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BlueMap -----

A mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft worlds and displays them in a web viewer

Version 1.4.2
Highlights / Notes
Complete rewrite of the web-app, free-flight mode, new UI, new marker-types, web-app localisation.

Upgrading from 1.3.1
Swap the bluemap.jar and delete your ./bluemap/web/index.html.
(If you want a clean webroot, you can delete everything in the web folder except the data folder)

Changelog since 1.3.1
- Updated to BlueMapAPI 1.5.0
- Completely redone the web-app
- Reworked map-loading
- Reworked controls​
- Changed the complete UI-Design
- Reorganized the menu and HUD-buttons
- Added a dark UI-theme
- Added localizations to the webapp (thanks to @tsutoringo)
- Added japanese translations (thanks to @tsutoringo)
- Added french translations (thanks to @Aurelien30000)
- Added dutch translations (thanks to @TechnicJelle)
- Added german translations
- Added finnish translations (thanks to @chicken)
- Added italian translations (thanks to @otDan)
- Added polish translations (thanks to @otDan)
- Added russian translations (thanks to @NikitaCartes)​
- Added a "Reset Camera" Button
- Added an orthogonal top-down view
- Added a free-flight view with spectator-like controls
- Added a searchable list of all markers and player-markers
- Added a sunlight-slider and an ambient-light slider
- Added a "Reset all Settings" Button
- Added new marker-types: extrude, line and html
- Markers are now updating automatically every 10 seconds
- Added the possibility to change the line-thickness of all markers
- Switching between maps of the same world no longer resets the camera
- Fixed the lowres-model visible below hires-overhangs and floating islands (Issue #13)
- Removed the 404-errors in the browser-console when loading empty map-tiles
- Potentially fixed an issue with smooth-scrolling mice
- Improved file/folder access (e.g. the inability to create a folder now actually throws the correct error)
----------, Mar 28, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 63,494
First Release: Sep 5, 2020
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
102 ratings
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