Block Particles icon

Block Particles -----

Do you have boring blocks? Well not any more with Particle Blocks. Add particles to your blocks now!

- 1.21 support
----------, Jun 25, 2024

  • Added 1.20.6 support
    • This version does not work on anything but 1.20.6
----------, May 24, 2024

- 1.8.8-1.12.2 added back. Now supports 1.8.8-1.14.3.

- Fountains using heads now have been updated to have more heads and load more reliably.
- Lots of back end recoding for the 1.8.8-1.12.2 support.
----------, Jul 19, 2019

- Servers running 1.13.2 could not load BlockParticles due to 1.14 API causing issues.
----------, May 14, 2019

- New bStats class for metrics.
- MC 1.14 support has been added.

Block Particles now supports 1.13-1.14 of Minecraft.
----------, May 13, 2019

- 1.13.2 support

- A lot of code change for a better explanation.

- 1.8.8 - 1.12.2 support has been dropped.
- MCUpdate has been removed due to its shutdown.

1.8.8 - 1.12.2 User?
Block Particles has dropped support for older Minecraft versions. The last available version was
Change Log:

Version Page:
----------, Feb 10, 2019

Bug Fixes:
- /bp add command not working in MC 1.12.1.
- Deprecated methods in MC 1.12 has been switched to the new 1.12 methods to help performance in MC 1.12 servers.
- Fountain items could be sucked up by Hoppers and so people could steal them.

- Cleaned up some code to look better.
----------, Aug 14, 2017

This is a quick update to fix some errors some people are experiencing.

Bug Fix:
- Error when trying to check for players.
----------, Jun 28, 2017

Here is a quick update to add support to Minecraft 1.12.

This update contains a new line in the config.yml.
This line is not required to be added.

Add this line under Line 2.
Code (Text):
  Metrics: true #If the plugin sends metrics data to

- Minecraft 1.12 support has been added.
- Option to disable sending Metrics data to
- Updated MCUpdate class.
----------, Jun 21, 2017

Hello, its has been a long time hasn’t it. Almost a year now since the last update. I am very sorry for not updating this to 1.10+ sooner but I didn’t have time to try and find another particle API that was updated and then rewrite my code to allow that new API. But thanks to @PazuHD he sent me an updated version of the ParticleAPI I use. So without a further ado, here is the new update that added the long wanted 1.10+ support.

Bug Fixes:
- Some servers get an error from the ItemMergeEvent and so it was removed and instead of using that the fountain items just have a random name to avoid merging.
- Fixed the food and Pokemon fountains so they don't have random heads in it.

- Added support for versions 1.10 - 1.11.2.
- A few new for the food fountain.
- New MCUpdate stats to view the usage of Block Particles. Link:
----------, Apr 25, 2017

I have added compatibility to Minecraft 1.10.

- 1.10 support​
----------, Jun 16, 2016

Hello there, This update is here to add compatibility to 1.9 servers. Sorry for the slow update on this. I am still trying to find a way to make this be less intense on servers at times. Thanks to @inventivetalent for her ParticleAPI Classes. This has made the plugin 1.9 compatible.
----------, Jun 2, 2016

Hello there, I have been working on the lag and trying my best to lower it as much as I can. It seams to be mainly coming from the new Particles like BigSoulWell, FlameWheel, ect. I have added a range on the particles now so if there is someone 25 block from the Location the particle will turn on. Other wise it stays off. This should lessen the lag since the particles are not running 24/7 now. I have also fixed a bug with that was reported about CraftBukkit 1.8.3. This has been fixed that I am aware of. Please leave your feed back about the lag. Have a nice Day <3.
----------, Jan 14, 2016

Hello there, Today I have been working on clearing up some lag that the new particles seem to be making. (SoulWell, BigSoulWell, WitchToranado, ect.) This update should fix the lag it seems to be making. I am not totally sure if it will remove all the lag but how I have been testing I have not had as much lag. Please give me your feed back on if this has help fixed your lag.
----------, Jan 13, 2016

Hello there, I have found the problem with the particles now spawning. The problem was with Multiverse. Block Particles tried to load the particles in but Multiverse had not been loaded on to the server yet so those worlds did "Not Exist". So now Block Particles will load after multiverse and no more need to do /Bp Reload at the beginning of the server.
----------, Jan 12, 2016

Hello there, I have been told of a strange bug that when the server starts up the particles don't start unless you do /bp reload. I have not been able to reproduce this problem but I think I may have fixed the problem some users are experiencing.
----------, Jan 12, 2016

Hello there, I have fixed a strange error in console that seems to happen when you change your default world. This should fix that error.
----------, Jan 10, 2016

Hello there, today I have added 4 new particles. I have also made a small API so Developers can access the particles.

- Love Well
- Big Love Well
- Love Tornado
- Witch Tornado​
Small API for Devs.​
----------, Jan 9, 2016

Hello there. Today I have fixed a small bug that happens when your in /bp set <Location>'s GUI.
----------, Jan 7, 2016

Hello there. I am just making this update to fix the Big Cit's Height.
----------, Jan 6, 2016

Hello there. There was an error when the Plugin was exported and it broke the Bp Set Command. I have fixed it now.

- Bp set command broke​
----------, Jan 6, 2016

Hello there. Today I have added 4 new particles. I had fun adding these 4 new particles so make sure to give me your feedback.

New Particles:
- Santa Hat (I know a bit late XD)
- Soul Well
- Big Soul Well
- Flame Wheel​
- Moved Volcano to the particles part of the GUI.​
----------, Jan 6, 2016

Hello there. I have fixed a small problem with Mob Spawner. It will now work.
----------, Jan 3, 2016

Hello there. Sorry about the last update. This one fixes the Console Bug.
----------, Jan 3, 2016

Hello there. Today I have just fixed a bug where console couldn't set a Locations particle type.

Bugs Fixed:
- Console couldn't set types.​
----------, Jan 3, 2016

Hello there. Today I was just doing some code clean up so that the plugin wasn't as big. And it looks nicer now. HF <3
----------, Jan 1, 2016

Hello there. Today I have added 4 new Fountains and 1 more Particles Effect. Make sure to add leave your ideas in the discussions tab.

- Mobs
- Food
- Pokemon
- Mario​
- Halo​
----------, Dec 31, 2015

Hello there. Today I have added 6 new particles and fixed the word Volcano. I spelled it Valcano and it is spelled Volcano. I would like to give a thanks to @Rot for giveing me more suggestions for Particles. Also I would like to thank FunnyCube for giving me a new Logo and Banner for Block Particles.

- Volcano spelling​
New Particles:
- Happy Villager
- Angry Villager
- Mob Spawner
- Ender Signal
- Rainbow
- Snow Blast​
----------, Dec 29, 2015

Hello there. Today I have added a GUI to the plugin. So now you can do
/Bp Set <Location Name> and a GUI will pop up with all 27 effects in it. All you have to do is click one and it will set it for you.

- New GUI​
----------, Dec 23, 2015

Hello there. Today I added 6 new Particle effects. I am running out of ideas for some so make sure to comment some in the disscutions tab.

Added Particles:
- Magic
- Witch
- Double Witch
- Snow Storm
- Fire Spew
- Foot Print​

I hope you enjoy the new Particles <3
----------, Dec 13, 2015

Hello there. Today I have added 5 new Particles and 2 new Fountains.

- Fire Storm
- Snow
- Potion
- Music
- Spew​
- Water
- Presents​
----------, Dec 9, 2015

Hello there. This week I was informed by @Catirra about a bug in console. This bug has been fixed. Thanks for the Report.

- Picking an item with a lore up makes errors in console.​
----------, Nov 22, 2015

Hello there. Today i have added 4 New Particles and 1 new Fountain. I have also fixed up Crit particle effect and lowered the particles a bit.

- Brought down the Crit Particles​
- Fog
- Enchant [​IMG]
- Storm
- Chains
Fountain added:
- Heads : When a player comes 10 blocks close to the chest it starts spawning their head. This does it for multiple Players at once.
----------, Oct 29, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 89,088
First Release: Oct 28, 2015
Last Update: Jun 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
188 ratings
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Version -----
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