabric and forge
- Added file-logging options to CLI (thx to @rye761)
- Fixed possible integer-overflow when radius-rendering on big worlds
- Fixed a rare issue with mods that makes BlueMap not loading any chunk
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash on older forge and fabric versions
- Added a workaround for a paper-bug that can cause an error when tab-completing
----------, Nov 4, 2020

Highlights / Notes
Bugfixes and improvements with automatic map-updates

This is a SNAPSHOT version. Use on your own risk :)

Upgrading from 1.0.1
Just swap the bluemap.jar.
If you want the changes made to the web-app you need to delete your <webroot>/index.html so bluemap updates the web-files.

Changelog since 1.0.1
  • Updated to BlueMapAPI 1.3.1
  • Full world-renders will now be centered (starting) on the spawnpoint of that world, and a radius render on the center of the area to be rendered
  • Improved the way BlueMap handles map-updates, it now tries to listen for chunk-saves rather than full world-saves to render world-changes as soon as possible
  • Added /bluemap version
  • Added /bluemap debug flush [world] which saves the world and flushes all scheduled changes so they will be rendered
  • Added the world-folder to the hover texts of /bluemap worlds
  • Slowed down hash-updates on the web-app to reduce the browser-history-spam as much as possible while still having a copy-able url of the current camera position
  • Fixed a bug that caused the webserver to not close correctly on first install
  • Fixed a bug that caused corrupted chunks when they were saved in a snapshot-version of minecraft
----------, Oct 5, 2020

Highlights / Notes
Fabric and forge support for 1.16.3 and some improvements, and bugfixes.

This is a SNAPSHOT version. Use at your own risk :)

Upgrading from 1.0.0

No breaking changes since 1.0.0 .. just swap the jar-files to upgrade.


  • Added `/bluemap help` to be able to list all available bluemap-commands
  • Added `/bluemap render cancel` to be able to remove the last render-task with a command
  • Players that are "vanished" by a spigot plugin should now be treated as "invisible" (and not be displayed on the map)
  • Fixed barrier-blocks influencing the hight of the lowres-model
  • Fixed an exception when bluemap tried to download the skin of a player that has no skin
  • Fixed the chunk-cache being cleared too early, which might result in block-changes not being updated correctly
  • Fixed handling of a rare exception caused by trying to load invalid chunks
----------, Sep 15, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 63,477
First Release: Sep 5, 2020
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
102 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings