Hello, its has been a long time hasn’t it. Almost a year now since the last update. I am very sorry for not updating this to 1.10+ sooner but I didn’t have time to try and find another particle API that was updated and then rewrite my code to allow that new API. But thanks to @PazuHD he sent me an updated version of the ParticleAPI I use. So without a further ado, here is the new update that added the long wanted 1.10+ support.
Bug Fixes: - Some servers get an error from the ItemMergeEvent and so it was removed and instead of using that the fountain items just have a random name to avoid merging. - Fixed the food and Pokemon fountains so they don't have random heads in it.
Added: - Added support for versions 1.10 - 1.11.2. - A few new for the food fountain. - New MCUpdate stats to view the usage of Block Particles. Link: http://mcupdate.org/plugin?a=metrics&pl=75