Block Particles icon

Block Particles -----

Do you have boring blocks? Well not any more with Particle Blocks. Add particles to your blocks now!

Version: v1.11.1
Nice plugin but please add that you can change the color of the raimbow particle like orange or blue etc
Author's response
You'll be able to pick the color yourself soon enough.

Version: v1.11.1
I've been using this plugin for years.

The version posted here (v1.11.1) works on and upto 1.20.4.

alas, the massive changes in 1.20.5 has killed it and it's been four years since an update, so I guess it is time to say goodbye.

but thanks, badbones69, if you are still out there. thanks for the use of a wonderful plugin over the years!
Author's response
The plugin will be getting an update shortly. 1.20.5 has killed it though due to the massive changes, it is pending a re-write but we're pre-occupied with getting the current plugins updated.

BlockParticles will be updated after we are satisfied with the state of CrazyCrates, CrazyEnchantments, CrazyEnvoys and CrazyVouchers.

Version: v1.11.1
pls what i need to do it keep spamming in the console pls help!

Version: v1.11.1
PERFECT plugin! Simple, and best of all, IT WORKS PERFECTLY IN VERSION 1.19.2! ♥
Thanks for the development!

Version: v1.11.1
Perfect plugin for animate your server, optimized, complete -> work fine in 1.18.2 !

Version: v1.11.1
i use it on my mc bungee server and it works perfecly fine on 1.18.2 and its a great plugin..... great work!!!!

Version: v1.11.1
I haven't tested it on version 1.18 yet, but it works perfectly on 1.17.1!
Perfect plugin ♥

Please continue with the great work ♥♥♥

Version: v1.11.1
Can you please update to 1.17? I think it would be very good if it available in 1.17

Version: v1.11.1
I used to host servers back in 1.8 , and this plugin made my servers so much more visibly appearling , i quit when 1.9 was released. now im back here starting hosting again on 1.17 and this plugin is still working beautifully! as other reviews have said this is still rocking good on 1.17 (1.17.1) for me. Top notch plugin!!

Version: v1.11.1
First, let me say I love this plugin. It has allowed us to add a bit of flair to the server adding particle effects like chains and other features to the world(especially at spawn locations)
Next, let me rule out one thing for those who are wondering ---
Working fine on 1.17.1
Minus a Villager Particles not always working.

Now for the Pros and Cons
- Easy to use, as in like a 5-year-old could do it.
- All commands are tab-complete which means no guesswork
- The particle effects are actually very well done

- It seems that updates are few and far in between
- Would love to see more particles added

However, this is a solid 5-star rating again from me.

Version: v1.11.1
Rainbow particle doesnt work in 1.16 (with viaversion)
However it works on 1.8 with viaversion

Version: v1.11.1
Hello !

Please, update it for 1.16.5 i want to use it for my server =)
It's a good plugin tho

Version: v1.11.1
please update this resource Plguin
I'll donate you 2 dollars

Version: v1.11.1
This is such an AMAZING plugin. There are so many particles for you to choose from, if you have a crate plugin and use crates I recommend using this plugin to make them look even cooler!

Version: v1.11.1
Still works on 1.16.5 for anyone curious. Few bugs that will make any difference.

Version: v1.11.1
Please add command to disable and activate a location. This will assist in customizing the resources

Version: v1.11.1
Very good plugin! It deserves the five stars, you can put it where you want and it does not give any fault.

Version: v1.11.1
work very well in 1.16.2 paper, all good to go, a good plugin, 10 star!!!!!
thank you for the best.

Version: v1.11.1
This work in 1.16.x. I have tested it and am using it right now on spigot 1.16.2

Version: v1.11.1
Perfect plugin, I would have donate if it wasn't there a ANIME dude. -----------

Version: v1.11.1
1.16 please!................................................................................

Version: v1.11.1
If you use this plugin on your server, your players will be lagging and they can't see any entity. They every need to press F3+A to reload the chunk.

Version: v1.11.1
Es un complemento muy bueno, sirve para decorar mucho 10/10, espero que lo actualicen a 1.16

Version: v1.11.1
============ BlockParticles Review ============

The plugin is simple and does what it needs to. If you want to spice up your server with particles in areas of spawn or another type of build, this is the plugin. You can be super creative with this plugin. I also recommend this authors/developers other plugins from the "Crazy" series.

Version: v1.11.1
Reccomended. Good plugin .

Version: v1.11.1
Beautiful plugin, not only for crates, also for decorating places. I highly recommend to people that still on 1.8.
It would be very cool feature to be able to set the color of the white/cloud particles that appear on effects like SnowBlast or Fog if it is possible. Thanks for such a great plugin!

Version: v1.11.1
This is reason of very big part of server's crashes. I used on my server, and when i placed item frames my game crashes.

Version: v1.11.1
Super useful and great plugin. Now my crates look awesome. Thank you! Keep up with the work!

Version: v1.11.1
Actually... this plugins is kinda nice, but it's lagging server extremly... I installed plugin, placed about 40 particles, played on server for 1 hour and there wasnt any problem. I went to sleep. After about 8 hour, I joined server and it was extremly laggy... Server had about 5 TPS. I checked timings and I saw this:

When it will be fixed, I will change my rating.
I'm using newest paper spigot on version 1.15.2 and last version of plugin.

Version: v1.11
Link GITHUB is down, but plugin in versions old is very good


Version: v1.11
i will glad for u, if u add plotsquared support :)

Version: v1.10
It's great, just missing one thing... where is the redstone particle option?
Other than that great plugin!

Version: v1.10
Perfect plugin! Only one thing... Can you add PlotSquared support? (Max block particles per plot) It would be a nice donor perk :)

Version: v1.10
I use it on 1.14.2 server, works very well until i wanted to change to paper, it still works but i noticed that the use of "items fountains" grow the region size, thus i had regions of 4Mo instead of 10ko, so i was unable to load theses regions with paper (it has a maximum region size to not lag) so i decided to remove the items fountains, even if it despawn very quickly, they still grow the file size, still a beautiful and powerful plugin anyway that i recommend (but not the items fountains)

Version: v1.10
Fantastic plugin!!!! excellent work, My servers spawn looks so much more jazzy. Thank you.

Version: v1.10
My favourite plugin. My server is look like pros with this plugin! thanks alot! ...

Version: v1.10
What would make this a 6-star plugin is, the ability to make your own effects. Effect lib would be able to handle it nicely. Literally, ZERO ways to do this...

It only makes sense that BP would be the one to do it.

Version: v1.9.10
Plugin works great but there is a glitch. My server is on 1.13.2 and when players hit each other they get kicked and get a error: Internal Exception: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: v1_14_R1

Version: v1.9.10
Fantastic plugin. Installs easily and works as described right out of the box. The GUI helps users quickly change effects without having to manually type in a new effect. Simple to use, but effective.

Version: v1.9.10
Can you add the option for add item spiral effect?.I really need this for my own server.I mean you can add this option via config.yml file.

Version: v1.9.10
Another Great update, This plugin is an essential, Brings a huge set of amazing effects to minecraft/spigot and makes it simple to use, the end result is awesome, Differently recommend trying this

Version: v1.9.8
ParticleAPI could not download... Can you add functionality to the armor rack??!!!

Version: v1.9.8
Thanks for 1.13 Update! I finally dont have to use command blocks for particles! :)

Version: v1.9.8
Excellent plugin, thanks for the 1.13.2 update! I've been loving the plugin so far. Keep it up

Version: v1.9.7.2
This plugin have lag when i start my server.And i cant create my custom particles.

Version: v1.9.7.2
Very good, used it for 1.12.2. Author should upload 1.13 version from github to spigotmc.

Version: v1.9.7.2
++++++++ Good plugin! But unfortunately not for 1.13. +++++++++
++++++++ Good plugin! But unfortunately not for 1.13. +++++++++

Version: v1.9.7.2
1.13 not supporting!

Version: v1.9.7.2
Cool plugin for my server ;). Thanks a bunch man xD it helps a lot!

100 Charsssss

Version: v1.9.7.2
Doesn't work in 1.13 . The only thing that works it the halloween foutain. Everything else doesn't work .... Please could you update it ???

Version: v1.9.7.2
exelent plugin am have problem why add console ejecute command send error and not work please allow to console execute command add

Version: v1.9.7.2
Plugin is really good on the last version I used of Minecraft (1.12) I tried to use it in 1.7 and I'm surprised to see that it works good of course you have to manually define via the data file the location of the particle but otherwise the particles they appear well (Sorry, I'm french) :)

Version: v1.9.7.2
This plugin is perfect for any additional touches you'd like to add to your server. I recommend it.
The author is nice too.

Version: v1.9.7.2
Awfully laggy makes server unusable. Timings report shows that this plugin stresses my server. Please update to 1.13 and in that update fix the lag. Thanks - Will

Version: v1.9.7.2
Don't work in 1.12.2 >:C

Version: v1.9.7.2
Working flawless on Spigot 1.12.2 :) Thank you very much your plugin! You are rock (and all particles working)!

Version: v1.9.7.2
Only Halo effect works on the latest Spigot 1.12.2. I really love this plugin. Please release a fix
Thanks in advance.

Version: v1.9.7.2
please update...1.13.....................................................................

Version: v1.9.7.2
Please update this plugin to 1.13 thanx

...………………………………........... - 100 characters

Version: v1.9.7.2
Awesome plugin. Works perfectly, and has super nice effects! I'd recommend this to anyone

Version: v1.9.7.2
Only Halo effect works on the latest Spigot 1.12.2. I really love this plugin. Please release a fix
Thanks in advance.

Version: v1.9.7.2
eum nice plugin but have a problem.. when i join with my test account particles not showing up for normal player.. and i cant see that there is permissions for it.. can you help me? tell me what im doing wrong...

Version: v1.9.7.2
Spectacular visuals! Adds a nice touch to chests and portals to give it that extra level of awe. Very well done!

Version: v1.9.7.2
Exactly what I was looking for Thank You so much!! best plugin ever made! love it!

Version: v1.9.7.2
90 charsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Version: v1.9.7.2
Very good plugin, however I do have a suggestion maybe add a way to delay the particle effects, such as we're using volcano, and we think it'd be cool if volcano splattered every say 10 seconds and stopped.

Version: v1.9.7.2
I was wondering how to get some awesome particle effects without spamming the console with command blocks, and the first result on google was this plugin! I do suggest that you add a "force" feature, e.g. in the vanilla particle command, you can add "force" on the end for it to stay loaded to all players watching, however, if you get too far away using this plugin, they unload. :)


Version: v1.9.7.2
I need a plugin to add particle effects wherever I want, and here it is.
Works great!

Version: v1.9.7.2
This plugin is exactly what I was looking for. It adds an extra, pleasing to the eye element to your server. Glad someone made this. Definitely would like to see more particles, though!

Version: v1.9.7.2
Great plugin,Can you add language files?My native language is not English, so it is hard to use this plugin

Version: v1.9.7.2
In this plugin works only halo and Santa Claus particles. Maybe I have something locked. Can someone help my?

Version: v1.9.7.2
excellent this plugin has a very innovative idea I was needing a plugin so for my server!

Version: v1.9.7.2
BEST particles plugin EVER!
No lag at all
Hoping for more particles in the future! <3

Version: v1.9.7.2
Super light weight and easy to use. The best plugin in it's category.
I'm hoping for more particles in the next update :)

Version: v1.9.7.2
Fabulous particles! Though I have a few things in mind for it:

-Fix some grammar issues, EG: /BlockParticle Help can be shortened to /bp help and GUI reads "Fountians".

-Add custom particles, config or in-game editing. Customizable GUI item with NBT Data, Custom names, etc.

-Make a smaller version of FlameWheel and make other "Wheel" particles. I seriously love that one.

-Upside down tornados / vortexes.

-Change GUI items to custom heads. EG: Santa Hat could be changed to an actual santa hat. xP

-Make "/bp reload" reload the data file as well, along with the config file. The config file is quite useless, so the command specified has no apparent purpose.

Version: v1.9.7.2
Excellent plugin,, i love it ! could u add some more choice like flowerfall, bubble, etc..
Author's response
Thanks for the review. This plugin is currently only being updated to support the newest MC updates and to fix bugs. Currently, it isn't receiving any new particles/features.

Version: v1.9.7.2
Nice plugin! very easy to use it's perfectly working awesome cool!!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7.2
Excellent and USEFUL plugin for creating 'special places' in your worlds.

BTW, the /bp reload doesn't do much good if it doesn't reinitialize the particle fx to reflect the reloaded configs. FYI. Kindly fix.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Can you send me a PM here on Spigot and tell me what doesn't seem to be changing for you.

Version: v1.9.7.2
Awesome plugin for aesthetics. Easy to use, nice choice of effects and it works with 1.12.2.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7.2
Hi there, will you be posting a 1.12.2 update anytime soon? Other then that, nice plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. This shouldn't have any problems on MC 1.12.2. If it does send me a PM with a report.

Version: v1.9.7.2
Add more particles plz :-) Add more particles plz :-) Add more particles plz :-)
Author's response
Thanks for the review. At the moment this plugin is only being updated to support the MC versions and bugs. New features may come later down the road.

Version: v1.9.7.2
How do I solve this error?
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Name cannot be null
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Can you please PM me and send a of the full error.

Version: v1.9.7.2
Love it! Everything about it is great, All I wish for is to make specific fountains such as just diamonds, just emeralds etc
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I may add it in the future but atm I am not updating this feature wise.

Version: v1.9.7.2
I have one suggestion - can u add a ProtocolLib support and make permission to see a particles? If player had it - he see this particles, if haven't - not see.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I don't think I'll add that since that isn't really what this plugin is shooting for.

Version: v1.9.7.2
Awesome plugin, very easy to use and looks great.
Could you add smoke particles? And the ones from a nether portal?
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I may add those later on thanks.

Version: v1.9.7.2
5 stars: D
Very nice particle plugin
Recommend everyone to use

Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7.2
Awesome plugin I really like it
Can you add reduce features so we can reduce the particle?
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Could you send me a PM explaining what you mean?

Version: v1.9.7.2

Lightweight, Amazing Plugin for fancy people. A must for every server!

Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7.2
Very useful resource and goes well with CrazyCrates
I recommend adding a features that allows us to customize fountains
Author's response
Thanks for the review. If I ever do come and edit and update the plugin feature wise I will do that. <3

Version: v1.9.7.1
I honestly love this resource so much. This is so simple and is so self-explanatory! I needed some more hype in my spawn and this is exactly what I needed! Didn't think I would find a good plugin like this one! 100% recommend!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7.1
Yo so this is really cool! But if you could pls msg me and see if you could add a feature i need for my server. Ill even pay if needed. I just need the ability to add multiple blocks to the same name. And i also need the ability to turn off a set of blocks. PLS msg me because this is rlly important if ya can.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I may add this but I am not currently changing much of the plugin at this time since I am very busy IRL. If you need to PM me you can here.

Version: v1.9.7.1
I love it so much <3 It makes my spawn and crates look so amazing
Suggestion: moreee particles :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I may add more in the future.

Version: v1.9.7.1
Good plugin, just what someone needs to give that extra wow to their server! Support will be given in short time too.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7.1
Love this plugin! So great to help spruce up some blocks or drawing attention to certain places.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7.1
Absolutely a brilliant plugin. Love this & anybody looking into using this. USE IT!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7.1
The Plugin is very great.I found a bug that the fountains' items can get by a hopper!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Don't put it by hoppers ;)

I'll fix it thanks.

Version: v1.9.7.1

If you know what I mean :)

but good plugin anyways...

It works great.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I do ;)

Version: v1.9.7.1
very great i love thit
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7
Wow excellent plugin!
Works lke a charm on my server Glad I found this Great Plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.7
Best Plugin out there if you want to add particles effects to your blocks!!
Really nice Author which helped me a lot with PM's!
Really recommend it!!
5/5 for sure! Can't wait for more updates!!
Good Job
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.6
Thanks for keeping this update Love using this make some cool stuff with it Thanks again
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.6
The best particle plugin there ever is around, great for crates and for spawn. Great for eye-catching new players. The best plugin I have ever installed
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.6
Really great plugin! it made my spawn look nice and best thing is its free! thanks for creating this.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.6
As expected from this developer, this plugin next to all his good plugins is also better than expected! Great work and please keep updating all your plugins and keep up the good work! (Im using CrazyAuctions, CrazyEnchants, BlockParticles, CrazyCrates) <3
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.6
This plugin is great and seems to be very well optimized. (I remember seeing another fountain that was water but I can't seem to find it or any reason for its removal. It'd be great to have that again to have an elegant fountain at spawn.)
Author's response
Thanks for the review. It should be called Water in the GUI.

Version: v1.9.6
Super Dope! BadBones at it again with the awesome free plugins, keep up the awesome work :D!
100 characters.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.6
I have a great idea! If you select a block where you want a particle you will first get a menu with what type of animation you want and then a 2nd menu with which particle to be used.

And BTW, It's already a good plugin that's on its own :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I am not sure if ill add this but thanks for the suggestions.

Version: v1.9.6
Best Plugin! Amazing
Great Job!
There will be more particles, or some combination?
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I do want to add more but at the moment I am not.

Version: v1.9.5.1
This plugin-- and all your other plugins-- are amazing! I'm currently using CrazyEnchantments, Auctions, Crates and BlockParticles without much lag added at all! The only plugin I don't like to use is Envoys, as it causes quite a bit of lag. Otherwise, great plugins. HIGHLY recommended.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
Wonderful plugin very well made nothing bad to say about this plugin
works perfect!
I think it is nice to add some fun to your server not all this trollie plugins for staff xD keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
Amazing! Has even more particles than listed. Just an amazing and simple plugin that adds a lot to the server in just a little package. Thanks!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
This plugin is FLAWLESSLY FLAWLESS. Due to the lack of updates.. maybe you could release the source code of this plugin? I see you are updating it to 1.10/1.11 but would you mind if we get the source code?
Author's response
Thanks for the review. The source has been on Github.

Version: v1.9.5.1
Awesome plugin but please update this !!!
Add more things or I don't know but great work !!! Do just an update !
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I plan to update it to 1.11 soon.

Version: v1.9.5.1
I love this plugin. Its awesome plugin! <3
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
Great plugin, made a video tutorial on this plugin. Here's the video
Author's response
Thanks for the review and the video. Strange how your particles were not in the right spots. It was making a square and its suppose to be a circle.

Version: v1.9.5.1
Thanks for this amazing plugin! Those particles look absolutely epic. There is just one thing that I would change - when i choose any fountain particle type, there are just too much items appearing - I would add an option to config to make everyone able to choose how many items should appear per second, etc. :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I mite when I work on updating this.

Version: v1.9.5.1
Fantastic Block Particle plugin, it's a nice plugin to add some spice to a spawn. Thanks for making such a awesome plugin! ;)
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
I love this plugin. It is a nice way to spice up my lobby and have more things to look at! I hope you add more fountains and particles! :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
Very Awesome Plugin! It is btw 1.10 compatible. Nice!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
Very good plugin but update is fast to 1.11 pls.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Ill try to update when I can.

Version: v1.9.5.1
Very good plugin, haven't noticed any issues so far and it works like a charm on 1.10, thank you very much.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
Plugin works great on 1.10! I've been using this plugin for a few months, not a single issue! Not sure why the people below me gave him a inaccurate review because of user error? Would be nice to see an update soon with more types!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
Excellent plugin. Allows me to add particles to my crates, etc. However it WAS a excellent plugin. It now makes my server crash as it was obvious in the stack trace.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Strange, this can be resource heavy so maybe thats why.

Version: v1.9.5.1
This is an amazing plugin, sadly not compatible with 1.10 it seems. I feel that it causes a bug that makes all entities in my world have No-AI, please fix this because I would love to use it again. (It could also be other plugins but after I removed yours it worked again.)
Author's response
Thanks for the review. My plugin doesn't mess with the AI's so I am not sure whats up with that. It should be fine with 1.10 because when I tested it was fine.

Version: v1.9.5.1
Plugin is not compatible with Bungee cord servers. /BP is bungee permissions! ADD BlockParticles as an alias for it please!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. You can use /BlockParticle

Version: v1.9.5.1
It looks soooo0oo coool ! wopoow it is so amazing good work ! make more and i hope you can make more!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
This plugin performs as described and is very easy to use. The GUI Menu allows server owners to create Block Particles in a matter of seconds. Kicjow clearly worked hard on this plugin, and he generously grants the Minecraft community permission to use his work free-of-charge. Well done!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
The Best Plugin Ever
Thanks you making this plugin and making this for free :)
I appreciates it and everyone else!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5.1
Amazing plugin, my server uses it to make the blocks look cooler!

Thank you so much for making this resource free, I am sure everyone appreciates it!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3 NP

Version: v1.9.5.1
Best plugin for particles, works fantastic! Maybe it cause a bit lag, i saw it on my timings, but nothing important. Hope you update the plugin adding more particles, great developer!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.5
Very GOD plugin! Access for servers, needed be how to Hypixel! But, I need source code of this plugin, and this don't given :(
P.S. For players don't want to download it and learn how to do particles
Author's response
Thanks for the review. There is source code on github.

Version: v1.9.5
A guy gave 3 stars using version 1.9.5 on spigot 1.9.4 I call bullshit. It works 100% even with ~100 plugins on my server. It does everything as described and works fantastic I love the options with it!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I am happy it works.

Version: v1.9.5
Running Spigot 1.9.4, with BlockParticles 1.9.5 version for 1.9 servers. After every /bp command, I get this error: "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" Please help.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Send me the error and I'll look into it.

Version: v1.9.5
hi on my server this plugin dont Works i am using spigot and 1.9.4 do we need other plugins for get it to work? or are i just using the wrong minecraft Version or somenthing, the commands Works bur not the particles... please answer this question.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Make sure your particles are on. I have used it on 1.9.4 and it worked fine.

Version: v1.9.5
wow! Best plugin particle ever, best support, recommend 100% 5 Start. .
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3 I try my best

Version: v1.9.5
Awesome Plugin, but the colors on the effects is always white in the 1.9. Any fix? Looks at bit wierd with a whirte spiral :p
Author's response
Thanks for the review. The Particle Spiral is only white. It was never a different color.

Version: v1.9.5
Thanks man was waiting a while for this!
One of my top 10 plugins
Great for a spawn point or warp locations!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Sorry for the wait.

Version: v1.9.4
Awesome plugin!Better than some of the paid plug-ins! Its very useful to my server . Hope you to add more Particles!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I mite add more soon.

Version: v1.9.4
This plugin very good.But i have one problem, I choose halloween,heads,presents falling head comes to player's inventory.
How can i avoid this ?
Author's response
Thanks for the review. To use fountains you need to be using spigot to stop that. Read the main page if you need to see what I mean.

Version: v1.9.4
This plugin is great! Easy and Effective use. But I have a question 'can you make it possible to add particles in the item or armor? I just want to see it like unusual hat in TF2 :D. Anyway thanks for making this plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Lol I probably wont sorry.

Version: v1.9.4
Fantastic plugin! Easy to use and no bugs as far as I've seen. I'll post some suggestions/ideas on the discussion forum :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.4
This is so cool! I use for my crates. Please, add more of this fantastic particles. Thank you very much for making it free :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.4
This is an amazing plugin. I like it very much! It should be a Premium plugin. So I donate a little money :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review. <3

Version: v1.9.4
Kannst du bitte eine zusätzliche Befehlseingabe einbauen. zum beispiel /bparticles. Bungeeperms nutzen schon /bp.

Can you please install an additional command input. for example
/bparticles. Bungeeperms already use / bp.
Author's response
Vielen Dank für die Bewertung. Es gibt einen weiteren Befehl, den Sie nutzen können. / BlockParticle funktioniert auch . Ich bin mir bewusst, BungeePerms überschreibt / BP . Das ist, warum ich immer eine untergeordnete Befehl haben . / BlockParticle ist, dass Kommando .

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 88,939
First Release: Oct 28, 2015
Last Update: Jun 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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