BlackJack [1.8-1.21]  [XP Support added] icon

BlackJack [1.8-1.21] [XP Support added] -----

A menu-based blackjack game at its core.


What's new?

+ Fixed false blackjack when a player could get a blackjack with more than 2 cards (e.g. a 7, 5, and a 9). In normal Blackjack, Blackjack must be only the first two drawn cards (e.g. Ace and a 10)

- Also tested on 1.8.8 and 1.20.6 and worked. Let me know if any issues occur.

How to update
1. Simply update the jar version and reload/restart.
----------, Aug 31, 2024


+ Changed build version to 1.20.6
+ No API breakages, no need to update if currently working on your build.
----------, Jun 10, 2024


What's new?

- fix bug when player left with on-going session, now ends the session when they return

How to update
1. Simply drag/replace 1.7.3 and reload/restart your server!
----------, Mar 15, 2024


Minor fix of java version + small bug. See update 1.7.1 for changelog.
----------, Dec 20, 2023


What's new?

- Added config options for the sunflower items that appear for modifying the bet amount

How to update:
1. Download 1.7.1 and replace with older version
2. add the following to your config.yml

Code (Text):
# Sunflowers that are used to increase/decrease the bet value in menu
   increaseValue1: 10
   increaseValue2: 100
   increaseValue3: 1000
   decreaseValue1: 10
   decreaseValue2: 100
   decreaseValue3: 1000
3. Reload/ Restart

----------, Dec 19, 2023


What's new?

- Added feature so players can double down which is a typical blackjack move. This feature can be toggled off if it is not desired.
(If a player is confident in their hand, on the first turn, they can "double down" which multiples the bet amount by 2 and then gives them one card. They are then forced to stand on the next turn).

How to install:
1. Install & replace with 1.7 in your plugins folder
2. If using existing config.yml, add the below to your config.yml
Code (Text):
# Should doubling down be enabled (double your bet amount but forced to stand after drawing 1 more card)
enable-double-down: true

# If double down is enabled, and a person doubles down without enough funds to cover the cost of a loss,
# should they still be rewarded the 2x multiplier?
# E.g. player A bets all $100 they own, they then double down making the bet $200, they then lose and hence lose
# $200. However, a lot of economies do not use negative balances so they would really only lose $100.
# I'd recommend keeping this false unless your economy allows for players to have negative balances
double-down-overflow: false

double-down-item: "&eDouble Down"
double-down-lore: "&7&o(Double the bet amount and stand after 1 more card)"
3. Reload / restart your server
----------, May 29, 2023


- Fixed bug where people had a custom title for their inventory and people could take items out of inventory because it did not use the actual custom name.

How to update:
- Just drag and drop the new version and reload your server.

Just want to say thank you to everyone for the downloads! We're almost at 5000 now which is crazy. I created this plugin because I was bored at an airport and it is now by far the most used software I've ever made, and it's been up and going for years! Crazy.

If you find any bugs for 1.19.4, let me know. I briefly tested it and it seemed to be working, but I am just one user. Also, if there are reasonable updates you'd like to see, let me know. I won't promise anything because I am busy with college still, but I want to start updating these again just for fun, no pressure.

----------, Apr 8, 2023


What's new?

Hello again! I know it's been a while, as is usual with my plugins nowadays unfortunately. My habits have not been the best lately which is the main reason why (college). Anywho, this is a pretty simple update.

- Removed annoying debug messages
- Fully tested with 1.18.1 and it works flawlessly so far. Let me know of any issues and I'll get around to it!

How to update?
Simply download 1.6.4 and replace your older jar with it. That's it.
----------, Dec 25, 2021


Hello all! This updates contains a fix to people shift-clicking redstone items out of the end session menu.

Not really a big or important update, but just wanted to say that I'm back and ready to start updating Blackjack again. I'll be checking for suggestions on my google doc and in discussions. Feel free to PM me as well. Also, it works with 1.16.4 so feel free to use it on the latest versions.

How to install
1. Simply replace old Blackjack jars with v1.6.3, that's it!
----------, Jan 5, 2021


I am sorry for being MIA with the updates for quite some time, but seeing the positive comments were really uplifting and I decided to come back.

I have tested this version with 1.15.2 and it does work perfectly from what I have seen, but please report bugs to me in dm's and I'll make sure to get to them.
----------, Jun 9, 2020


What's new?

- Added two new sets of messages to the config to be configured.

New messages
Code (Text):
# Names of cards
spades: "Spades"
hearts: "Hearts"
clubs: "Clubs"
diamonds: "Diamonds"
jack: "Jack"
queen: "Queen"
king:  "King"
ace: "Ace"

amount-added: "&a+$amount$"
amount-subtracted: "&c-$amount$"
How to update:

1. Add the above messages to the config.yml
2. Reload / restart and your good to go.

----------, Aug 31, 2019


What's new?

- Added support for XP to used instead of economy when playing blackjack.

How do you enable this? Easily! Set the following value in your config.yml to false.

Code (Text):
cash-or-xp: false
How to install?
1. Just drag/replace with v1.6 and reload/restart!
----------, Aug 14, 2019


What's new?

- Added rest of messages to config.yml, hopefully this should be all, if there are more messages unconfigurable, let me know.

- Fixed a bug with the ratio not showing correctly in /blackjack <player>

How to update?
1. Add the following messages to your config.yml
Code (Text):

# New messages
blackjack: "&bBLACKJACK"
previous-game: "&7Opening previous game. . ."
wins-stat: "&cWins: &f$amount$"
loss-stat: "&cLosses: &f$amount$"
ratio-stat: "&cW/L Ratio: &f$amount$"
2. Reload/restart your server
----------, Jul 20, 2019


What's new?

- Added a multiplier for blackjack (configurable)

- Added a blackjack animation


- Made more messages configurable / brought back some messages that were taken out

How to update
1. Download v1.5.3
2. Add the following to your config.yml
Code (Text):
change-bet-amount: "&eChange bet amount"
your-bet-amount: "&eYour bet amount"

continue-playing: "Continue playing, $player$?"

# Should there be a multiplier for Blackjack (score of 21)?
enable-multiplier: true

# What should the bet amount be multiplied to for blackjacks?
multiplier: 1.5
3. Reload/restart
----------, Jul 7, 2019


What's new?

- Fixed bug where players could continuously play even if they lost all their money (not as bad of a bug as last update)

- Added new config option to disable showing the buttons for changing the bet amount.

How to update
1. Download v1.5.2
2. Add the following to your config.yml
Code (Text):

# Disable the change bet buttons? (Players cannot change their amount in the bet)
enable-change-bet: true
3. Reload / restart
----------, Jul 6, 2019


What's new?

- Unfortunately, with the addition of sessions in v1.5, there is a pretty significant bug where player's balances were not being deducted when they lose a game of Blackjack. If your economy seems inflated, this is probably the reason. v1.5.1 has the new fix. Sorry for the inconveniences this brings.

How to update?
1. Just drag/replace and reload/restart. I apologize for the bug.
----------, Jul 5, 2019


What's new?

- Added a new menu for sessions with the ability to change the bet amount, essentially, you can play games right after one another without having to run another command.

- Added the config option to toggle surrender

- Fixed a bug that ruined /blackjack <player-name>

What's next to come?
I've had a lot of positive feedback on the plugin which is great! Thank you all for the encouragement--it helps a ton.

I'll most likely add the following in the next updates:

- Multiplier on blackjack (Ace + 10)
- Instant cycling of game if there is a blackjack (automatically stands for you)
- Customization of all messages, most are customizable but not all
- Multiple people playing? (This will take time)

How to update
1. Download v1.5
2. Add the following to the config.yml
Code (Text):
# The following options relate to the move to surrender

# Should surrendering (forfeit the game and keep a % of your bet)
enable-surrender: true

# What percentage of the bet should the server take? (1-99)
surrender-percentage-to-take: 50.0

surrender-item: "&eSurrender"
surrender-lore: "&7&o(Retain half of your bet)"
surrender-message: "&eYou surrendered, keeping $amount$ of your original $bet$ bet!"

# Session Messages
earnings-gui: "&ePrevious Game's earnings:"
keep-playing: "&aKeep playing?"
stop-playing: "&cExit Session?"
total-earnings: "&eTotal earnings: $amount$"
session-ending: "&eAfter $amount$ games, you resulted in $$outcome$!"
(If theres issues with messages, save a copy of your cofig, delete your config and let a new one regenerate with the new messages)

3. Reload/Restart
----------, Jul 5, 2019


What's new?

- Added blackjack admin command (permission blackjack.admin) (/blackjackadmin)

- Added new option to surrender in a game and lose only half of your betting amount.

How to install
1. Download v1.4
2. Replace old version with v1.4
3. Add the following messages to your config.yml
Code (Text):
surrender-item: "&eSurrender"
surrender-lore: "&7&o(Retain half of your bet)"
surrender-message: "&eYou surrendered, keeping $amount$ of your original $bet$ bet!"
4. Reload / restart

Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at 11.55.36 PM.png
----------, Jun 28, 2019


What's new?

- Added /bj as an alias for /blackjack

- Fixed issue where if you had taxes disabled, players wouldn't be given the correct amount of money when they won a game

If you have taxes enabled, you do not need to update.

How to update

1. Replace old version with and reload/restart
----------, Jun 23, 2019


What's new?

- Bug found by @OwningProds where tie games did not give money back.

- IndexOutOfBounds exception fixed

How to update
1. Drag/replace and restart your server
----------, Jun 19, 2019


What's new?

- Fixed 1.8 error found by @OwningProds

- Subtracts balance when the game is initialized instead of at the end of the game

How to update:
1. Replace old jar with v1.3.4
2. Reload/restart
----------, Jun 19, 2019


What's new?

- Added taxes on winnings (can be turned off) Requested by @Spalw

- Added the ability to run a command when a game starts to hook into your own systems. Requested by @Spalw

- Added a minimum and maximum bet options (can be turned off) Requested by @GreenMist10

- Added an AutoUpdater that will notify you when new versions of Blackjack come out!

How to update
1. Download v1.3.3
2. Edit your config.yml and add the following
Code (Text):

# The percentage that should be taxed / deducted from winnings. Set to 0.0 for no taxes. Range is 0.0 to 100.0 .
tax-percent: 0.0

# Minimum amount able to bet and the maximum amount to bet! Setting either to zero will negate it completely.
bet-min: 0.0
bet-max: 0.0

# One user requested this, basically, it'll run the specified command below when each round of blackjack starts. If you want
# to use this, then set the below to 'true' and specify your command.
custom-command: false
command: "/Example $amount$"

# New messages
bet-max-message: "&cThe maximum you can bet is $amount$!"
bet-min-message: "&cThe minimum you can bet is $amount$!"
taxxed: "&c-$amount$ taxed."
2.1 Or delete your config.yml and let a new one generate if you do not want to copy and paste the new options.
3. Reload/restart and done!
----------, May 12, 2019


What's new?

- Support for 1.14+

Plugin is now compatible 1.8-1.14

How to install
1. Just replace the jar, that's it!
----------, May 6, 2019


What's new?

+ Fixed NPE discovered by @starnos

How to update
1. Download and install v1.3.1
2. Reload or restart
----------, Mar 28, 2019


What's new?

Hello! Yes, I still update this plugin and will continue too.. just give me ideas and I'll do my best to get them done.

+ Player stats. Do /blackjack <player> to see a player's wins, losses, and w/l ratio

+ A tutorial. It is a simple tutorial that just vomits words, this will be made more elegant. Click on the paper in the blackjack inventory to see.

How to update
1. Download/install v1.3
2. Delete your config.yml to see new messages, or add these to it.
Code (Text):
number-or-player: "&cIncorrect args! /blackjack <amount> or /blackjack <player>"

   - "&eWelcome to this BlackJack tutorial! To cancel, type &ccancel"
   - "&eThe goal of the game is to get as close to a score of 21 without going over, and beat the dealer by having a higher score. "
   - "&eCards 2-10 are worth their face value (4 of Spades is worth 4)."
   - "&eKings, Jacks, and Queens are worth 10. Ace is worth 1 or 11, depending on what is better for the player."
   - "&e'Hitting' is when you want another card, but you take the risk of going over 21 and losing."
   - "&e 'Standing' is when you are confident with your cards, and want to end the game."
   - "&eThanks for playing!"
3. Reload/restart and done
----------, Mar 26, 2019


What's new?

- Added the player's score for players who are new to blackjack
- Added a new tutorial that is not fully done yet, but the messages are here.

New messages to add to config
Code (Text):
tutorial-name: "&eDon't know how to play? Click me!"
   - "&eWelcome to this BlackJack tutorial! To cancel, type &ccancel"
   - "&eThe goal of the game is to get as close to a score of 21 without going over, and beat the dealer by having a higher score. "
   - "&eCards 2-10 are worth their face value (4 of Spades is worth 4)."
   - "&eKings, Jacks, and Queens are worth 10. Ace is worth 1 or 11, depending on what is better for the player."
   - "&e'Hitting' is when you want another card, but you take the risk of going over 21 and losing."
   - "&e 'Standing' is when you are confident with your cards, and want to end the game."
   - "&eThanks for playing!"
----------, Jan 31, 2019


What's new?

- Added a new config option and feature called "overflow", where a player can bet more money than they have.

Add the following to your config.yml

Code (YAML):

# This is a toggle of whether or not players should be allowed to bet more money than they currently have
: false
# If the above is set to true, this is the max amount they can bet of money theey don't have
: 1000
How to install
1. Get rid of old jar
2. Add the text above to your config.yml
3. Replace with v1.2 and reload/restart!
----------, Jan 19, 2019


Thanks to @Hex_27, I've been able to add support for 1.8 very easily (XMaterial class)

If you're running 1.13 there is no need to update.

How to update:
1. Replace old jar with v1.1
2. Reload/restart
----------, Jan 15, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 9,875
First Release: Jan 10, 2019
Last Update: Aug 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
35 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings