What's new?
- Added the player's score for players who are new to blackjack
- Added a new tutorial that is not fully done yet, but the messages are here.
New messages to add to config
Code (Text):
tutorial-name: "&eDon't know how to play? Click me!"
- "&eWelcome to this BlackJack tutorial! To cancel, type &ccancel"
- "&eThe goal of the game is to get as close to a score of 21 without going over, and beat the dealer by having a higher score. "
- "&eCards 2-10 are worth their face value (4 of Spades is worth 4)."
- "&eKings, Jacks, and Queens are worth 10. Ace is worth 1 or 11, depending on what is better for the player."
- "&e'Hitting' is when you want another card, but you take the risk of going over 21 and losing."
- "&e 'Standing' is when you are confident with your cards, and want to end the game."
- "&eThanks for playing!"